OK, its Saturday and I got shit to do so I'ma run through this as fast as possible for y'all.
OK, it was a bitch move telling me she pregnant via text message and then she calls the next day asking me, "what you wanna do?" We had already talked about how I felt about abortions... I don't believe in 'em. So, I was like, "I'ma man baby....I can handle this." I'll never forget these words she said to me, "Yeah, but the choice is there, just not to be abused." This got me to thinking and after 2 days we talk again and I say I agree with her, only now she done changed her mind. She's telling me stuff like, "I don't know if I wanna kill my baby." Just 48 hours earlier you were on this other shit!?! WTF??!!
So this creates more civil unrest, tension, fussing etc. A few weeks go by and with more talks and explaining she say she'll go to get abortion if I'll make appointment. I made an appointment, she don't wanna go to that one 'cuz she don't know about 'em. She wanna go to the one that her friend went to....I make an appointment there, I know I made at least 3 different appointments, all 2 weeks apart. The day of the final appointment came and her dad had came in town from California, I don't think he knew she was pregnant yet. So they were spending time together and she said that she'd get him to take her, and she stopped answering her phone.
We didn't talk for some months or so, because I thought she went through with it and was still upset that she ain't answer her phone.
She end up calling me for something, and I ask if she went to the appointment and she confessed that she hadn't.... I was IRATE AS HELL. WHAT THE FUCK, AND YOU JUST NOW TELLING ME WHEN YOU TWO MONTHS?!?!?! She saying stuff like, I didn't wanna kill my baby...etc etc. "But this...But that.... You was pressuring me and stressing me out thats why I stopped answering the phone". Now she wanna make it work, invite me over to talk. She wasn't showing yet. I made her suck my dick and fucked the shit out of her, AFTER I MADE HER FEEL HORRIBLE DURING THE TALK WE HAD. She couldn't suck dick good, but she loved the STRONG dick fucking her hard.
I did that a few more times and cut her off totally again. Stopped calling and everything, my buddies telling me "you better go see that bitch, see if she really pregnant. She might just be fucking w/ you." Two different of my friends told me that, and one of 'em finally saw her at the gas station he worked at and told me that she was showing. Then the two different friends were saying that "it probably ain't yours". These niggas don't even know each other, so it was sinking in. After a some months, she calls and leaves a voicemail saying that "I had your baby, I'm at the hospital in ### room, on ## floor." I take some time to myself, get dressed, go down there. I called the number back she called from and got no answer, so I just went to the room she told me to. I walk in and her other baby-daddy, whom I had never met in person,
was sitting there beside the bed with the remote, just clicking away like he ain't never seen cable before!!! WHATS UP WIT THAT???
I wasn't mad 'cuz I didn't know the nigga and he wasn't why I was there. She was surprised by me, but let me hold the baby and I sat there for a while holding the baby and staring at her(the baby). The bitch gon' ask me "you alright?" then turn to the other nigga and ask him "you alright?"
The fuck is up with that? The whole time I was there, he never got up.
I needed a break, some fresh air, so I got up and dipped for a few minutes. Called a nurse buddy and asked how long do I have to wait to get the DNA test, she says I can ask the doctor to do it while they were still at the hospital. I thought this over for a few days, wasn't sure of how to ask for a DNA test, wasn't sure of her reaction, and wasn't sure if I even wanted her to know. By the time I was ready for the DNA test, she was out the hospital. So I arranged to pick the baby up one Saturday about a month or so later. I got back to my crib and the DNA man was waiting on me.... I still got his card
*Paternity Testing
*Fast Results
*Private & Court Admissible Testing
He took the swabs....waited 2 weeks..................and


when he told me over the phone I felt every one of those emotions
To end it, what the brother said earlier in this thread about "dealing w/ women of low character and with no self discipline being a reflection of yourself" is so true. So I still kick myself in the ass for even dealing with her, because my even being in that situation is a reflection of my bad judge of character..... Even though I came out of it with minimal damage, I wasn't unscathed.