Andrew Tate arrested for sex trafficking in Romania


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

The world is learning about the reckoning. I suspect Tate's issue is biracial pathology coming full circle. He feels his fathers rage towards white women, learned from day 1 with his "Wog socket"(his own words) mom who picked a bum who had them living in poverty.

Beige rage undid him.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
In what ways does feminism impact black men?

It creates women that don't respect men, women that blow up their families for selfishness, women that mistake the "choice" of the women's rights movement for "a man can't tell me shit", or women wanting agency over wanting family.

Don't even waste your energy trying to explain it. Your dealing with an echo chamber of mis-informed ppl who find pleasure that Tate is in jail, yet those same ppl live in and complain about the very same hell Tate, KS, and Sharazad Ali talk about. What you're trying to do is equivalent to explaining the color blue to the blind.

Tate like KS, already put enough content out there about his view point in great detail. If ppl want to lable someone without actually understanding the person, objectively, then leave 'em be. Sometimes it's best to leave the slaves on the plantation and just watch.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor

The world is learning about the reckoning. I suspect Tate's issue is biracial pathology coming full circle. He feels his fathers rage towards white women, learned from day 1 with his "Wog socket"(his own words) mom who picked a bum who had them living in poverty.

Beige rage undid him.

Simple and complete breakdown... Nicely DONE!!!

Pssst.. you want to know a secret ....

his pops was an agent... tates on words said his pops was cia,

but I think that maybe a tall tale, more like a govt snitch, who had

to stay on the run... an actual cia agent, may not be rich,

but their families are taking care of, especially after death

of an agent..

But snitches and rats, get treated like snitches and rats, no respect

on both sides of the game..

Beige rage...LOL... !!!

Beige rage is real as fuck

sneaky as fuck and rarily gets

called out... many times they are

used as gatekeepers to pinktoe psuedo supremacy..

see paper bag mafia...


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Don't bring me into this. DHustla is hopeless and has caveman ideas about women.

I'm getting tired of all this nonsense on BGOL. We have a bunch of Beta males running around here who need a weak, docile woman in order to feel like a man. They feel inferior and can't handle challenges. They want respect they haven't earned simply because they are men, and women don't work like that. A penis doesn't make you smarter, more competent, fit to lead, protect, provide or decide simply because you own one. Politics should have taught us this, if nothing else. There are a whole lot of men in leadership positions that have no business being there. (PSA: DON'T @ ME, IF THIS DOESN'T APPLY TO YOU THEN KEEP IT MOVING)

The Betas around here are listening to all these misogynists who disparage women because it appeals to their weak nature. They get sucked in just like folks did with Russian propaganda and folks who get radicalized. They have someone who might say something with one grain of truth, but its still wrapped in a cloak that is anti Black women, and often anti Black men as well. They are amplifying harmful voices and messages because they said one right thing they agreed with, as though that excuses all the other toxicity.

I first came across Tommy Sotomayer when either Trayvon or Mike Brown was killed. His commentary on racism and police brutality was spot on. Then I listened to some of his other comments on other topics, and he was toxic and ugly to his core. I wasn't about to let that nonsense into my spirit because he might have one good take in one particular area. Most folks don't listen for nuance, even if the ones promoting these hustlers do. None of the men they listen to are in happy, successful marriages, yet somehow they have all the answers about women and life. SMH.

I give everyone a basic level of respect until they show themselves to deserve more or less. When I determine its less, I'm still generally not disrespectful, but I will dismiss them with the quickness. The menfolk I'm used to command - not demand - respect or earn it simply by their character, nature, and how they carry themselves. The menfolk in my family have a backbone, handle their business and none of them have ever whined about not getting respect. If you are not getting respect, figure out what Beta energy you are giving off or where you are falling short where she can't relax in your leadership and feel secure. No woman is going to treat you like a man if she is having to follow you around like a kid because you aren't holding up your end of the responsibilities.

::vent over::

This is my first and last comment about this.


Honeysuckle has left the building


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


interesting how a single white woman raised two sons with an absentee black father who was NOT responsible for their financial success and guess what...they grew up to end up in jail ANYWAY..


just another statistic in a cage.....but no one is talking about how that single mother MUST have screwed up her sons sooo bad thats this is where land.

but tate IS right about one DO commit more crimes than others....he should know...he just added to the stats. :hmm::hmm::hmm:

and you guys are ROOTING for this nigga??


Rising Star
Don't bring me into this. DHustla is hopeless and has caveman ideas about women.
Dang Camille :( I'm sorry to hear this.
I'm getting tired of all this nonsense on BGOL. We have a bunch of Beta males running around here who need a weak, docile woman in order to feel like a man. They feel inferior and can't handle challenges. They want respect they haven't earned simply because they are men, and women don't work like that. A penis doesn't make you smarter, more competent, fit to lead, protect, provide or decide simply because you own one. Politics should have taught us this, if nothing else. There are a whole lot of men in leadership positions that have no business being there. (PSA: DON'T @ ME, IF THIS DOESN'T APPLY TO YOU THEN KEEP IT MOVING)

The Betas around here are listening to all these misogynists who disparage women because it appeals to their weak nature. They get sucked in just like folks did with Russian propaganda and folks who get radicalized. They have someone who might say something with one grain of truth, but its still wrapped in a cloak that is anti Black women, and often anti Black men as well. They are amplifying harmful voices and messages because they said one right thing they agreed with, as though that excuses all the other toxicity.

I first came across Tommy Sotomayer when either Trayvon or Mike Brown was killed. His commentary on racism and police brutality was spot on. Then I listened to some of his other comments on other topics, and he was toxic and ugly to his core. I wasn't about to let that nonsense into my spirit because he might have one good take in one particular area. Most folks don't listen for nuance, even if the ones promoting these hustlers do. None of the men they listen to are in happy, successful marriages, yet somehow they have all the answers about women and life. SMH.

I give everyone a basic level of respect until they show themselves to deserve more or less. When I determine its less, I'm still generally not disrespectful, but I will dismiss them with the quickness. The menfolk I'm used to command - not demand - respect or earn it simply by their character, nature, and how they carry themselves. The menfolk in my family have a backbone, handle their business and none of them have ever whined about not getting respect. If you are not getting respect, figure out what Beta energy you are giving off or where you are falling short where she can't relax in your leadership and feel secure. No woman is going to treat you like a man if she is having to follow you around like a kid because you aren't holding up your end of the responsibilities.

::vent over::

This is my first and last comment about this.
Camille, another perspective to take into account is that the issues lay at the feet of both black men and black women.

Statistics show that no one's getting married, black men or black women(not in significant numbers)! So by your logic no one should listen to you or I about interpersonal relationships because we're not in a successful marriage.

It's interesting that women that raised those men get a pass; women that are disrespectful, disregarding, disingenuous, and dismissive of black men no matter the man's character, nature, or how they carry themselves. You say men whining about respect should figure out what beta energy they're giving off... yet these men are respected everywhere they set foot in the world except for in an American black woman's presence. These women run off or kill every man in their life, romantic or familial.
Somewhere along the line a man dropped the ball & taught the women that they couldn't trust a man and the cycle started.

And as black people we shouldnt be measuring each other on white people's index, i.e. alpha, beta, etc. It shows a lack of scholarship about who you are and where you come from.

Let's not mistake misogyny for establishing that men and women are different, we are not the same or equal. I believe in gender roles, and I don't think that is misogynistic. I see no issue with women having their own agency, choice, or freedoms as long as they accept the responsibilities that accompany them.
Many women want the power of a man, privilege of a female, and accountability of a child.

Also, men are more than just humans with a penis. What makes anyone a good leader is not their gender, but their ability to think critically, manage people & resources, get the best out of those being led, communicate effectively, delay gratification, plan ahead, etc. I agree that a penis doesn't qualify one to be a leader, nor does a vagina disqualify one to lead.


Rising Star
interesting how a single white woman raised two sons with an absentee black father who was NOT responsible for their financial success and guess what...they grew up to end up in jail ANYWAY..


just another statistic in a cage.....but no one is talking about how that single mother MUST have screwed up her sons sooo bad thats this is where land.

but tate IS right about one DO commit more crimes than others....he should know...he just added to the stats. :hmm::hmm::hmm:

and you guys are ROOTING for this nigga??
Your slip is showing


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
interesting how a single white woman raised two sons with an absentee black father who was NOT responsible for their financial success and guess what...they grew up to end up in jail ANYWAY..


just another statistic in a cage.....but no one is talking about how that single mother MUST have screwed up her sons sooo bad thats this is where land.

but tate IS right about one DO commit more crimes than others....he should know...he just added to the stats. :hmm::hmm::hmm:

and you guys are ROOTING for this nigga??

Is this some type of satire or attempted joke that I’m not aware of?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
On a message board dedicated to black women? :confused:

Most here love black women, just not their ways all the time.

I don't have a single member on ignore, I just have members posts that I don't read or pay attention to.

He\she\it\they just made that list.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's crazy the amount of rain that California's getting.

The weather on Earth is only gonna get worse, not better.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't have a single member on ignore, I just have members posts that I don't read or pay attention to.

He\she\it\they just made that list.

At first I didnt either, then dudes were like they had me on ignore, and I realized those

dudes never ever had anything worth while to read, so I put those that had me on ignore

on ignore.

Bruh It does make for a much better experience...

especially those posters who never have an original thought,

and just hate on posters that do.

Ignore them and enjoy a much better bgol experience..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
At first I didnt either, then dudes were like they had me on ignore, and I realized those

dudes never ever had anything worth while to read, so I put those that had me on ignore

on ignore.

Bruh It does make for a much better experience...

especially those posters who never have an original thought,

and just hate on posters that do.

Ignore them and enjoy a much better bgol experience..

I can definitely understand and respect where you're coming from.

But I look at this board the same way I look at real life.

I'm not interested in what Kanye, trump or Skip Bayless says. So I don't read, pay attention to or have an emotion about what they say so I just ignore it.

But if there's a thread on here about them, sometimes I'll comment but most of the time I keep it movin.

So if I see a username that I don't care what they have to say, I just skip over it.

But I definitely understand the reason for putting people on ignore.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
At first I didnt either, then dudes were like they had me on ignore, and I realized those

dudes never ever had anything worth while to read, so I put those that had me on ignore

on ignore.

Bruh It does make for a much better experience...

especially those posters who never have an original thought,

and just hate on posters that do.

Ignore them and enjoy a much better bgol experience..
I can definitely understand and respect where you're coming from.

But I look at this board the same way I look at real life.

I'm not interested in what Kanye, trump or Skip Bayless says. So I don't read, pay attention to or have an emotion about what they say so I just ignore it.

But if there's a thread on here about them, sometimes I'll comment but most of the time I keep it movin.

So if I see a username that I don't care what they have to say, I just skip over it.

But I definitely understand the reason for putting people on ignore.
i can dig it and totally agree:happy:


Rising Star
Platinum Member
You joking right? He called white women who married black soccer players ni***er lovers and justified police brutality by saying "blacks commit more crime". People told you this already and you're still asking?

post this up...I need to see this... kinsfolk


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
Don't bring me into this. DHustla is hopeless and has caveman ideas about women.

I'm getting tired of all this nonsense on BGOL. We have a bunch of Beta males running around here who need a weak, docile woman in order to feel like a man. They feel inferior and can't handle challenges. They want respect they haven't earned simply because they are men, and women don't work like that. A penis doesn't make you smarter, more competent, fit to lead, protect, provide or decide simply because you own one. Politics should have taught us this, if nothing else. There are a whole lot of men in leadership positions that have no business being there. (PSA: DON'T @ ME, IF THIS DOESN'T APPLY TO YOU THEN KEEP IT MOVING)

The Betas around here are listening to all these misogynists who disparage women because it appeals to their weak nature. They get sucked in just like folks did with Russian propaganda and folks who get radicalized. They have someone who might say something with one grain of truth, but its still wrapped in a cloak that is anti Black women, and often anti Black men as well. They are amplifying harmful voices and messages because they said one right thing they agreed with, as though that excuses all the other toxicity.

I first came across Tommy Sotomayer when either Trayvon or Mike Brown was killed. His commentary on racism and police brutality was spot on. Then I listened to some of his other comments on other topics, and he was toxic and ugly to his core. I wasn't about to let that nonsense into my spirit because he might have one good take in one particular area. Most folks don't listen for nuance, even if the ones promoting these hustlers do. None of the men they listen to are in happy, successful marriages, yet somehow they have all the answers about women and life. SMH.

I give everyone a basic level of respect until they show themselves to deserve more or less. When I determine its less, I'm still generally not disrespectful, but I will dismiss them with the quickness. The menfolk I'm used to command - not demand - respect or earn it simply by their character, nature, and how they carry themselves. The menfolk in my family have a backbone, handle their business and none of them have ever whined about not getting respect. If you are not getting respect, figure out what Beta energy you are giving off or where you are falling short where she can't relax in your leadership and feel secure. No woman is going to treat you like a man if she is having to follow you around like a kid because you aren't holding up your end of the responsibilities.

::vent over::

This is my first and last comment about this.

I'm in a unique era in my BGOL life. Most days I don't have the time or inclination to go through a whole thread with 10+ pages and really read everyone's POV carefully or give all these thoughtful (and not so thoughtful) posts equal attention. I'm here to get some quick laughs/insights and bounce. Since I'm keeping up with the news etc on my own I already have well formed opinions on a lot of these issues under discussion and I'll look for someone who's opinion I respect to get a feel for thread and an anchor to react to.

Andrew Tate is a HUGE clown, he's BEEN a clown... it's almost comical how much of a fuckin douchey idiot dude has been over all these many years and I'm so glad to get a woman's perspective on this clown ass dude. Especially from a sister like @Camille. Thanks.

If you're a dude who thinks this is some good dude being railroaded please take like 3-5 minutes to read up on him and come back to Earth. :yes:


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
I'm in a unique era in my BGOL life. Most days I don't have the time or inclination to go through a whole thread with 10+ pages and really read everyone's POV carefully or give all these thoughtful (and not so thoughtful) posts equal attention. I'm here to get some quick laughs/insights and bounce. Since I'm keeping up with the news etc on my own I already have well formed opinions on a lot of these issues under discussion and I'll look for someone who's opinion I respect to get a feel for thread and an anchor to react to.

Andrew Tate is a HUGE clown, he's BEEN a clown... it's almost comical how much of a fuckin douchey idiot dude has been over all these many years and I'm so glad to get a woman's perspective on this clown ass dude. Especially from a sister like @Camille. Thanks.

If you're a dude who thinks this is some good dude being railroaded please take like 3-5 minutes to read up on him and come back to Earth. :yes:

It is sooooo good to see you. I hope you have a Happy New Year and start coming around more. Sanity has been sorely lacking.


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
It is sooooo good to see you. I hope you have a Happy New Year and start coming around more. Sanity has been sorely lacking.

Likewise sis! Hope you enjoyed the holidays and New Year with your fam as well... I'm going to try to make an effort to post more on the weekends especially, the recent post about missing members really drove home how much I appreciate this site and it's members. :cool:


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
Damn 10 pages of dudes trying to cape for Tate?!?!

Some of you dudes in here are pathetic. I get why a bunch of y'all hate're too sad for anyone to fuck y'all and that got you bitter.

Walter Panov

Rising Star
post this up...I need to see this... kinsfolk
Well he did say black people commit more crimes than white people:

He was talking about himself....and his brother. Probably his bedbuck dad too.

What makes him black? Growing up with a white woman in fucking luton?

Calling white celebs who marry black footballers "Wog sockets"(UK form of ****** lover)?

Mixed people arent black in his eyes. Why are black folks so happy to pick up the trash from other communities as ours?

Is he black when he said he would threaten black people with jobs?

Hes the spawn of a low IQ titan bedbuck, who walked around aimlessly with white women the same way titans in the anime aimlessly walked around eating humans.
He's NOT black.
He also said "Fuck the running final. If I wanted to see black people running I'd just threaten them with jobs."


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Well he did say black people commit more crimes than white people:

He was talking about himself....and his brother. Probably his bedbuck dad too.

boom...fuck this punk muffucka...he bout to get another buggati...his new cellie bout to make him understand how them women feel when he was raping.. brah