► Alien megastructure mystery deepens: 'Dyson sphere' star found to be dimming dramatically AND plenty of other space / science links, articles & pics


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
stfu bitch ass niggaah. hoe ass shit you on.
Nigga I'll punch your homosexual ass right in the mouth.

Give you an excuse to cancel sucking your uncles dick this week. You know, the knob you sucked as a shorty while you used to watch designing women taking fruit notes off Meshach Taylor.

Pussass nigga.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Nigga I'll punch your homosexual ass right in the mouth.

Give you an excuse to cancel sucking your uncles dick this week. You know, the knob you sucked as a shorty while you used to watch designing women taking fruit notes off Meshach Taylor.

Pussass nigga.
cool story fuck niggaah.....
prove im a pussy niggah & prove you'll punch me in the mouth..... we both know you wont / cant you only tuff online.


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
not surprised faggot.
It's not your fault b.

It's a lot of bitch ass niggas out there who got touched up and grew up into twinkle toed muhfuckas like yourself. It's not on yall though. Yall uncles was wrong for that shit.

But then again, that does mean you got fruit genes in your DNA anyway. So maybe you never had a choice.

Ah well.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
It's not your fault b.

It's a lot of bitch ass niggas out there who got touched up and grew up into twinkle toed muhfuckas like yourself. It's not on yall though. Yall uncles was wrong for that shit.

But then again, that does mean you got fruit genes in your DNA anyway. So maybe you never had a choice.

Ah well.
cool story... doest change anything..... you still my bitch & you always respond as such. today you seem a tad bitter about it. :roflmao:


Renegade of this atomic age
WATCH: UFO filmed tailing general's helicopter during Turkish army’s failed takeover bid
A BIZARRE UFO was filmed by news crews covering the rescue of a top general during the failed military coup in Turkey, it hasemerged.
PUBLISHED: 16:14, Sun, Nov 20, 2016 | UPDATED: 17:46, Sun, Nov 20, 2016


Clips of the news footage from July 16, a day after the failed takeover, have been uploaded to YouTube with a strange object seen in the sky in the background highlighted.

The recording shows the rescue, from pro-coup military, of the Chief of General Staff Hulusi Akar.

He was brought to Çankaya Lodge by helicopter before the UFO was recorded in the distance for around three seconds.

Some alien conspiracy theorists have claimed that aliens monitor significant world events, and kept a close watch of the failed coup.

A UFO was recorded by news crews covering the Turkish coup.



Renegade of this atomic age
UFO Spotted During the Supermoon?

By Jessica F
Nov 18, 2016 05:02 AM EST

UFO hunters claim to have spotted two UFOs transition the supermoon

The biggest supermoon in the last 70 years was spotted last Nov. 14, but some say a strange light was accompanying the Earth's satellite that UFO hunters believe to be a UFO sighting.

Videos of the strange dot during the Supermoon event surfaced on the Internet. A Youtube channel showed a video where two unidentified flying objects were seen crossing the supermoon on Nov. 12. The uploader claimed that the footage, taken with a pretty advanced set of equipment is proof that a UFO just passed by the moon. The UFO crossing the moon was reportedly spotted in the Arizona sky, according to an article by RT.

"While taking video of the Supermoon, with NexStar 6se telescope, UFOs do a fly by. The camera was a Sony CX500V Handycam HD, 5X optical zoom, manual focus at .9m, max view 40 lens for a 38X telescope magnification. The UFOs appear to have distortion surrounding them, perhaps bending light," the Youtube channel administrator said in the caption of the video.

The video almost reached the 500-thousand view mark on Youtube. Based on the video, there are two unidentified flying objects or UFOs seen crossing the moon that night. Top UFO hunter and blogger Scott Waring said the footage is a valid evidence of a UFO sighting that, interestingly, coincides with the supermoon phenomena.

"This is strange. A UFO in orbit that possesses a haze mist around it. The object is solid, because if it was translucent, we would be able to see the light of the moon through it," Alien hunter Scott Waring said in astatement. "I strongly believe that the area around it is due to the alien propulsion because the haze has been seen in thousands of UFO photos before," Waring added.

However, not everyone is convinced. Some experts say the spots could be just helium balloons in the sky, some say they might just be leaves flying with the wind. But with the number of Youtube views, alien hunters, and conspiracy theorists who believe it to be true, it will be hard to negate the presence of UFOs in the video.



Rising Star
OCTOBER 10, 2016


Yesterday, we published an article detailing the most recent leaks made by Wikileaks’ Julian Assange, which included the disclosure of more emails connected to the Clinton Campaign. This time, it was John Podesta’s account, showing multiple emails from Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 astronaut, showing how Mitchell (1940-2016) had big plans, and big meetings set up.

Edgar Mitchell was very active in moving the “disclosure” process by discussing the matter with various contacts inside of the White House and Pentagon, along with the Disclosure Project’s Dr. Steven Greer.

Here is one of the emails that was recently released by Wikileaks, and it mentions the Vatican:

“Dear John, As 2015 unfolds, I understand you are leaving the Administration in February. It is urgent that we agree on a date and time to meet to discuss Disclosure and Zero Point Energy, at your earliest available after your departure. My Catholic colleague Terri Mansfield will be there too, to bring us up to date on the Vatican’s awareness of ETI. Another colleague is working on a new Space Treaty, citing involvement with Russia and China. However with Russia’s extreme interference in Ukraine, I believe we must pursue another route for peace in space and ZPE on Earth. I met with President Obama’s Honolulu childhood friend, US Ambassador Pamela Hamamoto on July 4 at the US Mission in Geneva, when I was able to tell her briefly about Zero Point Energy. I believe we can enlist her as a confidante and resource in our presentation for President Obama. I appreciate Eryn’s assistance in working with Terri to set up our meeting.” (source)

The Vatican & ETs
As you can imagine, the topic of extraterrestrial life dives into various sub-topics, and one of them is the religious interpretation of extraterrestrials, and there are many.

The first step, however, seems to be to have religious people accept the fact that ‘ET’ doesn’t have to contradict what they believe in.

These mofo about to make a ZPM


Renegade of this atomic age
Did female astronaut warn of imminent alien invasion of Earth before 'attempted overdose?'
In a six minute YouTube clip by conspiracy theorists UFOmania it claims Claudie Haigneré was trying to warn the Earth about life in outer space

20:47, 18 NOV 2016
UPDATED21:01, 18 NOV 2016


France’s first female astronaut allegedly warned of an alien invasion in harrowing screams before she attempted suicide , a shocking video claims.

Claudie Haigneré reportedly had to “be restrained” after yelling “Earth must be warned" just before she fell into a coma after allegedly taking an overdose of sleeping pills.

It is then claimed that her laboratory where she allegedly worked on human/alien DNA research was destroyed by fire.

In a six minute YouTube clip by conspiracy theorists UFOmania it claims the 59-year-old was trying to warn the Earth about life in outer space.

There is speculation the clip resurfaced this week after the mysterious death of alien hunter Max Spiers last month.


Did female astronaut warn of aliens before suicide attempt
Spiers was found dead on a sofa at a friend's home in Poland days after warning his mother to “investigate” if anything happened to him.

Friends also claim he had vomited a black liquid before his death.

In December 2008, Claudie was rushed to hospital after allegedly taking an overdose.

It was reported that she was found conscious but had to be restrained while screaming, “Earth must be warned!” before lapsing into a coma.

What is the true story of the 'UFO' house left abandoned for 30 years? Mob boss, nude colony or ALIENS
At the time she blamed the incident on “burnout syndrome” but alien enthusiasts believe she was trying to get out the eerie message.

In the YouTube clip a robot voice claims: “She had to be forcefully restrained after screaming ‘Earth must be warned!’


At the time she blamed the incident on “burnout syndrome” but alien enthusiasts believe she was trying to get out the eerie message

“More ominously, her laboratory where she worked at the forefront of human/alien DNA research was destroyed by fire.”

The video uses quotes from real reports by news agency AFP, but they’re taken out of context, and spliced with additional information - leading many to believe the report is fake.

Did UFOs cause major New Zealand earthquake? Conspiracy theorists question bizarre lights before quake
Esteemed scientist Claudie was a backup crew member for the 1993 Mir Altaïr mission, which included her future husband, Jean-Pierre Haigneré.

She then went on to become the first European woman to visit the International Space Station in 2001.

After retiring from space work, Claudie entered French politics but she is now the director of the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie — the largest science museum in Europe.



Rising Star
BGOL Legend

Have no fear, the end is near /

I might as well go and drink a beer /

And admire the T&A of Sunday's Leaders of NFL Cheer /

Otherwise I will be scared and fear /

Alien invasions - and I lack any Anti-UFO gear ...


Renegade of this atomic age

UFO 'sightings' across Turkey spark #UFOAttack frenzy (VIDEO, PHOTOS)
Published time: 30 Nov, 2016 16:40Edited time: 1 Dec, 2016 10:47
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Residents across Turkey shared photos and videos on social media of an alleged UFO hovering over the country, using the hashtag #ufoattacktoturkey.
Some social media users were apparently even convinced an alien invasion was imminent.

Some had enough spare time to make a video compilation of the sighting. Popular UFO hunters ‘SecureTeam10’ posted footage on YouTube which has racked up almost half a million views since it was posted.

However, all was indeed not as it appeared, and imagery used in the video had initially been posted by Turkish social media user, or users, 'Goygoyrail' as a hoax. They later released a statement online about the "UFO activity" saying that it had been "cheerful and entertaining activity".

Doubtful News writes that some of the images distributed in the hoax date back to previously debunked UFO 'sightings' in Italy and Chile.

Many people saw the funny side of things as the Turkish 'sighting' claims went viral. Turkish MP Aykut Erdoğdu even referenced them in a tweet, saying: “we might all be losing it.”



Renegade of this atomic age
Glistening UFO spotted ‘changing shape’ as it hovers above city in broad daylight

The shimmering object - eerily similar to another spotted recently in Turkey - was filmed over Houston, Texas, last week.
MESMERISING footage has emerged showing a mysterious UFO hovering in the sky and appearing to change shape.

Amateur video shot by a member of the public in Houston, Texas, shows the unidentified object glistening as it travels through the sky.

UFO spotted 'changing shape' as it hovers above above Houston

This shimmering UFO was sighted in the sky over Houston, Texas

The object appears to change shape as it moves across the sky

The UFO appears as no more than a bright speck against the blue background of the clear sky.

But when zoomed in, stills from the footage show the shiny object appears to change shape as it moves.

It morphs from fat to skinny as it glides along before disappearing behind a building.

The cameraman is able to follow it for several minutes before the mysterious object vanished for good.

The stunned witness described what they saw in a statement quoted on UFO spotting website the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON).

They claimed they had just stepped out of a car at 3.15pm on November 23 when the object first appeared.


Renegade of this atomic age
PICTURED: Bizarre 'LIVING UFO' emerging from 'portal' snapped over Hollywood Hills
PARANORMAL investigators are looking at two bizarre pictures that were taken simultaneously over the Hollywood Hills, in California.
PUBLISHED: 14:39, Wed, Nov 30, 2016 | UPDATED: 15:06, Wed, Nov 30, 2016


The 'UFO' can be seen to the right of the band of light

The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) has been sent the pictures of a strange beam of light from the sky and an bizarre looking UFO that were taken within moments of each other.

The unnamed photographer said they witnessed nothing unusual at the time, but saw the strange anomalies when later reviewing the images.

US-based MUFON is the largest organisation in the world dedicated to the investigation of UFO and alien phenomena.

In a brief report to MUFON, the witness said: "Took some pictures and noticed some objects."

The pictures are said to have been taken yesterday, and the report was filed with MUFON today.

In the first image, there appears to be a "portal-like" beam of blue light coming down from the sky, which distorts the trees as it passes over them.

There is a small dark "UFO" object to the right of it.


The bizarre 'jellyfish UFO'


The UFO in close up

The second picture is of a slightly different area of the hills, and in closer zoom.

It includes a weird "translucent jelly-like UFO" which appears to have three dots inside it.

Some UFO chasers claim that UFOs can be organic living entities themselves which travel through portals without the need for spacecrafts.

Speaking about an earlier "jellyfish UFO" picture sent to MUFON, blogger Scott C waring said: "They are less common than the flying disks that are often seen, but still many have argued that they are not ships, but living, intelligent beings.

"If that's true, then they probably can travel though space without the need of a spacecraft. Similar Jellyfish UFOs have been seen during spacewalks on the space station live cam."


Renegade of this atomic age
Are aliens harvesting energy from the sun? UFO hunters claim to have found evidence for star lifting in Nasa images

By Libby Plummer For Mailonline07:36 EST 05 Dec 2016, updated 08:55 EST 05 Dec 2016


  • Conspiracy theorists believe alien spacecraft may be circling our sun
  • A YouTube posted a video, claimed to be based on pictures from Nasa
  • The pictures show a white dot near then sun, joined by a 'connecting line'
  • One UFO thinks this is an alien spacecraft zooming away after recharging
Alien spacecraft could be surrounding the sun in order to harvest solar energy.

At least, that is the latest claim made by UFO hunters who believe that they have spotted evidence for star lifting in images taken by Nasa.

The image appears to show an unidentified white dot joined to the sun by a 'connected line'.


Aliens could be surrounding the sun in order to harvest solar energy. That's the latest claim made by UFO hunters who believe that they've spotted evidence in images from Nasa. The image appears to show an unidentified white dot joined to the sun by a 'connected line'

Star lifting is a general name to describe any process by which civilisations could remove material from a star, and use it for themselves.

This could involve a Dyson sphere, a swarm of satellites that surrounds a star, or other methods.

Many star lifting mechanisms involve harnessing solar wind, for example.

The idea is popular in science fiction.

In the series Stargate Universe, the Ancient ship Destiny is fuelled by plasma from stars.

In the Star Wars franchise of Knights of the Old Republic, the Star Forge is capable of star lifting.

Star lifting is a general name to describe any process by which civilisations could remove material from a star, and use it for themselves.

A video uploaded last week by YouTube user Streetcap1 was posted with the caption: 'Is this a massive UFO feeding off sun energy?'.

While the uploader admits to being initially sceptical, they appear to have been convinced the image may well show some sort of alien activity.

'The fact that the UFO is a different colour and shape to the rest of the "Connected Line" is what convinced me to upload this,' they said.

'I was not a great believer in this Plasma SUN Energy Theory, but this has got me thinking'.

UFO hunter Scott C. Waring from UFOSightingsDaily.com also believes the image shows evidence of aliens.

'The UFO may have beenusing the sun's energy to fuel itself or to recharge in some way, but it's leaving at high speed, he said.

video testimony, Dona Hare says the space agency covered up a series of UFO sighting that they codenamed 'Santa Claus'.

NASA contractor explains UFO NASA 'conspiracy' theory

Hare claims she was told by numerous sources, which she does not name, about three UFOs that landed shortly after one of the moon landings.

Not only is she accusing Nasa of hiding UFOs from the public, she has also stated the agency has doctored and obscured thousands of photos. She went on record to state the agency erases anomalies from pictures before selling them to the public.

During her time at Nasa, she was employed as an illustrator and photographic slide technician and received many awards for her work.

She claims Nasa threatened those who dared speak about the UFO sightings or airbrushed pictures.


A Martian researcher discovered a black cube ‘orbiting’ the sun. This isn’t the first time a mysterious square has been spotted in the sun’s vicinity and some claim this is Nasa’s way of covering up alien spacecraft that get caught in the images


Renegade of this atomic age
Is there an alien base INSIDE A VOLCANO? 'UFO hovering over' active mount sparks frenzy


The "UFO" over the volcano

A UFO has reportedly been spotted hovering over an active volcano, sparking a sensational claim that there is an alien base inside the magma mount.
PUBLISHED: 13:31, Mon, Dec 5, 2016UPDATED: 14:30, Mon, Dec 5, 2016

Footage uploaded to YouTube by Marte Salas appears to show a bright orb that changes direction to hover over the mouth of the Popocatepetl volcano, in Mexico, before suddenly turning.

It then appears to leave and move away, becoming smaller in the distance.

It was seen on the live cam, which constantly monitors the regularly erupting peak, on Tuesday.

UFO blogger Scott C Waring has picked up on the footage to make the outlandish claim.

He regularly suggests that aliens have bases here on earth, and they are deep inside volcanoes - because it is one of the last places you would expect to find anyone.

Mr Waring makes the claim despite there being no scientific evidence for it happening or any explanation of how any beings could withstand the heat inside.

He wrote on website ufosightingsdaily.com: "This UFO is very similar to the one that flew over Temple Mount at the holy place of Dome of Rock back in 2011.

"This UFO seems to slow down just when its over the volcano mouth before it leaves.

"At this moment it probably beamed someone or something up or down from the alien base below the volcano.

"There is no way that this is a helicopter or plane, because this is a live volcano that has massive bursts of burning lava shoot out every few day... it's off limits to all low air traffic."

However, he failed to discount the possibility of it being a drone.

Drones have been known to be used to get up close to erupting volcanoes to avoid putting anyone at risk, while securing dramatic footage


Renegade of this atomic age
Another UFO Sighting Spotted In Texas: Could UFO’s Really Be Shape Shifters?

Dec 04, 2016 01:26 PM EST

With The Growing Claims Of UFO Sighting This Year, Could This Answer All The Speculations Why We Haven’t Found Any Concrete Evidence? Can Aliens Be Shape Shifters? Find Out What Authorities Have To Say

A number of UFO enthusiasts were once again thrilled after a mysterious object has been recently spotted to be floating through skies of Texas. Last November 23, a video footage has quickly circulated online like a wildfire after is has allegedly captured the strange silver-gray shape, which appeared over downtown Houston at about 3:15pm.

Are Aliens The Real Shape Shifters?

In one of his statement reported by Mirror, the eyewitness who took a shot of the video said that within the video's duration, the UFO has allegedly appeared to change its shape over a period of around four minutes.The witness claimed that he was able to notice the reflection of light in the sky, and it was stationary at first, but as we was looking at it, that was when it started moving and has appeared to change in shape .

According to Daily Mail, the mutual UFO network (MUFON) is now investigating the sighting, and looking for an explanation. It was found that while some are convinced that flying saucers exist, experts believe that most sightings turn out to be just man-made objects such as weather balloons or satellites, or down to natural phenomenon like ball lightening or meteors.

On the other hand, a map that records UFO sightings which created last year has shown that Houston has a relatively low amount of UFO sightings compared to the rest of the country; especially the southeastern parts known to be the site where the US military conducts several test flights. Statistically speaking, it was found that in Harris County alone, the county which Houston is located in, there were 8.8 sightings per 100,000 people, as per the National UFO Reporting Center's data.

Ultimately, although UFO enthusiasts are convinced that the object appeared to be morphing or changing shape as it floated across the sky, some remain to be skeptic about the footage and had dismissed the speculation that it was an extraterrestrial craft, saying it was likely only a drone or a cluster of balloons.