Don't shoot the msger......
He just finds it funny and fucked up @ the same time. u actually reposted what WorldB already threw up yesterday but some of y'all get off bickering back & forth so have @ it...I didn't make the thread title you dyslexic half a retard......I copied and pasted something already created..
and the fuckn title is in the youtube video..
Ten didn't need you cosigning...
....not when the floodgates have already been opened, MyG, as a whole lot of people are using the op as a therapeutic way to get shit off of their chest.I dont give a fuck either way...
if bam is guilty then let the chips fall..
but Star sure is enjoying this a lil too much
if ask me....
boderline obsessive behavior....
Don't shoot the msger......
He just finds it funny and fucked up @ the same time.