But, that doesn't explain Charlamagne. Even if I know he doesn't give a fuck about being violated, why would I air some shit like that, especially knowing young fans are listening. Let Chief Keef put himself on blast. Don't slob his nob while throwing him under the bus for young kids listening pleasure. That nigga tries too hard to be edgy and entertaining.If you read that Fader article, he doesn't give a fuck about da terms of his probation/parole.
I enjoyed reading this.
Couldn't have had a better ending.
If Charlamagne KNOWS this kid is 16 and possibly getting piss tested on probation, WHY would he put him on blast for smelling like Kush???Did this nigga just sneak dry snitch?
why is he even on probation? That's what you should be asking..l
Shootin' at the police or pointin' a gun at 'em...sum'n like that.
Is it an either/or situation? Either ask one question or the other, not both?Why is the 16 year old violating his probation? Better yet, why is he even on probation? That's what you should be asking..l
These lil niggas talk too much. I assume the tweeters will be spending some quality time at the precinct soon.
it was a RAP diss, that spilled over to other areas...End of STORY
Wait. Is it true Chief Keef is autistic???
I remember when gucci got into it wit jeezy and some cte niggas tried to set gucci up
Gucci let em have it and he got off
I remember when gucci got into it wit jeezy and some cte niggas tried to set gucci up
Gucci let em have it and he got off
Wait. Is it true Chief Keef is autistic???
I remember when gucci got into it wit jeezy and some cte niggas tried to set gucci up
Gucci let em have it and he got off
Judging from his actions, he has all the symptoms. The nigga can't look people in the eye, can barely hold a conversation, seems really shy. A lot of our little black brothers are autistic but there people never took the time to get that shit diagnosed. Shit is rampant. I thought my own son was autistic for a minute, but thye nurses and Dr.'s swear I'm tripping.![]()
We are in self-destruct mode.
They don't need structure or understanding when it comes to being in the streets because they have something thats above all of that.Real life examples of what will happen to them if they live that lifestyle.These kids don't have the structure to understand that once you start playing in that darkness it sucks you in.
uhh two quick things
1) bragging about killing someone on facebook, twitter, and youtube...with your real picture as your avatar...what happened trying to conceal a crime? Being a detective these days must be the easiest job in the world, these killers are doing all the work for you.
2)That's a beautiful neighborhood. Big houses, lush lawns...
Good post!These kids don't have the structure to understand that once you start playing in that darkness it sucks you in.
GD's and BD's come from Devils Disciples. These kids are 9 and 10 when they vow to kill anyone who disrespects the name of their gang or their King. All their codes either relate to killing anyone who disrespects the gang or not killing other Disciples. I wonder if these kids even know their history or the history of the gangs they are willing to die for.
This shit has been going on in Chicago for a very long time.
Nobody with enough power to stop it cares. What their doing and why their doing it is obvious to anyone, they are writing songs about it, videotaping it, doing interviews talking about it. They just want attention they want to not be invisible. So they smoke loud talk loud bang bang and hope their name rings bells. They advertise market and televise not for money but simply so they feel like something.
What does a 9 year old do when they feel scared, worthless. Family doesn't give a shit and society clearly doesn't give a shit. How do you develop your self worth in an environment where your worthless unless you make people notice you make people respect you. Well what is respect in the Jungle. Violence. So from 9 to 16 they practice violence then when they hit 18-20 it spirals to death or jail. It's a quick fast ride that unfortunately these kids hop on before they even know where it is going. Then once their on their is no getting off unless your really lucky.
Naw, these niggas are using that gang shit as a crutch to do bogish shit. These lil niggas dont honor shit. Chicago will get worse and worse as the years go by.They don't need structure or understanding when it comes to being in the streets because they have something thats above all of that.Real life examples of what will happen to them if they live that lifestyle.
Im sure alot of what is going on is now beyond gang ties,its simply retaliation,a death for a death,and eye for an eye.