Sure he can.... Stop it Bruh... Dude is a fucking tomato can. Wards been back for damn near 2 years. How many bums does he need to tune up against!?!?
So Ward went 12 rounds with a 40 year old tomato can and couldn't close the show or look supremely impressive against him. Curious to see how the boxing heads here will spin this fight....![]()
I agree this guy is indeed a bum, but whatever. Ward will be in a great bout come November, so I can't totally fault him for a few one-sided tune up fights.
Spin what? It was your typical Ward fight.
I can... because if this was GGG, or Kovalev, etc. people would be bitching about their competition. I was good for him doing this in his first couple of fights in his comeback, but this is his what, 4th or 5th fight?!?! Double standard here man. There is no way in hell he should be fighting bums like this guy at this level of his career... I look at fighters he's rated higher than in the PFP ratings, Crawford, etc. fighters who are fighting competition and looking amazingly impressive, yet Ward keeps getting a pass for fighting Bums.
How much longer will he be given a pass and riding the coat tails of wins years ago against Froch and a Dawson who came down in weight to fight him?!?!
Try 3rd fight. Ward hasn't been completely healthy, so there have been layoffs/recovery periods.
LOL @ you trying to compare Ward fighting tuneups to GGG who has made a CAREER off fighting tuneups. Anyhow, I've agreed that this was a meaningless fight, but at least there's a potentially great fight on the horizon...Can't say that about GGG.
I'm not clowning Ward, Love him and think he is an amazing fighter. Talking about double standard here. Again, this fight tonight was an embarrassment and a waste of time. Outside of Froch and a drained Dawson, who has Ward really beat? Hes a beast, but its not like his record is littered with HOF boxers either Bruh. Him and Kovalev need each other...
Spin what? It was your typical Ward fight.
It was a highly paid sparring session. All I've heard so far is that Ward SHOULD have closed the show but didn't, not that he couldn't.
Kovalev looked worse in his warm-up fight.
You guys know that he's fighting Kovalev in November. Who did you expect him to fight?
That fight in Nivember is going to be epic. IfWard can win, especially by KO, he will take Floyds crown.
There is no double standard. Ward moved up and has agreed to fight the best. He took 1 garbage fight beforehand (Barrera looked to be a good scrap on paper.)
GGG is fighting a 147lb guy. There is no comparison.
It was a highly paid sparring session. All I've heard so far is that Ward SHOULD have closed the show but didn't, not that he couldn't.
Kovalev looked worse in his warm-up fight.
next fight... there is a comparison prior though... The same way Ward has had issues getting people to fight him in his weight class so has GGG. So... you're right, there is a double standard. Fight 3 straight bums... only 2 'name' wins in your entire career... top 3 PFP... Double standard like a motherfucker
Maybe, but all Ward had to was win. It didn't matter how he looked in doing so.
Win, and move on to the superfight in November.
Ward cleaned out 168 and moved up to fight the best.
GGG is content w/ fighting bums and calling out/fighting 147 fighters.
But it mattered how Kovalev looked in his last fight though?
Maybe, but all Ward had to was win. It didn't matter how he looked in doing so.
Win, and move on to the superfight in November.
Nope. Hence w/ you didn't see me mention it.
Whether he could or couldn't is opinion... He DIDN'T so that's a FACT!! But hey, whatever fits the double standard narrative...
Didn't mention it tonight, but I'm more than sure you and the other brothers were on here talking about how bad he looked at the time of his fight though... Thats the usual slanted rhetoric here anyway so I'm surprised...
Just like your contention about Ward fighting Kovalev, when his FIRST priority was trying to bait the smaller GGG to come up in weigh to fight him.... But to hear everyone tell it, he's had Kovalev on his radar from day one of his comeback...
But the announcers said that he SHOULD and questioned why he DIDN'T.
Please, pull up my post about me commenting on the Kovalev vs Chilemba fight. I guarantee you won't find a post from me about it.
Please stop w/ this drivel. You and I both know that it was GGG who called out all fighters from 154 -168. Ward responded, and GGG made excuses and stipulations.
Ok.... Like I said, Ward did NOT call out Kovalev first, but was more than ready to do with GGG what you are bitching about GGG doing with Brook... But because of the obvious bias here, it was cool for Ward to fight a smaller fighter if GGG had taken the fight, but Brook took the fight but NOW its an issue to fight a smaller fighter...
SSDD here on BGOL bruh...
Your shtick is retarded. There is no bias/agenda/double standard here.
GGG called out ALL 168lb guys. Ward didn't issue any challenges to guys 160 and below.
When it became clear that GGG wasn't ready to back up his words, Ward moved on.
Their opinions as well.. The FACT still remains... he didn't
All I cared was that he won to set up the fight. It's HBO's job to grade his performance and hype up his next fight. THEY questioned why Ward didn't knock Brand out.
Normal BGOL nonsense too... I don't agree with you, so you have to digress back to 3rd grade? You can't be that mentally weak and insecure Bruh.
Find ONE post where I attacked you personally?! So, because I don't agree with the BGOL experts its a shtick? Really difficult to have a discussion with the insecure smartest guy in the room types here. A real pathetic trait to have really, but its obviously very prevalent here...
Have a good night lil Fella....
Your routine is retarded. I didn't you call you retarded.
If you're offended, then that's on you.
jim lampley said to hopkins,"benard ,with all due respect, there were times that you were in control of the fight and i thought you should of finish your opponent and you didn't. " benard replied with " you're right".Their opinions as well.. The FACT still remains... he didn't
jim lampley said to hopkins,"benard ,with all due respect, there were times that you were in control of the fight and i thought you should of finish your opponent and you didn't. " benard replied with " you're right".
I remember several years ago after a fight, Max Kellerman asked Stevenson about fighting Kovalev, and Stevenson said people were more interested in seeing him fight Bernard Hopkins or Carl Froch, he was then booed by the crowd. Stevenson has shown absolutely no interest in fighting Kovalev. The purse bid stuff is about network control and promoter issues, has nothing to do with Kovalev not wanting to fight Stevenson.
Now I have a routine...