Andrew Tate arrested for sex trafficking in Romania


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Eastern European women are bad. Saying they love brothas is an understatement. And they can cook with SEASONING you can taste :thumbsup:

They ain't like the white girls in America. Totally different breed.
All that comes with a price too...those bitches crazy and possessive. Bit titty Julie from Bosnia :yes: :smh: lol. Ran through them all when I was stationed in Germany


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
One of Tate’s alleged victims claimed she was promised marriage before getting lured into the porn racket

Prosecutors claimed that Andrew Tate and his brother duped the women into their £600,000 villa sitting on the outskirts of Bucharest, the country’s capital.

They believe the victims were lured by false promises of love and affection. Once the brothers got them to visit their Romanian villa, the women were kept under house arrest for 24/7.

Court documents obtained from a hearing on December 30 demonstrated that one of the victims was deceived to fly out to Romania:

“by misrepresenting the intention to establish a marriage or cohabitation relationship."
But when the woman landed in the country, a female accomplice picked her up from the airport. Initially, the woman was given words that she would be cohabiting with her boyfriend (supposedly, one of the Tate brothers), but upon reaching the country, she was told that she would be sharing a place with other women workers under the two businessmen aka the Tate brothers.

Prosecutors stated that Andrew and Tristan targeted emotionally vulnerable women and exploited their needs for love, trust, stability, and affection, creating the illusion of a mutually exclusive romantic relationship.

Prosecutors also noted that Andrew Tate naturally harbors an attitude of complete disregard towards women. He only perceives them as a means to earn big. They said that allowing Tate and his brother, Tristan, to walk out of jail and live freely would pose a danger to public safety and order.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
One of Tate’s alleged victims claimed she was promised marriage before getting lured into the porn racket

Prosecutors claimed that Andrew Tate and his brother duped the women into their £600,000 villa sitting on the outskirts of Bucharest, the country’s capital.

They believe the victims were lured by false promises of love and affection. Once the brothers got them to visit their Romanian villa, the women were kept under house arrest for 24/7.

Court documents obtained from a hearing on December 30 demonstrated that one of the victims was deceived to fly out to Romania:

“by misrepresenting the intention to establish a marriage or cohabitation relationship."
But when the woman landed in the country, a female accomplice picked her up from the airport. Initially, the woman was given words that she would be cohabiting with her boyfriend (supposedly, one of the Tate brothers), but upon reaching the country, she was told that she would be sharing a place with other women workers under the two businessmen aka the Tate brothers.

Prosecutors stated that Andrew and Tristan targeted emotionally vulnerable women and exploited their needs for love, trust, stability, and affection, creating the illusion of a mutually exclusive romantic relationship.

Prosecutors also noted that Andrew Tate naturally harbors an attitude of complete disregard towards women. He only perceives them as a means to earn big. They said that allowing Tate and his brother, Tristan, to walk out of jail and live freely would pose a danger to public safety and order.

Not trafficking at all, REAL TRAFFICKING they TAKE YOUR PASSPORTS and you get yo

ASS kicked to prove they mean business...

Now unless I overlooked something, they still had their passports, and

if thats the case there is some bullshit going on,

You read about REAL HUMAN TRAFFICKING and they NEVER see their passports again...

annnnnnnnd if they signed any contracts... a REAL "top G" would have their adult signatures...

on a contract stating exactly what they are in for..

now if he didn have them sign any contracts and confiscated their passports... then his ass needs

to be locked up...

if they had their passports all along, these are trumped up charges..


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Eastern European women are bad. Saying they love brothas is an understatement. And they can cook with SEASONING you can taste :thumbsup:
There this short-haired girl from Ukraine in my art class at ASU..happened to see her talking to another student then she laughed and stuck out her tongue,had one of those stud piercings on the tip.. i was like :pain: :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Force, fraud or coercion. The fraud part seems to be satisfied.

....and it does say that they were kept under house arrest.

Plus, the guy has literally told on himself. :lol:


Not trafficking at all, REAL TRAFFICKING they TAKE YOUR PASSPORTS and you get yo

ASS kicked to prove they mean business...

Now unless I overlooked something, they still had their passports, and

if thats the case there is some bullshit going on,

You read about REAL HUMAN TRAFFICKING and they NEVER see their passports again...

annnnnnnnd if they signed any contracts... a REAL "top G" would have their adult signatures...

on a contract stating exactly what they are in for..

now if he didn have them sign any contracts and confiscated their passports... then his ass needs

to be locked up...

if they had their passports all along, these are trumped up charges..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Force, fraud or coercion. The fraud part seems to be satisfied.

....and it does say that they were kept under house arrest.

Plus, the guy has literally told on himself. :lol:


While I do KNOW there is a whole lot of truth,

to that pizzagate shit, just because of the podesta

artwork alone.. which mirrors that balengia or whattever

that faggot fashion house is called, proves there

is somethng very wrong morally with these entities,

but any body that says George Floyd died from

an overdose and NOT because some sick pussy faggot

kkkop was kneeling on his neck for over seven minutes..

are fukin wacky wackos that need to have someone kneel

on their necks for over seven fuckin minutes...with their

hands behind their backs..

but trump is a waay better choice for president than joe liedon,

under joe liden pussys like Ted Cruz flourish come back to life..

under a trump presidency, pussys like cruz get put in their place,

and exposed...

and has no chance of becoming president... youd rather,

a lying faggot like lieden lead the country and keep

disgusting viles of shit like ted cruz around..

Or trump who exposes the fake fuckin racist news media,

that always Demonizes the True Organic Americans...

sure he is a self serving ego maniac... but he is not

a disgusting full of shit KKK liar like Joe Lieden

what folks dont understand is Joe lieden

Is literally the KKK END GAME of ditching their

hoods and robes, and Morphing into politics and

Law enforcement...

a vote for joe liden is a vote for the Hidden

KKK that is embedded in our society now...

he is the symbol of the hidden kkk's

Ultimate plan....

thats why he is failing so much and being exposed as

the non stop perpetual LIAR he is, Joe Lieden cant stop getting

caught in his own fuckin lies...

bruh the muthafucka said, if you take the vaccine you will NOT

get covid...

then he literally tried to make the wise unvaccinated terrorist by


what happens,, the muthafuckin lying faggot joe liden

Proceeds to GET COVID TWICE..

and its a known fact once you get the experimental drug,

YOU LITERALLLY help the virus spread by SHEDDING...

You cant make this shit up...

Im unvaccinated and havent caught no fuckin covid or

suffered any pre exising conditions...

that faggot joe lieden caught it twice...


he is the worst leader ever.. and been LYING

ever since he entered into the political Arena...

just do research on him..

WE always voted the lessor of two evils...

and trump by far is the lessor of those two evils

but the media stil controls weak minded folk..

and there is no shortage of weak minded easily

influenced folk amongst us...

now what fucks trump up, are the super coontastic assholes like candace ownes

and that mtg bitch...

they are more racist than trump and his whole family..

anybody that thinks George Floyd was not murdred because

he was forced to be handcuffed and had someone kneeling

on his neck for over seven minutes,

needs to be handcuffed and have someone kneel on their neck

for over seven minutes...lets see them survive that shit...

sure trump is a self serving asshole

but that self serving asshole is waay better for us than

Joe lieden who is giving our reparations away to nazi's

in the Ukraine...

Joe is the kkk's end game, from ditching their robes and hoods

and morphing into law enforment/poliics,

he is a symbol of that END GAME

which is why he is failing at everything he does...and being exposed

for the demonic perpetual liar he is...

KKK made it to the top only to expose the fact, they are

not qualified to be there...

Trump is just a high level mason, but he is NOT


and qnon is a psy op, to confuse people from really getting

to the Truth of things...

they will sucker you in with some truth, then hit you with

a barrage of bullshit.

self serving trump much better than a lying ass

kkk pedo as president...

Not sure how folks cant see that shit!!!

joe liedens whole political existence


As far as JFK jr coming back thats why I think its a psy op,

sucker you in with some truth, then BAM hit you with

psychotic mind fuckery..

Like the birds are not real movement.. just dumb mind fuckery

to keep folks running and circles adn from exposing

Real shit, like getting to that Epstein List and

ending Global Human especially CHILD TRAFFICKING...

You know what WAS REAL, that WAYFAIR scandal,

that was exposed for selling missing children with sku codes

from their website..

It was fuckin amazing how fast they covered that shit up, and made

the masses forget about it,

They were selling missing children right under our nose..

and its funny how that came out, right after

epsteins handler Ghislane got arrested...

Nobody even talks about it.. but they still talkin about

JFK rising from the grave to lead folks..


PSY OP bruh!!


and proves how high up and sophisticated

this Human Trafficking is.

the fact qnon is not on their ass about the wayfair scandal

Proves that whole movement is bullshit and nothing but

controlled OPP.
Last edited:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Not even sure what 97% of that was in reply to. No way in Hell that trump is a better choice than Biden, but we fired his ass and again, that has zero to do with what I said. :lol:


While I do KNOW there is a whole lot of truth,

to that pizzagate shit, just because of the podesta

artwork alone.. which mirrors that balengia or whattever

that faggot fashion house is called, proves there

is somethng very wrong morally with these entities,

but any body that says George Floyd died from

an overdose and NOT because some sick pussy faggot

kkkop was kneeling on his neck for over seven minutes..

are fukin wacky wackos that need to have someone kneel

on their necks for over seven fuckin minutes...with their

hands behind their backs..

but trump is a waay better choice for president than joe liedon,

under joe liden pussys like Ted Cruz flourish come back to life..

under a trump presidency, pussys like cruz get put in their place,

and exposed...

and has no chance of becoming president... youd rather,

a lying faggot like lieden lead the country and keep

disgusting viles of shit like ted cruz around..

Or trump who exposes the fake fuckin racist news media,

that always Demonizes the True Organic Americans...

sure he is a self serving ego maniac... but he is not

a disgusting full of shit KKK liar like Joe Lieden

what folks dont understand is Joe lieden

Is literally the KKK END GAME of ditching their

hoods and robes, and Morphing into politics and

Law enforcement...

a vote for joe liden is a vote for the Hidden

KKK that is embedded in our society now...

he is the symbol of the hidden kkk's

Ultimate plan....

thats why he is failing so much and being exposed as

the non stop perpetual LIAR he is, Joe Lieden cant stop getting

caught in his own fuckin lies...

bruh the muthafucka said, if you take the vaccine you will NOT

get covid...

then he literally tried to make the wise unvaccinated terrorist by


what happens,, the muthafuckin lying faggot joe liden

Proceeds to GET COVID TWICE..

and its a known fact once you get the experimental drug,

YOU LITERALLLY help the virus spread by SHEDDING...

You cant make this shit up...

Im unvaccinated and havent caught no fuckin covid or

suffered any pre exising conditions...

that faggot joe lieden caught it twice...


he is the worst leader ever.. and been LYING

ever since he entered into the political Arena...

just do research on him..

WE always voted the lessor of two evils...

and trump by far is the lessor of those two evils

but the media stil controls weak minded folk..

and there is no shortage of weak minded easily

influenced folk amongst us...

now what fucks trump up, are the super coontastic assholes like candace ownes

and that mtg bitch...

they are more racist than trump and his whole family..

anybody that thinks George Floyd was not murdred because

he was forced to be handcuffed and had someone kneeling

on his neck for over seven minutes,

needs to be handcuffed and have someone kneel on their neck

for over seven minutes...lets see them survive that shit...

sure trump is a self serving asshole

but that self serving asshole is waay better for us than

Joe lieden who is giving our reparations away to nazi's

in the Ukraine...

Joe is the kkk's end game, from ditching their robes and hoods

and morphing into law enforment/poliics,

he is a symbol of that END GAME

which is why he is failing at everything he does...and being exposed

for the demonic perpetual liar he is...

KKK made it to the top only to expose the fact, they are

not qualified to be there...

Trump is just a high level mason, but he is NOT


and qnon is a psy op, to confuse people from really getting

to the Truth of things...

they will sucker you in with some truth, then hit you with

a barrage of bullshit.

self serving trump much better than a lying ass

kkk pedo as president...

Not sure how folks cant see that shit!!!

joe liedens whole political existence


As far as JFK jr coming back thats why I think its a psy op,

sucker you in with some truth, then BAM hit you with

psychotic mind fuckery..

Like the birds are not real movement.. just dumb mind fuckery

to keep folks running and circles adn from exposing

Real shit, like getting to that Epstein List and

ending Global Human especially CHILD TRAFFICKING...

You know what WAS REAL, that WAYFAIR scandal,

that was exposed for selling missing children with sku codes

from their website..

It was fuckin amazing how fast they covered that shit up, and made

the masses forget about it,

They were selling missing children right under our nose..

and its funny how that came out, right after

epsteins handler Ghislane got arrested...

Nobody even talks about it.. but they still talkin about

JFK rising from the grave to lead folks..


PSY OP bruh!!


and proves how high up and sophisticated

this Human Trafficking is.

the fact qnon is not on their ass about the wayfair scandal

Proves that whole movement is bullshit and nothing but

controlled OPP.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
While I do KNOW there is a whole lot of truth,

to that pizzagate shit, just because of the podesta

artwork alone.. which mirrors that balengia or whattever

that faggot fashion house is called, proves there

is somethng very wrong morally with these entities,

but any body that says George Floyd died from

an overdose and NOT because some sick pussy faggot

kkkop was kneeling on his neck for over seven minutes..

are fukin wacky wackos that need to have someone kneel

on their necks for over seven fuckin minutes...with their

hands behind their backs..

but trump is a waay better choice for president than joe liedon,

under joe liden pussys like Ted Cruz flourish come back to life..

under a trump presidency, pussys like cruz get put in their place,

and exposed...

and has no chance of becoming president... youd rather,

a lying faggot like lieden lead the country and keep

disgusting viles of shit like ted cruz around..

Or trump who exposes the fake fuckin racist news media,

that always Demonizes the True Organic Americans...

sure he is a self serving ego maniac... but he is not

a disgusting full of shit KKK liar like Joe Lieden

what folks dont understand is Joe lieden

Is literally the KKK END GAME of ditching their

hoods and robes, and Morphing into politics and

Law enforcement...

a vote for joe liden is a vote for the Hidden

KKK that is embedded in our society now...

he is the symbol of the hidden kkk's

Ultimate plan....

thats why he is failing so much and being exposed as

the non stop perpetual LIAR he is, Joe Lieden cant stop getting

caught in his own fuckin lies...

bruh the muthafucka said, if you take the vaccine you will NOT

get covid...

then he literally tried to make the wise unvaccinated terrorist by


what happens,, the muthafuckin lying faggot joe liden

Proceeds to GET COVID TWICE..

and its a known fact once you get the experimental drug,

YOU LITERALLLY help the virus spread by SHEDDING...

You cant make this shit up...

Im unvaccinated and havent caught no fuckin covid or

suffered any pre exising conditions...

that faggot joe lieden caught it twice...


he is the worst leader ever.. and been LYING

ever since he entered into the political Arena...

just do research on him..

WE always voted the lessor of two evils...

and trump by far is the lessor of those two evils

but the media stil controls weak minded folk..

and there is no shortage of weak minded easily

influenced folk amongst us...

now what fucks trump up, are the super coontastic assholes like candace ownes

and that mtg bitch...

they are more racist than trump and his whole family..

anybody that thinks George Floyd was not murdred because

he was forced to be handcuffed and had someone kneeling

on his neck for over seven minutes,

needs to be handcuffed and have someone kneel on their neck

for over seven minutes...lets see them survive that shit...

sure trump is a self serving asshole

but that self serving asshole is waay better for us than

Joe lieden who is giving our reparations away to nazi's

in the Ukraine...

Joe is the kkk's end game, from ditching their robes and hoods

and morphing into law enforment/poliics,

he is a symbol of that END GAME

which is why he is failing at everything he does...and being exposed

for the demonic perpetual liar he is...

KKK made it to the top only to expose the fact, they are

not qualified to be there...

Trump is just a high level mason, but he is NOT


and qnon is a psy op, to confuse people from really getting

to the Truth of things...

they will sucker you in with some truth, then hit you with

a barrage of bullshit.

self serving trump much better than a lying ass

kkk pedo as president...

Not sure how folks cant see that shit!!!

joe liedens whole political existence


As far as JFK jr coming back thats why I think its a psy op,

sucker you in with some truth, then BAM hit you with

psychotic mind fuckery..

Like the birds are not real movement.. just dumb mind fuckery

to keep folks running and circles adn from exposing

Real shit, like getting to that Epstein List and

ending Global Human especially CHILD TRAFFICKING...

You know what WAS REAL, that WAYFAIR scandal,

that was exposed for selling missing children with sku codes

from their website..

It was fuckin amazing how fast they covered that shit up, and made

the masses forget about it,

They were selling missing children right under our nose..

and its funny how that came out, right after

epsteins handler Ghislane got arrested...

Nobody even talks about it.. but they still talkin about

JFK rising from the grave to lead folks..


PSY OP bruh!!


and proves how high up and sophisticated

this Human Trafficking is.

the fact qnon is not on their ass about the wayfair scandal

Proves that whole movement is bullshit and nothing but

controlled OPP.

Pizzagate? So you think kids were being molested in the basement of a pizza parlor that didn't have a basement?



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Not even sure what 97% of that was in reply to. No way in Hell that trump is a better choice than Biden, but we fired his ass and again, that has zero to do with what I said. :lol:


uh demoncrats got the party where, they

are so fuckin confused they got men with dicks who dress

up like women, that want the right to use the girls room...

the democrats are catering to them making them think

they are normal and its ok to just create a whole new fuckin

set of rules for biology, you got grown men, that want to participate

in women fight sports just so they can take their hate out on women...

I would post that fuckin sick video clip of aoc catering to a room full

of drag queens, bruh that shit was the most absurd shit I ever seen

in my life, it was funny bizzare sad and psychotic all at the same time...

so the drag queen community is JUST AS FUCKED UP AS Qnon...

the sad part is if qnon just speaks on the top issues, they sound,

logical, its just if you let them go on too long, you are like

whaaa da fuck??

its like candace owench, she says a lot of real shit... but if you just let her keep talkin

she just puts a shoe in her mouth and chews the fuck out of it, she just talks really fast,

and hopes you miss the stupid shit she says...

bruh its like, there is a video of a cop kneeling on a brothers NECK for seven minutes...

and being murdered right on camera..

and muthafuckas are tryin to tell you, no it was drugs....

Like whaa da fuckin FUCKIN????

but to answer your question,

democrats got the psychotic drag queen mafia,

who joe lieden unleashed when he promised to make the fag agenda

his number one priority,

How the fuck is he gonna let a whole nation of muthafuckas sit

back while he caters to fuckin less than five percent of the population,

the fuck is DEMOCRATIC about THAT SHIT,

thats YO boy LIDEN

thats YO wacky FUCKED UP DEMOCRATIC party

got grown men wanting to legally beat up women

and use the lil girls room!!!

cmon son,

Mrfreddygoodbud GOT THE ANSWERS son!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Pizzagate? So you think kids were being molested in the basement of a pizza parlor that didn't have a basement?

not till I seen the sick child porn

artwork in podesta house?

You seen that shit....

Yea after I seen that,

I said what normal person would call

that shit sick art??

If you dont think there is something wrong with those

paintings then you need to question your sanity,

I wont even post that shit here!!!


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
not till I seen the sick child porn

artwork in podesta house?

You seen that shit....

Yea after I seen that,

I said what normal person would call

that shit sick art??

If you dont think there is something wrong with those

paintings then you need to question your sanity,

I wont even post that shit here!!!

I've only recently heard about the paintings. The one I saw was disturbing. Now what is the first name of the Podesta who owned them and what is the first name of the one referenced in pizza gate?

I don't know if the Podesta family is a gang of pedophiles or not, but when people cry wolf and make up easily disproved nonsense like pizzagate, everyone is less likely to believe subsequent smears, even if true.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I've only recently heard about the paintings. The one I saw was disturbing. Now what is the first name of the Podesta who owned them and what is the first name of the one referenced in pizza gate?

I don't know if the Podesta family is a gang of pedophiles or not, but when people cry wolf and make up easily disproved nonsense like pizzagate, everyone is less likely to believe subsequent smears, even if true.

One of them is a democratic lobbyist, the other was down with hillarys

campaign, they are both birds of the same feather...!!!

All I know is that sick fuckin artwork speaks for itself and tells

all I need to know about the podestas... doesnt matter which one is stupid

and sick enough to hang those depraved pedo pictures in his home,

they both birds of the same feather that


facts are facts!!


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
One of them is a democratic lobbyist, the other was down with hillarys

campaign, they are both birds of the same feather...!!!

All I know is that sick fuckin artwork speaks for itself and tells

all I need to know about the podestas... doesnt matter which one is stupid

and sick enough to hang those depraved pedo pictures in his home,

they both birds of the same feather that


facts are facts!!

You don't think pedophiles exist among the GOP, independents and non voters?

All the stuff you've been sprouting is QAnon conspiracy nonsense. I'm sorry to say and it's sad to see, but covid broke you. I think you were looking for like minded folks against vaccine mandates and left all critical thinking behind as you dove head first into the QAnon rabbit hole. Now you can't find your way out. I feel sorry for you. Your spiral down is hard to watch


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You don't think pedophiles exist among the GOP, independents and non voters?

All the stuff you've been sprouting is QAnon conspiracy nonsense. I'm sorry to say and it's sad to see, but covid broke you. I think you were looking for like minded folks against vaccine mandates and left all critical thinking behind as you dove head first into the QAnon rabbit hole. Now you can't find your way out. I feel sorry for you. Your spiral down is hard to watch

Name all the conspiracy nonsense Ive been spouting,

the fact that your president said,

He will make gay issues his number one priority, when the gay population

is less then five percent of the nation, thats DEMOCRACY,

thats a q conspiracy?????

the fact your president, literally cursed the WU the wise unvaccinated, on national television

and literally said,



they fact you think its a vaccine proves YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT A VACCINE IS,

and what this experimental high tech drug is...

You ignore facts and want to dump this qnon crap on me,

because you fail to debunk the fuckery of your sick depraved party,

who rather dwell on drag queens and gay marriages, as the whole fuckin

countries infrastructure falls apart...

You are obsessed with this psy op calleD qnon

I just cant wait for joe lieden to be gone for good,

Look at that fool now, he was all on trump taking top secret documents,

Now who got caught with them..

Yea thats a q conspiracy too...

qnon is a bunch of easily manipulated racist retards who

sprinkle a little truth in with piles of bullshit,

but your president is even more full of shit then they are,

he has been a liar ever since he started his politcal career...

anyway, that fool proved the experimental drug you THINK is a vaccine does

not work..

You just cant fuck with facts, so you create fake scenerios and try to throw

me in it...

You can keep tryin tho... just get over the fact this is the worse presidency

EVER nobody respects joe lieden he is a joke all over the globe..

and the democratic party only cares about drag queens and giving men

the rights to use the little girls room..

your politcal party is fuckin pathetic..

and you go HARD for them too..



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
HNIC has REALLY got to get a vomit like added for videos like this!!!

thats some sick shit... he is the type of sick fuck you NEVER leave alone with your child,

there is NO way he is not gay...

now tate out here looking suspect as fuck, being around some fuckin weirdo like that with

only a robe and boxing shorts on...