Graphic - Nigerian thieves burned


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They kill children accused of being witches the same way so if you call that justice better open your eyes


BGOL Investor
Stupid Muthaphucka. Corporal punishment is not a deterrent to crime. You being a PIG I would expect you to know that. Or did you fall asleep during criminal justice 101? Fuck outta here you bitch ass cop.

Explain this first and I will be glad to answer any question you have for me.



They kill children accused of being witches the same way so if you call that justice better open your eyes
Exactly. Not to mention them killing Albinos. Yet these faggot ass niggas are braying about that cultural relativism bullshit.


The Quizatz Haderach
BGOL Investor
in joburg they burn mufuckas up too
they smash mufuckas with bricks too for stealin cellphones


Its a disgrace that they call "jungle justice". If you steal in a lower class neigborhood, you are bound to be killed this way. Some victims may even be innocent. The corrupt nigerian goverment does nothing to address this shameful act. The reason why those people even do this in the first place is because of the incompetence of the Nigerian police. Criminals who are handed over to the police, can bribe them and get freed, and return to exact revenge on the citizens who handed them in. Despite the awful and painful fate that awaits a theif that is caught, people still steal.


BGOL Investor
^^^Dude, before you start getting all moral and shit about the so-called "barbarism" of Nigeria try to bear in mind that Guantanamo Bay was not conceptualized by any Nigerians.

You know fuck all about the reality of crime in Nigeria so please try to avoid generalizing.

In Nigeria, armed robbers dont step to Banks or financial institutions, they roll up on private residences and rob families at gun/machete point.

They tend to rape any females present in the homes in front of their male relatives and just straight desecrate and humiliate their victims.

So yeah, the lynching scenes may seem outrageous to you but if your Mom's, sisters, female cousins or aunts had an armed gang running train on them (God forbid) you'd be pouring that gasolene on with a quickness your damn self.:angry:

niggas here try to act like they so fucking civilized when in fact just as much barbaric shit goes on on the street everyday for str8 up bullshit....drugs,looking at the wrong female,a nigga beat you for 10 dollars....and even in the legal system capital punishment ain't pretty.....Bet you in that place there is far last theivery an murder and other forms of skullduggery....And I believe statistics would confirm that.


That shit is barbarism period. What if they were innocent. If you are in a strange neighborhood and someone accuses you of doing something you didnt do, you could end up like this. Its crazy, and I blame the nigerian goverment for this type of shit.


The irony of the situation is that those that participate in the kind of justice, are themselves criminals.


BGOL Investor
GOT-DAMN :eek::eek:... now what if one of those dudes was actually innocent

That would be unfortunate....But if you live in the hood you know "Streets Talk".....From traveling in Africa (not Nigeria)....I would bet my money that the dudes that got dealt with did the deeds..
I trust that form of determining innocence and guilt more than I do here....because it's to politicized...and racial


Son of Community
Some of you guys are ridiculous. What if they were innocent you say? In the great justice system of the USA, I guess people dont get wrongly convicted and sent to death row, huh? Puuuuullllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssseeeeeeeeeeeee:rolleyes:


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
That would be unfortunate....But if you live in the hood you know "Streets Talk".....From traveling in Africa (not Nigeria)....I would bet my money that the dudes that got dealt with did the deeds..
I trust that form of determining innocence and guilt more than I do here....because it's to politicized...and racial

I've been to Africa too Thoth...not Nigeria...and I know the streets talk but I've also seen cats get caught up in some street shit and were innocent.. just wrong place at the wrong time or just associated with the wrong folks...

we fry people in the electric chair here and we know how many innocent cats get validation through DNA tests decades later and get released..

i wasn't making any statement on the civility of this particular..i mean the shit is obviously raw as hell....I was just saying...damn.. because I know how many innocent cats get "convicted"...that's a raw ass way to go out...especially if you didn't do the shit...

I've seen cats almost go to jail over chicks lying about rapes, I'm just saying..


what did they fucking steal? because the punishment should be consistent with the crime... and I can't think of anything being worth burning a muthafucka alive.. so i would imagine the video was misnamed and these duded killed or raped someone?????


Some of you guys are ridiculous. What if they were innocent you say? In the great justice system of the USA, I guess people dont get wrongly convicted and sent to death row, huh? Puuuuullllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssseeeeeeeeeeeee:rolleyes:

convicted wrongly, yes, but not turned into a human George Forman grill.


BGOL Investor
What do you base that on?

I just grabbed these quickly....US is 24....Nigeria is not even on the list.....Iff you broke it down to crimes committed with firearms the statistics would be even more dramatic....I don't feel like putting that kind of work...but I believe this lends some credence to my point

Btw heres a vid of a robbery in B More....Think these niggas deserve to be be burned....Do you think they are more civilized than those Nigerians....and what about the girls laughing while this shit goes down.

Civilization is defined by the media....what it chooses to show and what it chooses not to....Grow Up
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That would be unfortunate....But if you live in the hood you know "Streets Talk".....From traveling in Africa (not Nigeria)....I would bet my money that the dudes that got dealt with did the deeds..
I trust that form of determining innocence and guilt more than I do here....because it's to politicized...and racial

As if street talk is filled with honesty and integrity. That form of determining innocence works on accusations even if not founded in truth. In the niger delta children were being macheted up just because the Oil company brought environmental which in turn brought diseases. Those cats frequently kill each others families based on accusations. They way it goes is like this the dude that got burnt probably has a relative thats scorned , all that relative needs to do for revenge is to stage some shit and accuse one of them and it's a wrap


if you saw the beheading of that carpenter in Iraq a few years back...that was some shit...:smh:

damn ive seen alot a shit on tha net...but this damn..:smh:

that was pretty fucked up, wasn't even expecting that so fast.

However the worst thing i've seen is the man getting murdered by 3 people (beaten by a hammer, stabbed). As opposed to "justice", they did it so people could have something to be remember them by. This is not a direct link to a video, but another place that has it. warned, very graphic.


BGOL Investor
As if street talk is filled with honesty and integrity. That form of determining innocence works on accusations even if not founded in truth. In the niger delta children were being macheted up just because the Oil company brought environmental which in turn brought diseases. Those cats frequently kill each others families based on accusations. They way it goes is like this the dude that got burnt probably has a relative thats scorned , all that relative needs to do for revenge is to stage some shit and accuse one of them and it's a wrap

I won't deny your point....But my point is Here in the US The cops can know who the culprit is and let them walk....for whatever reason....I have seen it too many times...that is why I am anti State sponsored capital punishment.......

People in the hood usually have less agendas....and for sure some of these heathens need to be dealt with...You can call it vigilantism if you like....but IMO in most cases justice would usually be served better by the community...than the Institutions...
If you are in a major city like myself everyone knows who is selling the Drugs...including the Police....yet the shit continues no matter how many innocent people are affected.....That tells me...The authorities don't give a Fuck...So if they don't ....Who Should??


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
A Nigerian man once told me this story on how this man with money had a big house in Nigeria then one day a gang of thief broke in from the roof. They were fully armed with machine guns and machetes and demanded that he hand over all his money. The old man said he was short of cash due to him working so hard to send his daughters to school. The thieves demanded he call in his two daughters to the room, once the girls arrived the bandits raped and killed them both in front of the father. After the act was completed they said, there you don't have money to spend on the girls no more, next month we will come back and you better have my money. No if those guys in the video did any as fucked up as that, then I would fly there and burn their asses myself!


BGOL Investor
I've been to Africa too Thoth...not Nigeria...and I know the streets talk but I've also seen cats get caught up in some street shit and were innocent.. just wrong place at the wrong time or just associated with the wrong folks...

we fry people in the electric chair here and we know how many innocent cats get validation through DNA tests decades later and get released..

i wasn't making any statement on the civility of this particular..i mean the shit is obviously raw as hell....I was just saying...damn.. because I know how many innocent cats get "convicted"...that's a raw ass way to go out...especially if you didn't do the shit...

I've seen cats almost go to jail over chicks lying about rapes, I'm just saying..


what did they fucking steal? because the punishment should be consistent with the crime... and I can't think of anything being worth burning a muthafucka alive.. so i would imagine the video was misnamed and these duded killed or raped someone?????

I feel you....My reaction is to the perception that all this is so dam barbaric......and It is the same or worse right here....It;s just that when you run it on the media like that without showing the same kind of thing that happens here every day peoples world views get really distorted

Mello Mello

Ballz of Adamantium
BGOL Investor
:eek: Vicious. It looks more brutal when you don't know the full story behind it. I just hope the crime fit the punishment.