American Autocthonous History aka Black/African American History & History of Autocthonous People World Wide

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member



Nigerians Are Building Fireproof, Bulletproof, And Eco-Friendly Homes With Plastic Bottles And Mud ByEditorial_Staff-Nov 23, 2015
AFRICANGLOBE – These colorful homes are bulletproof, fireproof, and can withstand earthquakes. They also maintain a comfortable temperature, produce zero carbon emissions, and are powered by solar and methane gas from recycled waste.
Plastic is everywhere.In fact, the environment is so riddled with it, researchers predict that 99% of all birds on this planet will have plastic in their gut by the year 2050.

It is not enough to persuade people to use less, plastic needs to be repurposed and reused to be kept out of landfills. Despite informative infographics, emotional statistics, and recycling programs, many nations – especially the United States – continue to toss plastics into landfills without much care.

This unfortunate reality has spurred many to get creative with the discarded byproducts of society. Some have used plastic waste to construct marvelous sculptures and raise awareness about the issue, while others are re-purposing it entirely to construct eco-friendly homes.

Asphys.orgreports, the housing crisis has become so bad in Nigeria, nearly 16 million units are required to address the shortage. Because crafting traditional homes would be far too expensive for most, locals adopted the idea put forth by two NGOs and are now building plastic bottle homes.

The solution not only cuts costs for building a house, it is beneficial for the environment.

Founded by Kaduna-based NGO Development Association for Renewable Energies (DARE), with help from London-based NGO Africa Community Trust, the project is solving two problems at once by addressing the homelessness issue and helping the environment. Not only will there be less plastic in landfills, the house is designed to producezero carbon emissions.

In addition, it is completely powered by solar panels and methane gas from recycled human and animal waste.

To create a two-bedroom bottle house, workers fill plastic bottles with sand and then hold them together using mud and cement. This forms a solid wall that is stronger than cinder blocks.

That’s not all:These colorful homes are bulletproof, fireproof and can withstand earthquakes. They can also hold a comfortable temperature year round.

The buildings can be built to three stories, but no higher, due to the weight of the sand-filled bottles. And, of course, the magnificent diversity of recycled bottles give each house a unique and bright look.

A two-bedroom house requires 14,000 bottles to complete. To put this into perspective, Nigeria throws awaythree million bottlesevery day. Clearly, there are plenty of bottles which can be repurposed to build every individual in their own abode.

At least Nigeria isn’t as wasteful as the United States, which discards 130 million bottlesper day. That’s 47 billion bottlesevery year– nearly 80% of which end up in the landfill.

If the United States were to save these bottles and re purpose them into houses like folks in Nigeria are doing, 9,257 houses could be built per day. That is nearly 3.4 million houses a year, reports Off Grid World. With 3.5 million people living on the streets in the U.S., is this the solution needed to remedy the homelessness crisis?

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member

Hand-colored tintype portrait of three unidentified African American women, c. 1856.

Source: Harvard Library.

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
The weighing of copper, mural from Tomb of Userhat
Userhat who was the Royal Scribe, Child of the Royal Nursery, during the 18th dynasty king Amenhotep II, and his wife Mutnefret., also known as tomb TT56, Sheikh Abd el-Qurna, Theban Necropolis, ca. 1427-1397 BC.

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member



The Racist History of El Dorado Hills/Negro Hills, CA

So the New York Times picked up a story about my neighborhood. About a mile from where I live is a cemetery:

But for the better part of five decades, the most notable tombstones at Mormon Island were those without names: 36 anonymous decedents whose grave markers shared a single, shocking label: “Moved from ****** Hill Cemetery.”

Perhaps more jarring were the words that followed, saying that the headstones were placed “by U.S. Government” in 1954.

New ones are being made by the prisoners at Folsom Prison. The comments section of the article addresses the issue of “whitewashing” history by removing the offending word, similar to Huck Finn. Several commenters state that the area was officially named with the perjorative, but I can find no evidence of that. We live within two miles of Mormon Island, Negro Bar State Park and Dyke 8 of Folsom Lake, now renamed Folsom Point. The cultural implications are significant, but the history is fascinating. I have no idea how to verify this information I found in a web search, but I think it’s worth a look:

Historical Legacy of Negro Hills, California
by Michael Harris

The history of Negro Hills, CA is an excellent place to begin to share our 150+ year Nationwide celebration.

In 1854, Newton Miller noted that in his racially mixed Methodist Church at Negro Hills, Negroes constitute nearly all the church members and are a majority of the congregation. Negro Hills was founded in early 1848 along the American River, east of Leidesdorff Ranch, near today’s City of Folsom.

1830 - 1850 Negro Seamen Acts were established at most major southern
seaports in the United States. They prohibited free men of African ancestry from their lucrative career in the maritime industry. Many Negro seamen became farmers in 1840�s Mexican California. The Gold Rush of
1848 and California U.S. statehood in 1850 expedited an influx of industrious free men of African ancestry to California.

Negro Hills, CA is an extraordinary early Gold Rush community and maintains a golden historical legacy of the free migration of American citizens of African ancestry.

In 1849 three enterprising men from the New England seaboard named Vosey, Long and French opened a store and boarding house called the Civil Usage House. Business was
good. Gold Rush fever swept across the world, like wildfire and brought Irish, Spanish, Portuguese, Mormon, Chinese and Americans from all corners of our new United States.

Early success was assured in Negro Hills and brought global attention to El Dorado County.

Charles Crocker, brother of Edwin Crocker and Dewitt Stanford, brother of Leland Stanford, joined the Negro Hill business community competing directly with the Negro established trade and commerce entities.

In 1853, Negro Hills population exceeded 1200 and could boast of a multi ethnic community unmatched outside the Port of San Francisco. Negro Hills was the hub of a regional community that included Salmon Falls, Massachusetts Flat, Chile Hill, Mormon Island and many mining camps along the American River.

By 1854, portions of the deeply religious community of Negro Hills had deteriorated into a Wild West saloon and place of ill repute. The California State Legislature passed laws prohibiting Blacks from testifying in court, homesteading land, voting and public education, these and other environmental hazards helped to destroy the harmonious beginnings of Negro Hills, CA. A group of drunken, broke and destitute white citizens of the village of Negro Hills began to terrorize the Negro business community.

Theft, fights and lynching were often encouraged because of the legal prohibition of equal access to the law in early California State History. In 1855, the first California Colored Convention began to address the disenfranchisement brought about by our California State Legislature. Negro Hills was effectively destroyed to the benefit of the Crocker, Stanford and other prominent families.

Today, California State Historical Landmark No. 570 of Negro Hill is missing. A small portion Negro Hills Cemetery was relocated during the 1954 construction of Folsom Dam; however, our U.S. Bureau of Reclamation sought fit to rename Historic Negro Hills, “****** Hill” on 36 unknown grave markers.

An effort to establish the City of El Dorado Hills could bring a fresh new perspective towards a more inclusive historical legacy that reconciles the pioneering spirit of all citizens of early Negro Hills, CA.

A people, who have forgotten their past, will have a limited future.


Negro Bar

Negro Bar History & the Ballou/Scharmann Letters
compiled from Jack Kipp, MyFolsom.Com Guest Columnist

Negro Bar was originally on the south side of the American River, at about where the City Corporation yard is located. Negro miners first started mining gold during the years 1849-50. As far as we know, only a few Negro’s were working there. One, according to Sacramento Court documents, showed that Constable B.N. Bugby testified of a fellow named Smith, “I think he was one of the Negro’s working at Negro Bar”, Smith was convicted and sentenced to 10 years in prison for murdering a man named Freeland Morton. According to the 1852 census, there was a George Stevens listed as a mulatto working as a steward. A John Debity, also a mulatto, was listed as a waiter. In 1860 (Negro Bar had disappeared by then), Alex Holmes, an African American, was listed as a cook living in Folsom, as was Peter Williams. It was little more than a cluster of shacks and tents to shelter the men working along the river. In 1851 there were about 650 residents and it continued to thrive until 1856. James Meredith built the first store and hotel at Negro Bar; the second store was opened by Wm Davidson, followed by a store by Rowlett & Richardson, who ultimately sold to Mr. A.A. Durfee. Later, they both left this area and returned to the East Coast. There were two Durfee brothers from the east, and they were both physicians. A store then could be anything from a tent with barrels and with a plank across them, to a lean-to with a few makeshift shelves. A hotel was usually a large tent with wooden bunks, which miners paid to sleep on. What the miners did was to dig a by-pass of the bend in the river so that they could mine the riverbed. The first attempt was not successful because of a flood that washed it out. The second attempt was also unsuccessful, however the third attempt was successful, and there were reports that the miners found no gold in the riverbed. However, miners working the surrounding area did harvest quite a bit of gold. Then came the floods of 1852, and most of the miners left. It must be noted that at this time, several nationalities were working at Negro Bar, including a German Immigrant and his sons who had crossed the plains. After Folsom was formed, it was known as “under the hill”.

The letter below is a copy of two letters written by Mary Ballou, telling of her trip to California, and the second, a letter to her sons in New Hampshire. Mary Ballou (Simonds) was born in 1809 and passed away in 1894.

Mary Ballou and her husband left two sons in New Hampshire and sailed to California in 1851. They arrived in San Francisco in 1851 and settled in Negro Bar. This is a copy of the letters written by Mary Ballou in 1851 and a second letter on October 30, l852, to her son, Selden. (Including the spelling errors)


Started from Alexandria Newhampshire to go to california Dec 9 1851. left New York Dec 11 went on Board the steamer Ohio. Now so seasick that I cannot write.Arrived at Shagrees Dec 22 stopt at a ranch had coffee, Boiled rice and stewed Beans for supper the Beans cooked in a pot hung to a tree in the bushes. The ranch had factory cloth over the top but no floor but the ground for my bed a valiece for my pillow a hard bed indeed. I wept biterly. there were twenty five in our company all Laid on the ground. The monkies were howling the Nighthawks were singing them Nativs were watching. When morning came the Nativs got the Boat ready. We started on our second days journey up Shagrees river, arrived at Gorgonia Dec 22. Stopt at a Hotell two nights not a pane of glas in the House rough Boards nailed together for Blinds.

Dec 26 left gorgonia on a mule. Stopt at a ranch laid myself down on the ground a weeping. I thought if I had wings how swiftly I would fly to my Home. twenty. started the next morning on the mule travled all day in the hot sun. part the way I walked Part the way I rode and part the way I Laught and part the way I wept.Dec 27 took the steamer. Now so seasick cannot write. Stopt at San Francisco one week from there to Sacramento, stopt with Mr. White a gentleman from Boston one week. Went from there to Mormon Island hired a little log hut. January 11 eat Breakfast on my trunk my husband sat down on the floor and I sat myself down on a three legd stool. There we sat and eat our Breakfast. No one can immagine what my feelings were. The first week earnt 23 dollars sewing for the Spanish Ladies the second week earnt 26 dollars. February 24 gathered a Boquet of flowrs. March 9 taken sick had a soar in my throat. May 4 had an invite to a wedding the Bride 12 years old. September tenth nursed a French Lady one week she made me a present of fifty Dollar gold piece for my weeks work. Fourth of July went out and washed out some gold Dust. Oct first went to work for Mr. Davidson in a Boarding House. He paid me one hundrd a month for five months and my Husband sevnty five Dollars a month for five months. (this was the second business on Negro Bar).

Oct 25 sent eight hundrd Dollars to the States expences for sending 24 Dollars. Nov 25 put Mrs Anderson to bed with a pare of twins without any assistance. I thought it a hard cas that I could not have some help. Nov 29 laid out Mrs Andersons child two years of age. Tuesday Dec 25 cooked a Christmas Dinner for twenty-four gentlemen and ladies. I will give you a little more detail of my journey while on Board the Ocean Steamers. I was so sick I could not sit up nor write. When we left the Ocean steamer we were let down by rope into the small Boat and rowed by the nativs as far as the Boat could for shoal water and then carried a shore in the Nativs Arms and set on dry sand. once while croosing the Land on the Mules we came to a river, the bank on the river was so steep that we had to be carried acrost by the stoutest gentlemen the Natvis leading our mules acrost and then sat on our mules again to go in a foot path through Bushes and through mudholes. Our saddles had a Horn on the back and on the front. I had all that I could do to hold on with both hands to keep from falling off. You can judge whether you would enjoy such a ride or not.

We stopt at Panamar two weeks. I earnt 12 Dollars while there making Pants. When Sunday morning came I awoke by the Fife and Drums beating. I asked the cause. I was told that was to let the People know that it was Sunday morn. The meat market there was a square piece of Land the Spanish Ladies and Gentlemen seting down on the ground with their Baskets of eggs and potatoes. They cut meat in strips and hung it up on trees and poles. We paid ten cents a quart for water; it had to be brought a long distance on mules. I can give only a sketch of my journey. It was a hard road to travel I can asshure you.

Mary Ballou

October 30, 1852

dear Selden, We are about as usual in health. Well I suppose you would like to know what I am doing in this gold region. Well I will try to tell you what my work is here in this muddy Place. All the kitchen that I have is four posts stuck down into the ground and covered over the top with factory cloth—no floor but the ground.This is a Boarding House kitchen. There is a floor in the dining room and my sleeping room coverd with nothing but cloth. We are at work in a Boarding House.

Oct. 27. This morning I awoke and it rained in torrents. Well I got up and I thought of my House. I went and looket into my kitchen. The mud and water was over my Shoes. I could not go into the kitchen to do any work to day but kept perfectly dry in the Dining, so I got along verry well. Your Father put on his Boots and done the work in the kitchen.

I felt badly to think that I was detined to be in such a place. I wept for a while and the I commenced singing and made up a song as I went along. My song was this: to California I did come and thought I under the bed I shall have to run to shelter me from the piercing storm. Now I will try to tell you what my work is in this Boarding House. Well somtimes I am washing and Ironing, somtimes I am making mince pie and Apple pie and squash pies, Somtimes frying mince turnovers and Donuts. I make Buiscuit and now and then Indian jonny cake and then again I am making minute puding filled with rasons and Indian Bake pudings and then again a nice Plum Puding and then again I am Stuffing a Ham of pork that cost forty cents a pound. Somtimes I am making gruel for the sick now and then cooking oisters, somtimes making coffee for the French people strong enough for any man to walk on that has Faith as Peter had. Three times a day I set my Table which is about thirty feet in length and do all the little fixings about it such as filling pepper boxes and vinegar cruits and mustard pots and Butter cups. Somtimes I am feeding my chickens and then again I am scareing the Hogs out of my kitchen and driving the mules out of my Dining Room. You can see by the descrption of that I have given you of my kitchen that anything can walk into the kitchen that chooses to walk in and there being no door to shut from the kitchen into the Dining room so you see the Hogs and mules can walk in any time of day or night if they choose to do so. somtimes I am up all times a night scaring the Hogs and mules out of the House. Last night there a large rat came down pounce down onto our bed in the night. Somtimes I take my fan and try to fan myself but I work so hard that my Arms pain me so severely that I kneed some one to fan me so I do not find much comfort anywhere. I made a Bluberry puding to day for Dinner. Somtimes I am making cramberry tarts and baking Chickens that cost four dollars a head and cooking Eggs at three dollars a Dozen. Somtimes boiling cabbage and Turnips and frying fritters and Broiling stake and cooking codfish and potatoes. I often cook nice Salmon trout that weigh from ten to twenty pound apiece. Somtimes I am taking care of Babies and nursing at the rate of Fifty Dollars a week but I would not advise any Lady to come out here and suffer the toil and fatigue that I have suffered for the sake of a little gold—neither do I advise any one to come. Clarks Simmon wife says if she was safe in the States she would not care if she had not one cent. She came in here last night and said “Oh dear I am so homesick that I must die,” and then again my other associate came in with tears in her eyes and said that she had cried all day. She said if she had as good a home as I had got she would not stay twenty-five minutes in California. I told her that she could not pick up her duds in that time. She said she would not stop for duds nor anything else but my own heart was two sad to cheer them much.

Now I will tell you a little more about my cooking. Somtimes I am cooking rabbits and Birds that are called quails here and I cook squrrels. Occasionly I run in and have a chat with Jane and Mrs Durphy (Durfee) and I often have a hearty cry. No one but my maker knows my feelings. And then I run into my little cellar which is about four feet square as I have no other place to run that is cool. Oct 21 well I have been to church to hear a methodist sermon. His Text was let us lay aside every weight and the sin that doth so easely beset us. I was the only Lady that was present and about forty gentleman. So you see that I go to church when I can.November 2well it has been Lexion day here to day. I have heard of strugling and tite pulling but never saw such aday as I have witnessesd to day the Ballot Box was so near to me that I could hear every word that was spoken. The wind Blows verry hard here today. I have three lights Burning and the wind blows so hard that it almost puts my lights out while I am trying to write. If you could step in and see the inconvience that I have for writing you would not wonder that I cannot write any better you would wonder if I could write at all. Not withstanding all the dificuty in writing I improve every leishure moment. It is quite cool here my fingers are so cold that I can hardly hold my pen. Well it is ten o clock at night while I am writing, the people have been Declareing the votes, I hear them say Hura for the Whigs and sing whigs songs. Now I hear them say that Mormon Island has gone Whig and now another time a cheering. Now I hear them say Beals Bar has gone Whig now another time cheering.well it is getting late and I must retire soon there is so much noise I do not expect to sleep much tonight. There has been a little fighting here to day and one chalenge given but the chalenge given was not accepted they got together and setted their trouble. Now I will tell you a little of my bad feelings. On the 9 of September there was a little fight took place in the store. I saw them strike each other through the window in the store. One went and got a pistol and started towards the other man. I never go into the store but your mother’s tender heart could not stand that so I ran into the store and Beged and plead with him not to kill him for eight or ten minutes not to take his life, for the sake of his wife and three little children to spare his life and then I ran through the Dining room into my sleeping room and Buried my Face in my bed so as not to hear the sound of the pistol and wept Biterly. Oh I thought if I had wings how quick I would fly to the States. That night at the supper table he told the Boarders if it had not been for what that Lady said to him Scheles would have been a dead man. After he got his pashion over he said he was glad that he did not kill him, so you see that your mother saved one Human being’s Life. You see that I am trying to relieve all the suffering and trying to do all the good that I can.

There I hear the Hogs in my kitchen turning the Pots and kettles upside down so I must drop my pen and run and drive them out. So you, this is the way I must write—jump up every five minutes for somthing and then again I washed out about a Dollars worth of gold dust the fourth of July in the cradle so you see that I am doing a little mining in this gold region but I think it harder to rock the cradle to wash out gold than it is to rock the cradle for the Babies in the States.

Oct 11 I washed in the forenoon and made a Democrat Flag in the afternoon sewed twenty yards of splendid worsted fringe around it and I made a whig Flag. They are both swinging acrost the road but the Whig Flag is the richest. I had twelve Dollars for making them so you can see that I am making flags with all rest of the various kinds of work that I am doing and then again I am scouring candle sticks and washing the floor and making soft soap. The People tell me that it is first Soft Soap they knew made in California. Sometimes I am making mattresses and sheets. I have no windows in my room. All the light that I have shines through canvas that covers the House and my eyes are so dim that I can hardly see to make a mark so I think you will excuse me for not writing any better. I have three lights burning now but I am so tired and Blind that I can scearcely see and here I am among the French and Duch and Scoth and Jews and Italions and Sweeds and Chineese and Indians and all maner of tongus but I am treated with due respect by all of them.

On the night of Election the second day of November [?] was Burnt down and some lives lost. Adams express office was Broken open by a band of robbers and a large quanity of money was taken. They took one man out of bed with his wife took him into the office and Bound him laid him on the floor and told him to give them the key to the safe or the would kill him. One of the robbers staid in the room his wife his face was muffled and Pistols by his side and told her that if she made any noise for so long a time he would kill her. Only immagine what her feelings must be. I lived close by the office. I went in to see her the next morning she told me that she nearly lost her sences she was so frigtned. I immagine you will say what a long yarn this is from California. If you can read it at all I must close soon for I am so tired and almost sick. Oh my dear Selden I am so Home sick I will say to you once more to see that Augustus has every thing that he kneeds to make him comfortable and by all means have him Dressed warm this cold winter. I worry a great deal about my Dear children. It seems as though my heart would break when I realise how far I am from my Dear Loved ones this from your affectionate mother.

Mary B Ballou

There was a German immigrant, Mr.H.B. Scharmann, who along with his wife, two sons, and a daughter left New York for the gold fields in California on the twentieth of March 1849. They took various means of transportation to Independence, where the wagon train was formed and departed. During the trip west, Mr. Scharmann lost his wife and daughter to illness. The trip must have come thru the Feather River area, as Mr. Scharmann makes several references to Marysville and the surrounding area. The small group of Mr. Scharmann and his two sons, after arriving in Sacramento, journeyed up the American River to Negro Bar. The following comes from his diary:

I took the path along the American River, which was my guide and provided me with a refreshing drink whenever I suffered from thirst. After I had gone twenty-five miles I found a great bank, also called a bar, where three hundred men were busily washing gold. There was a prospect here for a diligent worker to earn five dollars a day. On the first of June 1850, I set to work. I paid a hundred dollars for my outfit and the necessary utensils. The situation was quite different from my former experiences, for this is the region where gold was first discovered, and my camp was only twenty-five miles from Sutter’s Mill where the first nugget was found.

On the twelfth of June, elections were held for a judge and constable. New gold diggers arrived daily. I had again collected one hundred dollars and hoped fervently that I would soon be able to increase this little sum for gold rules the world—without it even the most talented man is but a poor wretch. Illnesses were frequent and I witnessed many deaths, chiefly from diarrhea and ague. The heat, which sometimes reached one hundred and twenty degrees, was unbearable during the day, but the nights were cool and gave us a chance to get a strengthening and reviving sleep. Everyone arrives with his blankets slung over his shoulder and immediately sets up his hotel wherever he pleases. We worked hard; everyone was busy with wheelbarrow, shovel and hoe, digging into the gold containing earth. Everyone carries two pails on his shoulder, suspended from a yoke. The yoke, pails and soil together weigh a hundred and twenty five pounds.This burden is carried for two hundred and sixty-five paces up to the river. In order to spare myself the weight of the yoke and the pails, I filled a sack with the soil and carried it to the river where my younger son daily washed about two hundred and fifty pails. This quantity was worth from twelve to fifteen dollars.

Provisions were somewhat cheaper here, and conditions in general better than my previous camp. Potatoes cost twenty cents a pound, beef twenty-five cents, flour sixteen cents, and everything else in proportion. Here, too, the people were beginning to take the earth to the river in carts. My wagon was still standing at the first station on the Feather River, one hundred and twenty-five miles away. I decided to go there, buy a horse and then drive back.

On the second of August 1850, I got back to Negro Bar, and was delighted to see my sons well and working busily. I now had the advantage of being able to transport the soil to the river in my cart, but my profits were small. My horse’s food cost fifteen dollars a week, which means it’s more expensive to feed a horse than a man. I paid eight dollars for 100 pounds of hay, barley or oats. On August fourteenth, a company was formed to change the course of the river and to lead it into a canal, as had been done elsewhere. The work was calculated to take six weeks and the company expected to reap a rich harvest from the dried riverbed.I allowed my two sons to join the company in order to see whether anything would come from it. In the meanwhile conditions began to change decidedly. Traders became more amenable; the drivers going to the mines grew more polite and it was easily seen that the gold was giving out, so that a lucky find was a rare occurrence.

So life goes on in the California mines. The digger laboriously scrapes together a hundred dollars in one place and then leaves it for another in the hope of having better luck there. While on his journey, he uses up the previously earned hundred dollars and has to begin to start all over again. I took care not to leave Negro Bar, for I was tired of traveling, and my sons were busily occupied. It was a pleasure to see them dig the gold earth and earn about twenty dollars a day. In the meanwhile the company was paying six dollars a day to two laborers who were to dam the river. I could not work much myself, for many hardships that I had suffered had considerably weakened me. The Company’s progress was satisfactory, but many were exhausted by the oppressive heat. Sixty or seventy people fell ill at the same time. This was caused by their immoderate use of water and by their irregular life. Those who ate in public houses where they had to pay fourteen dollars a week were better off. In the latter part of August, I went to Sacramento and bought a cartload of provisions.

The prosperity of Sacramento City is built on a weak foundation. Although the city grows every day, still everywhere you go, you hear complaints about the bad business condition. I easily discovered the cause of these complaints. They are simply due to the fact that no one will show himself in his true colors; all wish to be merchants. There are just as many traders as miners, and everything is based on a cutpurse system. Even the price of real estate has fallen considerably. I was watching an auction of lots, and no one bid as much as the owner had to pay in taxes. Business and high prices are now waning, just as quickly as they once rose. For instance, the steamer plying between Sacramento and San Francisco, a distance of one hundred miles, had formerly charged twenty-five dollars per person; now her owners are satisfied with one dollar. The trader who had demanded two hundred percent was now happy to get fifty. But the gold miners were not benefited by this change, for while in the first year a man earned eighty dollars or more per day, there were many now searching in the dug-up gold field who had to be satisfied with two or three dollars a day, and out of this they had to pay at least one dollar a day for board. There are almost as many thieves as honest men; one will murder then other for the sake of gold, they rob and steal whenever they can, and the only thing which preserves a semblance of justice is the Lynch Law. If a murderer is caught, his captors make short work with him, and hang him on the spot.

Towards evening on October eighth our dam and our one-mile canal were completed. On the following morning the dam broke, and our two month’s labor was all for naught. I felt like kicking myself when I thought of the $580, which I had paid for wages. There were 260 people, in the same predicament as myself, and each one could read sympathy in the face of the other. The company decided to cease building until the first of May of the following year. It was a sad sight to see these men go their several ways in deep vexation. Like snails, everyone took his house on his back and went away to seek his fortune elsewhere. [Mr. Scharmann evidently left Negro Bar to go south looking for gold]

On the eleventh of October 1850, my eldest son complained of feeling ill, and I also did not feel well. On the same day we both took to our beds. I do not know what was the matter with me, and the two doctors did not know either, but my son Frederick had catarrhal fever. On New Year’s Day, 1851 we felt strong again for the first time, but we had spent four hundred dollars and someone had stolen my horse. In the meanwhile an epidemic of cholera had broken out in California. It did not extend to the mines, but in Sacramento about fifteen hundred people died, among them Mrs. Hart, my friends wife. I visited him and told him of all my troubles. He presented me with one of his mules, and obtained a cartload of provisions for us, since I had no more money. With these gifts I returned to my camp at Negro Bar.

This region proved to be one of the most fruitful, and by February first, the number of gold diggers had reached eight hundred. Fortune at last smiled on me, and allowed me to earn thirty dollars a day. My hands grew so stiff that it was hard for me to write. The candle in my tent was continually flaring because of the wind, but still I kept up my diary, in order to complete this modest, but truthful account. On April first 1851 I met two Frenchmen who had just come from the Klameth and Scotch River regions. They told me gold was being found there and that a man could easily make from eight to ten dollars a day. They also said that because of the existing conditions men soon tired of the work. Provisions are so high that daily board costs four to five dollars. A pound of flour or of salted meat costs $1.25, a bottle of brandy, five dollars.

I removed my tent from its former place in order to dig there, and found it yielded a considerable amount. My sons found from thirty-five to fifty dollars worth of gold dust. It’s too bad that this place was only an acre in size. On April seventeenth, I left Negro Bar, and went to Nevada City, Bear Creek and other places north.May seventh, I returned to Sacramento City, after a two hundred and twenty mile round trip. I will shortly have to return to Negro Bar in order to scrape together three hundred dollars more and then I will leave immediately. May 1851, Yesterday evening I reached Negro Bar once more and I can honestly say that every one was glad to see me. The company, which had been ruined here in the previous year, was reorganized yesterday. Tomorrow we will begin again

To dam the river and repair the canal, they hope to make their fortune by leading the river through this canal. I still have a share in the company, so I will help and see how it will turn out. June first. The work with the company goes on ceaselessly. I have one laborer working in it and have to pay him five dollars a day. These people are so lazy, that one person always puts the work on another; so not much is accomplished. Moreover, the heat is do great that no work can be done from eleven A.M. to four P.M.

July second. I have not made any entry for a long time, because although there has never been a lack of noteworthy happenings, still there was never anything pleasant to write about. You hear of nothing but murders and thefts, which are of daily occurrence. July fifteenth. Our canal is completed and we are only taking the precaution of waiting until the water has subsided a little more, so that no harm can be done to the ditch. I have again paid $240 in wages as my share and I am anxious to see what will happen. July twenty-first. The heat is almost unbearable. I am satisfied if it is only 100 degrees; but usually it is 100 to 118 degrees in the shade, and in this heat we have to work without even a refreshing drink. August first. To-day we had bad news. The canal had broken again. It takes at least a week to repair it, and if the company does not guard it most carefully, it will be broken again, for we have rascals aplenty around here. Only a few days ago, there was another murder; four robbers killed a man and then took $140 from him. To be sure, the rascals were caught and will shortly be hanged, as they deserve. But still there are plenty more at liberty. August second. This burning heat continues constantly. For several weeks the thermometer has registered 108 degrees from 12 till 5 o’clock in the afternoon. Not a drop of rain has fallen for several months and none can be expected for three months to come.

August fourth. To-day the heat has somewhat abated. We have also been made happy by the news that those people, who succeeded in drying the riverbed, have hopes of a rich harvest. Well, to-morrow we will see whether our work will be rewarded and whether the riverbed really is as rich as has been reported. I will rejoice only when I have convinced myself of the truth. Besides our canal represents a great amount of work; it is fully a mile long and the actual riverbed is now 200 feet wide, so that our half-year’s work ought to be rewarded. August fifth. At least I have succeeded in scraping together my three hundred dollars. My good spirits have returned together with the prospects of soon be able to leave the country, but I am still bothered by illness. I have not been entirely well since I came to California. As soon as the scurvy left me, another sickness took its place. This one no doctor could diagnose. Anyway the doctors here are worth nothing. They scarcely know enough to cure a cat. Woe to him who falls into their power, for their ignorance is only exceeded by their covetousness! I will name only one doctor with a feeling of respect and gratitude. That is Doctor Klein who saved my son’s life. August sixth. As yet I have said nothing about the wild Spanish cattle. Just now I was forcibly reminded of them, because I had to flee from a wild ox. A butcher has a corral quite close to my tent into which he drives his cattle and keeps them until he is ready to slaughter them. One of these oxen was not satisfied with his prison, so he got out and ran straight for my tent. They run about without any cowherd or any supervision. The lazy Spaniard does not bother about his cattle until he wishes to slaughter or sell it, which happens very often nowadays because of the increased population. The Mexican is much too lazy to catch and train the cows. He would rather do without any milk.

August ninth. Our splendid feat of engineering is completed at last. It really is a pleasure to see how the water is held up by the dam and how it runs off through the new canal. Unfortunately, however, this huge work, which took six months to build, is in vain. Our time and money have been wasted, our trouble is all for nothing, for there is no gold in the riverbed. August tenth. To-day a deathlike silence broods over our Negro Bar, for all the other industrious miners have left the place. I, too, am going tomorrow. Mr. Scharmann left the area, but latter reported that since mines have become so much poorer, provisions have also become much cheaper. Sauerkraut, which was selling for $1.00, a pound is now selling at 8 cents, and everything else is in proportion.

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It’s Not Just About Tuskegee: The History of African Americans and Medicine

Published on Jul 10, 2014
The Tuskegee Syphilis Study is on of the most well known events in the history of African Americans and medicine. Dr. Vanessa Northington Gamble provides an overview of how issues of race and racism continue to influence the development of American medicine and public health. Gamble outlines a historical framework for understanding the contributions and experiences of African-American healthcare providers and the experiences of African-American patients.

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Black American Indians: Proven by DNA
the African origin of the R1-M173 haplogroup carried by many Native Americans

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From Documents of American History Letter from George Washington to Muhammed Ibn Abdullah—Sultan of Morocco City of New York December 1, 1789 Great and Magnanimous Friend, Since the date of the letter which the late Congress, by their President, ad- dressed to your Imperial Majesty, The United States of America have thought proper to change their government and institute a new one, agreeable to the Con- stitution, of which I have the honor, herewith, to enclose a copy. The time neces- sarily employed in the arduous task, and the disarrangements occasioned by so great though peaceable a revolution, will apologize, and account for your Maj- esty’s not having received those regularly advised marks of attention from the United States which the friendship and magnanimity of your conduct toward them afforded reason to expect. The United States, having unanimously appointed me to supreme executive au- thority in this Nation. Your Majesty’s letter of August 17, 1788, which by reason of the dissolution of the late-government, remained unanswered, has been delivered to me. I have also received the letters which Your Imperial Majesty has been so kind as to write, in favor of the United States, to the Bashaws of Tunis and Tripoli, and I present to you the sincere acknowledgements and thanks of the United States for this important mark of your friendship for them. We greatly regret the hostile disposition of those regencies toward this nation, who have never injured them, is not to be removed, on terms of our power to com- ply with. Within our territories there are no mines, wither of gold or silver, and this young nation just recovering from the waste and dissolution of a long war, have not, as yet, had time to acquire riches by agriculture and commerce. But our soil is bountiful, and our people industrious, and we have reason to flatter our- selves that we shall gradually become useful to our friends. The encouragement which Your Majesty has been pleased, generously, to give to our commerce with your dominions, the punctuality with which you have caused the Treaty with us to be observed, and the just and generous measures taken in the case of Captain Proctor, make a deep impression on the United States and confirm their respect for and attachment to Your Imperial Majesty. It gives me great pleasure to have the opportunity of assuring Your Majesty that, while I remain at the head of this nation, I shall not cease to promote every measure that may conduce to the friendship and harmony which so happily sub- sist between your Empire and them, and shall esteem myself happy in every occa- sion of convincing Your Majesty of the high sense (which in common with the whole nation) I entertain the magnanimity, wisdom and benevolence of Your Maj- esty. May the Almighty bless Your Imperial Majesty, our Great and Magnanimous friend, with His constant guidance and protection. —George Washington

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Huey P. Newton
Author, Civil Rights Activist(1942–1989)
Huey P. Newton was an African-American activist best known for founding the militant Black Panther Party with Bobby Seale in 1966.
Famous People Born in Monroe
Huey P. Long. In 1966, Newton and Bobby Seale founded the left-wing Black Panther Party for Self Defense in Oakland, California. The organization was central to the Black Power movement, making headlines with its controversial rhetoric and militaristic style. Newton faced a number of criminal charges over the years and at one point fled to Cuba before returning to the U.S. and earning his doctorate. Struggling with drug and alcohol addiction in his later years, he was killed in 1989 in Oakland.

Background and Early Life
Social activist Huey Percy Newton was born on February 17, 1942, in Monroe, Louisiana. Newton helped establish the African-American political organization the Black Panther Party, and became a leading figure in the Black Power movement of the 1960s. The youngest of seven siblings, he and his family moved to Oakland, California when Newton was a toddler. Though later stating he was close to his family, the youngster had a difficult time early in life, which was reflected in highly erratic behavior at school and on the streets.

Despite having multiple suspensions and run-ins with the law as a teen, Newton began to take his education seriously, finding inspiration when his older brother Melvin earned a masters in social work. Although Newton graduated high school in 1959, he was considered barely literate. He nonetheless became his own teacher, learning to read by himself.

Creation of Black Panthers
In the mid-1960s, Newton decided to pursue his education at Merritt College, during which time he received a months-long prison term for a knife assault, and later attended the University of San Francisco School of Law . It was at Merritt where he met Bobby Seale. The two were briefly involved with political groups at the school before they set out to create one of their own. Founded in 1966, they called their group the Black Panther Party for Self Defense. Unlike many of the other social and political organizers of the time, they took a more militant stance to the plight of black communities in America. A famous photograph shows Newton—the group's minister of defense—holding a gun in one hand and a spear in the other.

The group set forth its political goals in a document entitled the Ten-Point Program, which called for better housing, jobs and education for African Americans. It also called for an end to economic exploitation of black communities, along with military exemption. The organization itself was not afraid to punctuate its message with dramatic appearances. For example, to protest a gun bill in 1967, members of the Panthers entered the California Legislature armed. (Newton actually wasn't present at the demonstration.) The action was a shocking one that made news across the country, and Newton emerged as a leading figure in the black militant movement.

Arrest and Conviction
The Black Panthers wanted to improve life in black communities and took a stance against police brutality in urban neighborhoods by mostly white cops. Members of the group would go to arrests in progress and watch for abuse. Panther members ultimately clashed with police several times. The party's treasurer, Bobby Hutton, was killed while still a teenager during one of these conflicts in 1968.

Newton himself was arrested the previous year for allegedly killing an Oakland police officer during a traffic stop. He was later convicted of voluntary manslaughter and sentenced to two to 15 years in prison. But public pressure—"Free Huey" became a popular slogan of the day—helped Newton's cause. He was freed in 1970 after an appeals process deemed that incorrect deliberation procedures had been implemented during the trial.

In the 1970s, Newton aimed to take the Panthers in a new direction that emphasized democratic socialism, community interconnectedness and services for the poor, including items like free lunch programs and urban clinics. But the Panthers began to fall apart due to factionalism, with later allegations surfacing that the FBI, under J. Edgar Hoover, was clandestinely involved in the organization's unraveling. Key members left while Newton and Eldridge Cleaver, the party's minister of information, split ways.

By mid-decade, Newton faced more criminal charges when he was accused of murdering a 17-year-old sex worker and assaulting a tailor. To avoid prosecution, he fled to Cuba in 1974, but returned to the U.S. three years later. The murder case was eventually dismissed after two trials ended with deadlocked juries, while the tailor refused to testify in court in relation to assault charges.

Later Years and Death
Even with his legal troubles, Newton returned to school, earning a Ph.D. in social philosophy from the University of California, Santa Cruz, in 1980. In his final years, however, he suffered from major drug/alcohol problems and faced more prison time for weapons possession, financial misappropriations and parole violations. The once popular revolutionary died on August 22, 1989, in Oakland, California, after being shot on the street.

Newton had published a memoir/manifesto Revolutionary Suicide in 1973, with Hugh Pearson later writing the 1994 biography The Shadow of the Panther: Huey Newton and the Price of Black Power in America. Newton's story was later depicted in the 1996 one-man play Huey P. Newton, starring Roger Guenveur Smith. A 2002 filmed presentation of the project was created by Spike Lee, and documentarian Stanley Nelson looked at the history of the Panthers in the 2015 film The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution.

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1955: 14-year-old Emmett Till was brutally murdered by three white men, which became a “flashpoint in the civil rights movement”.

1963: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his iconic “I Have A Dream” speech in Washington, D.C.

2008: Then-Senator Barack Obama accepted the democratic nomination for president, becoming the first black man to ever win the nomination and bid for presidency.

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Rising sun in guise of falcon god Ra-Horakhty, from Deir el-Medina.
Limestone, height 70 cm. New Kingdom, 19th Dynasty, Reign of Ramesses II.
Egyptian Museum, Turin. Photo Credit: G. Dagli Orti.