16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, shame

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Apparently 16 year old Chicago rapper Lil Jojo was shot and killed a few hours ago: It's blowin' up on the Social Network sites...shame. Jo Jo's rival group braggin' about the murder on FACEBOOK, twitter, and YOUTUBE....fuckin' shame

here's lil dude:

got this from another message board:

"What's makes matters worse is that he posted a video yesterday on youtube of himself taunting Lil Reese (another young Chicago rapper) and in the video Reese can be heard saying "Ima kill you." Not saying that one has anything to do with the other, but.... "


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Platinum Member
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

He yelling gang names so I'm assuming it was going to happen sooner than later especially with damn youtube videos promoting the ignorance.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

I was just about to post his "BDK" video in tha Lil Wayne / Lil Mouse thread:(

What is happening to all these shorty??? It's like they just don't value life at all.


BGOL Legend
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

Jojo deadddddd aha

hitsquadtaliban1017 2 hours ago

lil reese clearly said "i will kill you"

there's not gonna be a NEXT TIME.

NikThaQuik in reply to Squadlife32 (Show the comment) 15 minutes ago

this young man died over a drive by argument?

Willstyles125 30 minutes ago 2

damn reese dont play

TwoKaze 34 minutes ago 3


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

I was just about to post his "BDK" video in tha Lil Wayne / Lil Mouse thread:(

What is happening to all these shorty??? It's like they just don't value life at all.

According to some, niggas die everyday so I guess we need to stfu and get over it!​


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

From Twitter:

@AmpDTE: Jo Jo Was 16, Het Got Hit 17 Times So Dats A Bullet Fa Each Year He Was On Dis Earth Plus Da 17th 1 Which Was At His Forehead, Rest In Piss.


World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

From Twitter:

@AmpDTE: Jo Jo Was 16, Het Got Hit 17 Times So Dats A Bullet Fa Each Year He Was On Dis Earth Plus Da 17th 1 Which Was At His Forehead, Rest In Piss.



Rising Star
OG Investor
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

Rap neighborhood beef??? Not even. He clearly died over some gang shit hollin' about BDK.

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

Rap neighborhood beef??? Not even. He clearly died over some gang shit hollin' about BDK.

They were dissin' each other through the rap songs and it was a beef....And it's not mutually exclusive, you can be a member of a gang and rap too, ...no use in gettin' technique...


Rising Star
OG Investor
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

you can be a member of a gang and rap too

No shit. Niggas that's really 'bout that would kill niggas for throwin' up K's behind their mobs/decks/sets/etc. before killin' a nigga over some rap shit. Da set would come before any of that rap shit.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha



Rising Star
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

As silly as it is, but you dont ride through nobody turf yelling & set trippin like they was doing that video above. He was disrespecting the game. The game aint played like that ,unless you really want funk.


Dinner is now being served.
BGOL Investor
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha



gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

:smh: Twitter, YouTube, and all this shit is being used by these hood fucks like ghosts used shit in the movie Pulse. :smh:

He got killed, but the comments are just fucked. Ignorance uniting through technology like Voltron.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

wake me up when lil mouse gets treated the same way.

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

No shit. Niggas that's really 'bout that would kill niggas for throwin' up K's behind their mobs/decks/sets/etc. before killin' a nigga over some rap shit. Da set would come before any of that rap shit.
it was a RAP diss, that spilled over to other areas...End of STORY


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

:smh: Twitter, YouTube, and all this shit is being used by these hood fucks like ghosts used shit in the movie Pulse. :smh:

He got killed, but the comments are just fucked. Ignorance uniting through technology like Voltron.

i think the cycle of ignorance escapes you. just let these kids live their lives; it wont be a long one, but its a good example to show to kids who are thinking of getting involved with ignorant folks.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

i think the cycle of ignorance escapes you. just let these kids live their lives; it wont be a long one, but its a good example to show to kids who are thinking of getting involved with ignorant folks.

If they were just killing each other it would be one thing, but these fuckers don't give a fuck and they are also killing innocent black youths also..:smh:
Just imagine you raising a child and he/she is bright has a good future, never into shit, then some ignorant ass snot nose, takes that child away from you... And they then have the nerve to say niggas die everyday...:smh:
Well it may not be your child this time, but it is happening everyday.


Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha


And we need another Scarface movie?

Rest in Peace. :(


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

Life is a video game to these kids.
Lets see what happens when the new GTA drops, and
see if shit gets more buck.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

Life is a video game to these kids. Lets see what happens when the new GTA drops

Nah son it aint the video games, music, movies food, liquor or drugs, according to some, it's because we's niggas and our heads aint right..:smh:
This is basically is what some members have you believing, strait KKK 101 bullshit..:angry:

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

If they were just killing each other it would be one thing, but these fuckers don't give a fuck and they are also killing innocent black youths also..:smh:
Just imagine you raising a child and he/she is bright has a good future, never into shit, then some ignorant ass snot nose, takes that child away from you... And they then have the nerve to say niggas die everyday...:smh:
Well it may not be your child this time, but it is happening everyday.

Exactly. But the way these fucks are using social media to spread ignorance is disturbing. Damn. The cancer was bad enough.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

Crazy thing is that these people might be killed too. Our youth aint shit! :smh:

did you guys not see the ending of boyz in da hood? lol you guys need to grow a pair


Imma try and make it to the funeral we gotta speak to these young cats. It's like ignorance feeding on ignorance. It's a damn shame these lil dudes are from the chi where Barack came from he should be an inspiration why do they seem so hopeless ?


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

Imma try and make it to the funeral we gotta speak to these young cats. It's like ignorance feeding on ignorance. It's a damn shame these lil dudes are from the chi where Barack came from he should be an inspiration why do they seem so hopeless ?

this clown shit is a cycle, even your post. if those guys arent turning 18 before nov 5, barry dont give a fuck about them.

look at this way: when that clown ass self incriminating punk gets his ass handed to him tomorrow night, its going to be by the very team hes cheerleading for.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

it was a RAP diss, that spilled over to other areas...End of STORY

You're COMPLETELY ignoring da GDK, BDK shit (or maybe you're clueless about it) but if you wanna believe that (b/c you don't wanna be wrong) then go ahead. :dunno:
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Rick Ronson

Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha


he seemed like such a good kid with a bright future :smh:

just like the rest of them sorry single mom raised mothafuckas.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

it was a RAP diss, that spilled over to other areas...End of STORY

Nah, bro them lil dudes on Normal/Lamron been at war.
This was some street shit that spilled over to rap.
I never knew how much these lil niggas was bangin,
because the slang& codes they use, you would have
to be from their area to understand or be 16yrs old.

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

Nah, bro them lil dudes on Normal/Lamron been at war.
This was some street shit that spilled over to rap.
I never knew how much these lil niggas was bangin,
because the slang& codes they use, you would have
to be from their area to understand or be 16yrs old.

Ok, I'm not from that area ....so I'll take your word for it. It's just too bad promising young brothas and sistas have to killed over some dumb shit...:smh::smh:

Rick Ronson

Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

I mean seriously though.

Where was that little nigga headed? (fast)

ijs :dunno: