Always thought buddy was weird and overcompensating.
Daily Kos
Daily Kos is a progressive news site that fights for democracy by giving our audience information and resources to win elections and impact government. Our coverage is assiduously factual, ethical, and unapologetically liberal. We amplify what we think is important, with the proper context—
Romanian authorities have seized a collection of cars belonging to misogynistic social media influencer Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan.
It comes days after the 36-year-old self-avowed “success coach” was arrested as part of a human trafficking investigation.
Romanian authorities seized the car collection, estimated to be worth over five million euros, as well a number of buildings including one where the brothers lived and allegedly held six young women, according to a local news report.
A Buggati Chiron, a Rolls Royce, two Ferraris and a Porsche were seized, according to Romanian outlet Spy News.
How is he fucked up?Listen to some stuff this guy said. Wow. He is fucked up. Was it all an act? Cause if he is being truthful. He is duck and also fucked!!!
Not really. It’s just marketing and the internet with algorithms makes it very easy to utilize which is exactly what he did.The amazing thing is how some random person without any qualifications or actual data can hop on youtube and have millions of people following/believing him.
The amazing thing is how some random person without any qualifications or actual data can hop on youtube and have millions of people following/believing him.
Yep. A muhfucka that know how to work the internet right can do a lot and quick. But it catch up to a ignant muhfucka.Not really. It’s just marketing and the internet with algorithms makes it very easy to utilize which is exactly what he did.
You joking right? He called white women who married black soccer players ni***er lovers and justified police brutality by saying "blacks commit more crime". People told you this already and you're still asking?How is he fucked up?
True, it's mostly marketing. He portrays an image of himself to sell his "you can be rich like me" coaching course. He's a modern day version of an 80's get rich quick infomercial. I honestly can't believe grown men in here listen to him.Not really. It’s just marketing and the internet with algorithms makes it very easy to utilize which is exactly what he did.
You joking right? He called white women who married black soccer players ni***er lovers and justified police brutality by saying "blacks commit more crime". People told you this already and you're still asking?
I didn't see where he said that. I dont agree with that at all, but all the other shit I agree with.You joking right? He called white women who married black soccer players ni***er lovers and justified police brutality by saying "blacks commit more crime". People told you this already and you're still asking?
He did?But he told men it's not their fault they can't get the fine ass women they want, it's the women's fault, so all is forgiven
D just like the part where they hate them hoes lolYou joking right? He called white women who married black soccer players ni***er lovers and justified police brutality by saying "blacks commit more crime". People told you this already and you're still asking?
FixedD just like the part where they hate them feminist hoes lol
How is he fucked up?
Yep. A muhfucka that know how to work the internet right can do a lot and quick. But it catch up to a ignant muhfucka.
See: Omi in a hellcat
so essentially you give him a pass on that shit??I didn't see where he said that. I dont agree with that at all, but all the other shit I agree with.
I'm just familiar with him in manosphere spaces.
You joking right? He called white women who married black soccer players ni***er lovers and justified police brutality by saying "blacks commit more crime". People told you this already and you're still asking?
Nawl, this my first hearing of it. I can separate message from the essentially you give him a pass on that shit??
He did?
I thought he just told feminist women that the shit they want don't make sense and many times its "haram".
Wog comes from golliwog, which refers to this dollDid he really use ****** lover???
but that "blacks" commit more crime was just typical dumb
cac shit, that dumb brain dead kneegrows repeat too...
like larry elder, jesse patterson, most hardcore democrats..
He is right about the matrix churning out beta males..
I aint the type that throw the baby out with the bath water.....
I find him entertaining but no way can I listen to him for more
than ten minutes...
the funny shit is, sisters, biracial chicks, latinas love this dude..
the beckys he PREFER, tolerate him...
and favor darker skin bruhs.. I think thats where some of his bitterness
hence his wog socket remark, which I think is hilarious, because I find
haters amusing and funny, like the chimp cages at the zoo..
It does impact us.Why would he or any man care what feminist women want unless they feel it impacts them?
Wog comes from golliwog, which refers to this doll
It was a racist caricature from the UK made to make of fun of black Africans in the late 1800's. And of course the bitch who created it was from the US. Her first book of it was The Adventures of Two Dutch Dolls and a Golliwogg. The 1895 book included a character named the Golliwogg, who was first described as "a horrid sight, the blackest gnome", but who quickly turned out to be a friendly character, and is later attributed with a "kind face."
Golliwog - Wikipedia
Any white boy using that term should be shot dead on the spot.
It does impact us.
Long term? Well I guess you're the unicorn.It doesn't impact me. I have no problem finding compatible women.
in what ways?It does impact us.
In what ways does feminism impact black men?in what ways?
@CamilleIn what ways does feminism impact black men?
It creates women that don't respect men, women that blow up their families for selfishness, women that mistake the "choice" of the women's rights movement for "a man can't tell me shit", or women wanting agency over wanting family.
It doesn't impact me. I have no problem finding compatible women.
in what ways?
I appreciate the POV and you said it much better than I ever could.Don't bring me into this. DHustla is hopeless and has caveman ideas about women.
I'm getting tired of all this nonsense on BGOL. We have a bunch of Beta males running around here who need a weak, docile woman in order to feel like a man. They feel inferior and can't handle challenges. They want respect they haven't earned simply because they are men, and women don't work like that. A penis doesn't make you smarter, more competent, fit to lead, protect, provide or decide simply because you own one. Politics should have taught us this, if nothing else. There are a whole lot of men in leadership positions that have no business being there. (PSA: DON'T @ ME, IF THIS DOESN'T APPLY TO YOU THEN KEEP IT MOVING)
The Betas around here are listening to all these misogynists who disparage women because it appeals to their weak nature. They get sucked in just like folks did with Russian propaganda and folks who get radicalized. They have someone who might say something with one grain of truth, but its still wrapped in a cloak that is anti Black women, and often anti Black men as well. They are amplifying harmful voices and messages because they said one right thing they agreed with, as though that excuses all the other toxicity.
I first came across Tommy Sotomayer when either Trayvon or Mike Brown was killed. His commentary on racism and police brutality was spot on. Then I listened to some of his other comments on other topics, and he was toxic and ugly to his core. I wasn't about to let that nonsense into my spirit because he might have one good take in one particular area. Most folks don't listen for nuance, even if the ones promoting these hustlers do. None of the men they listen to are in happy, successful marriages, yet somehow they have all the answers about women and life. SMH.
I give everyone a basic level of respect until they show themselves to deserve more or less. When I determine its less, I'm still generally not disrespectful, but I will dismiss them with the quickness. The menfolk I'm used to command - not demand - respect or earn it simply by their character, nature, and how they carry themselves. The menfolk in my family have a backbone, handle their business and none of them have ever whined about not getting respect. If you are not getting respect, figure out what Beta energy you are giving off or where you are falling short where she can't relax in your leadership and feel secure. No woman is going to treat you like a man if she is having to follow you around like a kid because you aren't holding up your end of the responsibilities.
::vent over::
This is my first and last comment about this.