Zazie Beetz is Beautiful


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Posting this before the repost ninjas get on




Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
So she inherited the bedwenching :dunno:

I noticed ones with white fathers tend to emulate their mothers.
I always looked at it like u gonna do what your same sex parent did

Pat married somebody who looked like his mama

And Z is with somebody who looks like her Father

It’s always follow the opposite

That’s why when Black athletes get with a cac (Jrue Randle ect) it looks forced and confusing cause it’s no relation on why would u do that.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I think I've said this on here before, but I used to rock with a chick that grew up in Germany. First time we ever got together, she was like; "You ever done this? Cause if you with me you gonna be." I was like :dance:

She said ninja, you aint nothing special, over there, ALL them girls is Zod worshippers. That's just how we get down

So now, every time I see Zazie....
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