A search is underway for missing submarine that takes people to see Titanic..


Transnational Member




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's been well over a week now, and I'm still bugging over the fact that this "vessel" was run by the same shitty controller I use to play Stardew Valley. It serves it's purpose here, but my point stands.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

Christine also said OceanGate recommended the passengers download their favorite tunes onto their phones so they could listen to the tracks on a Bluetooth speaker for what was supposed to be a four-hour expedition.

Country music, though, was barred from everyone's playlist.



Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor

Christine also said OceanGate recommended the passengers download their favorite tunes onto their phones so they could listen to the tracks on a Bluetooth speaker for what was supposed to be a four-hour expedition.

Country music, though, was barred from everyone's playlist.

Bet Celine Dion was too :lol:

..and now that company closed down

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member

What Really Happens to a Human Body at Titanic Depths​

A Millisecond-by-Millisecond Explanation​

It’s a scene straight out of a horror movie — a submersible with five souls on board implodes, deep below the ocean’s surface, at the resting place of the infamous Titanic.

Many reporters are asking if there will be an attempt to bring up the bodies.

But what actually happens to the human body in such unfathomable depths? The answer lies in the peculiar, high-pressure, high-temperature world of deep-sea physics. Join me on a journey through time — millisecond by millisecond — to explore this dark, alien realm.

The Physics of Pressure​

Before we take the plunge, let’s do a quick crash course on pressure. In everyday terms, pressure is force exerted on an area. In our normal environment, that’s air pressure. But as you descend under water, that pressure increases due to the weight of the water above. Roughly, for every 10 meters (33 feet) you descend, the pressure increases by 1 atmosphere (atm), or approximately 14.7 pounds per square inch (psi).

The Titanic wreckage lies at a depth of about 3,800 meters (12,500 feet). At that depth, the pressure is an astonishing 380 atmospheres, or about 5,600 psi. That’s equivalent to having a large elephant standing on every inch of your body.

Milliseconds of Terror​

In our dreadful scenario, let’s assume the submersible wall failed suddenly and catastrophically. What would happen to the passengers within?

The First 10 Milliseconds​

At the very moment the hull breaches, there’s an immediate equalization of pressure. The air inside the submersible, previously at a comfortable 1 atmosphere, must now contend with the 380 atmospheres outside.

The results are explosive. Literally.

Pascals are a unit of pressure. At this depth, the pressure on all sides of the air bubble containing these five men is 38,503,500 pascals. This is the same amount of pressure released by 292 kilograms of C4 explosive.

But this is just the start of our descent into the trauma abyss. The imploding bubble of the submersible generates intense heat due to adiabatic compression.

11–50 Milliseconds: Fiery Inferno Below the Waves​

Adiabatic compression is a rapid, heat-generating compression process that occurs in gasses under extreme pressure.

As the submersible collapses, the quickly compressing pockets of gas inside it heat up rapidly, reaching temperatures that may exceed several thousand degrees Celsius for a brief moment.

The searing heat would vaporize flesh and bone, but this pales in comparison to the rapid pressure changes already wreaking havoc on the body. The passengers would already be dead due to the massive bodily trauma by the time the heat wave hits.

50 Ms to 1 Second: The Speed of Pain​

A human’s reaction to pain depends on the transmission of signals from our peripheral nervous system to our brain. Once the signals reach the brain, we feel pain. This process is not instantaneous — it takes time.

Under normal conditions, a sensation of pain, such as from a stubbed toe or a pinch, reaches our brains about 0.1 seconds after the event. This is because the signals travel at a speed of about 2 meters per second along our nerves.

However, sharp, sudden pain can be perceived slightly faster, at around 0.01 seconds due to the involvement of faster-conducting nerves called A-delta fibers.

Comparing these timeframes to the catastrophic implosion event we’ve been discussing, the submersible’s complete collapse takes place in about 50 milliseconds (0.05 seconds). This means the implosion happens 2 to 10 times faster than the human body can register pain.

Given this, it’s probable that the occupants of the submersible would not have had time to even comprehend anything at all had happened, much less feel pain from the event itself.

The sequence of events — the crushing pressure, the searing heat of the compression of air, and the violent intrusion of water — would likely occur faster than the brain’s ability to process any thoughts.

That’s a cold, small comfort, perhaps, but it’s a detail that can help us cope with the death these five people experienced. Our brains, evolved to react to the world at the surface, simply don’t have the time to comprehend the immediate and extreme changes happening in those fateful 50 milliseconds beneath the waves.

From Tragedy, Knowledge​

The sudden implosion of a submersible, while terrifying, provides a glimpse into the harsh realities of deep-sea exploration and the physics at play in these extreme environments.

The lessons learned from these tragic incidents are incorporated into writing regulations for manned submersibles, the design of future submersibles, making each new venture into the depths a little bit safer.

Through tragedy, we gain knowledge — knowledge that helps us better understand our world and how to navigate its dangers.

It’s a harsh lesson, a testament to the extremes the human body can — and cannot — endure. But it also shows us the immense power of nature, the fragility of life, and the courage of those who dare to push the boundaries of human exploration.

And with each dive, with each venture into the unknown, we’re reminded just how much there still is to discover.

In the end, the quest to understand our world — from the deepest oceans to the farthest stars — is a testament to human curiosity and resilience. It’s a journey filled with risks, challenges, and, sometimes, profound loss. But it’s through this journey that we learn, grow, and push the boundaries of what’s possible.

To add, these physics are based on the ideal gas law. When pressure goes up, temperature goes up. When pressure goes down, temperature goes down. Many of y’all see it often when looking at your tire pressure change from winter to summer:

So using this formula, I calculated the possible temperature based on pressure of and ocean volume at those depths. Temperate would have been around 28,520.33 F. Which is more than twice the temperature of the sun. However, I’m not sure of my math because I assumed ocean volume and number of moles. But you get the gist…



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
To add, these physics are based on the ideal gas law. When pressure goes up, temperature goes up. When pressure goes down, temperature goes down. Many of y’all see it often when looking at your tire pressure change from winter to summer:

So using this formula, I calculated the possible temperature based on pressure of and ocean volume at those depths. Temperate would have been around 28,520.33 F. Which is more than twice the temperature of the sun. However, I’m not sure of my math because I assumed ocean volume and number of moles. But you get the gist…


Are you saying they went to the bottom of the sea just to incinerate themselves?

NightMare Paint

Not A Horse
BGOL Investor
To add, these physics are based on the ideal gas law. When pressure goes up, temperature goes up. When pressure goes down, temperature goes down. Many of y’all see it often when looking at your tire pressure change from winter to summer:

So using this formula, I calculated the possible temperature based on pressure of and ocean volume at those depths. Temperate would have been around 28,520.33 F. Which is more than twice the temperature of the sun. However, I’m not sure of my math because I assumed ocean volume and number of moles. But you get the gist…

Fried fish for miles around

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Fried fish for miles around

When I used to give weather presentation for elementary school kids, one of my demonstrations was making a cloud in a bottle.

I’d take an empty two liter bottle and put a little bit of 100% alcohol in it (alcohol evaporates faster than water). I would take an air pump and pump the bottle with as much air as possible. The bottle fills up with air and as it’s filling you can feel the heat on the bottle. As soon as I released the cork, the pressure rapidly decreased evaporating some of the alcohol and creating a cloud.

The implosion is the opposite because all the pressure is on the outside.

NightMare Paint

Not A Horse
BGOL Investor
When I used to give weather presentation for elementary school kids, one of my demonstrations was making a cloud in a bottle.

I’d take an empty two liter bottle and put a little bit of 100% alcohol in it (alcohol evaporates faster than water). I would take an air pump and pump the bottle with as much air as possible. The bottle fills up with air and as it’s filling you can feel the heat on the bottle. As soon as I released the cork, the pressure rapidly decreased evaporating some of the alcohol and creating a cloud.

The implosion is the opposite because all the pressure is on the outside.

I've never this one! I would've been as enthralled as the kids lol


One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator
To add, these physics are based on the ideal gas law. When pressure goes up, temperature goes up. When pressure goes down, temperature goes down. Many of y’all see it often when looking at your tire pressure change from winter to summer:

So using this formula, I calculated the possible temperature based on pressure of and ocean volume at those depths. Temperate would have been around 28,520.33 F. Which is more than twice the temperature of the sun. However, I’m not sure of my math because I assumed ocean volume and number of moles. But you get the gist…

Good shit bro.

I was watching a video of a guy that imploded carbon fiber. I thought it would cave in. It did not, it shattered. So these dudes were air fried for a few milliseconds, then torn to shreds.

I still stand by the fact that you knew that shit was coming. It had to start creeking and cracking before it imploded.