Am I The Oldest Mofo On BGOL?? Let's Get An Age Check Head Count


Rising Star
OG Investor
Nope just this year.

You should've already known I was gonna bring the receipts....

You are? You old fuck

I turn 36 in November . My wife’s Aunt told me “You were Handsome at 22 , at 36 you’re distinguished and gorgeous and my Niece is very lucky”. I still feel 22 inside

We’ve been using 35 since we joined this site back in 2004 . I was 35 in 2004 and 35 in 2024 I’ll be turning 36 in November. I was 17 going on 18 in 2004 when I found this place

36 in November

I’m 35 FYI in November I’ll be 36. Not only do you be dick watching me you age watch too? Whenever I post I hear the STAN music in the distance as I know you lurking in the shadows stalking a nigga.

Shits crazy I’ll be 37 this November. Been on this bitch since 15

I’ll be 37 in November
Search my threads I’ve posted plenty of Black pussy
Last. FOH


Rising Star
OG Investor
March this year you said you gonna be 37 in Nov.

Last year you said you 35 turning 36 that year.

2021 you said you about to turn 36.

Dr. Truth

GOD to all Women
BGOL Investor
March this year you said you gonna be 37 in Nov.

Last year you said you 35 turning 36 that year.

2021 you said you about to turn 36.
Mike Turning 36
Darrell Turning 37
Terrence turning 38

You want to know how old my Engineer is turning? I can ask him for you


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
A few days ago I was reading a thread on BGOL and was laughing my ass off when my wife said, I'm too old to be logging onto BGOL and acting like a teenager! I told her that I log on here to laugh, educate myself and to keep up with the latest news, gossip, gadgets and anything new that would pertain to a black man in today's world. I told her that I'll be 90 years old in an old folks home STILL logging onto BGOL!!

Anyway, am I the oldest member here? I know TEN and a few others ain't that far behind me.

Post your age and keep it moving.

I'll go first. I'm 42. Been on the board since 1998.
Old young, you cool beans in my book, because in my mind BGOL is about respect, those who got it know it, and the ones who don't will find out the hard way, they always do..