I have dual residency in Brazil. I'm not knocking anyone. I'm just saying... like anywhere, you don't meet the best looking women in tourist traps just like you wouldn't meet them in your city in the tourist trap areas. So I can tell you that without a doubt that people who just go there for a couple of weeks and stay in tourist areas and don't speak Portuguese are dealing with the bottom of the barrel women. A really beautiful woman with her shit together wouldn't get caught dead in any of the spots that tourists frequent in Rio for the fear of being labeled.
Most of the chicks I see getting posted in the Brazil threads on here are busted by Brazilian standards... well if not busted 6s at best. Back when I was single, I could have taken people to some places that would have blown their minds.
My friend runs a Carnaval Bloco in Rio... man.. some of the women (mainly from the Samba schools) at some of his parties were ridiculous.
The girls in the terms, club help, etc are overrated....but most people don't know that because they never get out of that scene.
hey I am in total agreement with you, Im just saying how some people thing those terms are offensive...
when to me its laughable... but you are a hunid thousand, and I agree, you dont really know a place till you lived there for a couple of months...
there are so many facets to any area, and tourist traps just create an illusion, to get as much money as they can from you...
Im not sayin thats the case with the op, Im just sayin in general you are correct...
and its the best way to learn a new language...
I love chocolate sisters, so when I go I would spend most of my time in bahia...
if you dont mind me askin, what race do you happen to be and where are you originally from..?