Antonio Moore goes after Jay Morrison’s Real Estate Investment Fund: Stay tuned for TREF Part II

The Plutonian

The Anti Bullshitter
BGOL Investor
See this is why I say black folk need to stop talking about what wees going to do as a collective and start talking about what are you going to do for yourself. If each individual family, or individual does for themselves. Then you don have to worry about what J Morrison is doing, or aint doing.
Because whether he is on the up, and up, or not. He going to still get shitted on because we have an inherent distrust of each other.
I give respect to those who are willing to put themselves out there to be judged by hundreds, thousands, and millions of folks who have their own agenda, bias, etc.....
Each individual taking doing for themselves and taking responsibility for you, and yours is the best way to strengthen the black community.

To an extent that is true which is why you ( each person) can’t just give validation or trustworthiness to any and everyone who says they mean you good. Anybody can say anything but what is their record? What are they known for? And what have they done tangible or productive to credit or discredit themselves? Since the thread is about a con man I’ll say this. For me, I have to follow my instincts and intuition. If it looks like a duck etc. For me, it’s not strictly a black or color thing. My first instinct is normally right anyway. Good intentions don’t put food on the table either. Not when say one is balling and spending poor black peoples money and won’t hold themselves accountable. Just me though.


Rising Star
Platinum Member

Lord Jamar didn't have the story straight. If you're going to interview others on a topic, at least know what you're talking about.

The Jay Morrison and Jeezy situation was regarding the real estate academy Jay was pushing earlier on in his scam and had nothing to do with investors in TREF.


Rising Star
Ain't that some sh!t?

Yes it is when the brother can't show you any exceptional projects he's done. I see why he ran online to promote he'd get buried dealing with white folks, he ran to the black community to come up.

Nikka can't show you anything and charging you credit when they got no legit businesses? Pathetic...

The amount of scams coming online are crazy bro....

The Plutonian

The Anti Bullshitter
BGOL Investor

Scathing. Where all the folk at on the board talking about this wasn’t a scheme? That Jay was being up front and not taking advantage of good people? I got a feeling he’s going to end up dead at some point. Eastpoint? Dude must not know. And his Ol clout chasing wife too. Do better in 2021 y’all. Learn to invest your hard earned money!

Just came back in here to say this: If Jay (Swaggy Swaggy Rich Rich) had taken most of that and dumped it into just Tesla.........moving on
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
:hmm: At this point this shit is sickening.......

You scam your own, who you know are the bottom of the economic totem pole - but you scam them, us....

How n!gg@ get any kind of respect for that.

If you couldn't pull that off with rich business men, politicians, or corporate elite.... man fuck him :angry: :angry: .

Yeah, @The Plutonian , we gotta do better than this :smh: .


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Somewhere on bgol is a post where I warned people about him,his idea and how fast they allowed him to take peoples investment money.

He stayed on vlad and I listen to his ideas his methods and how it all came to all sounded like a pitch cause as I've stated before where and who has he worked with before?a black man who can make millions from relastate and he has no one behind him?riight.

You have to be careful out there motherfuckers will take your money black,white and in between 1 to a zillion dollars they will take it all.

its sad that things are ending like this ....Jay Morrison starring in the next film directed by Eddie Murcy "Going to Africa" he's about one more emergency surgery away from running.


Autodidact / Polymath
Platinum Member
My boy is sold on this hustler Jay.
Coincidentally, he on that kings and queens, and gods, and goddesses, chakras and melanin vibe.

Good dude but I can't talk sense into him.
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The Plutonian

The Anti Bullshitter
BGOL Investor
A recreational user? :dunno:

Maybe. You noticed Jay started off with all he did yet he produced nothing tangible and commenced to gaslighting again. If you did all this construction, worked on all this stuff then where are the receipts and bills of lading, logistic paperwork showing it? And out of all the personal he contacted to validate him on the video, he called his bitch? The person who fucks and sucks him every night? Ok. She in it with him! He should have had a member or someone who worked on the building to answer questions but he went into a long spill about how he is a good dude and he cares blah blah blah. Man most people who are good people don't need nobody to speak for them. Ever. Others will gladly say it. But it's him and his ego, once again fucking him. I'm going to see I can go by that building next week and take pics to see if he actually did something to it yet I know he didn't.

Also, too emotional. Why?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
My boy is sold on this hustler Jay.
Coincentedaluly, he on that Kings and Queens, and Gods, and Goddesses, Chakras and Melanin vibe.

Good dude but I can'k talk sense into him.
I tried to warn people back before this started that it was a scam but posters were calling me every name in the book :lol:

the prospectus of his fund’s operating model proved it would be damn near impossible to turn any type of profit for at least a decade and it was nothing but a Ponzi scheme.

Jay Morrison is a long time con-man and convicted felon and I hope he is held accountable for this.


Autodidact / Polymath
Platinum Member
I tried to warn people back before this started that it was a scam but posters were calling me every name in the book :lol:

the prospectus of his fund’s operating model proved it would be damn near impossible to turn any type of profit for at least a decade and it was nothing but a Ponzi scheme.

Jay Morrison is a long time con-man and convicted felon and I hope he is held accountable for this.

I was optimistic and very supportive of this endeavor when it initially launched.
The more I looked into the model and the more concerns brought forth by reputable business owners and finance experts, I had to pull back.
He lost me completely when he said "y'all mad cause I'm swaggy, swaggy and richie rich. "
Right then and there, I knew this was a scheme for him to fatten his pockets at our expense.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I was optimistic and very supportive of this endeavor when it initially launched.
The more I looked into the model and the more concerns brought forth by reputable business owners and finance experts, I had to pull back.
He lost me completely when he said "y'all mad cause I'm swaggy, swaggy and richie rich. "
Right then and there, I knew this was a scheme for him to fatten his pockets at our expense.
I was optimistic when I first heard about it but I had to read the documents. Once I did that it was clear that he was a grifter. I think @KingTaharqa exposed him as an immigrant which tried to pose as a Native American black man. Those are the worst and they have to be classified as their true nationality so our people stop getting hustled :mad:

The Plutonian

The Anti Bullshitter
BGOL Investor
Not a supporter, but didn't he tell people they couldn't take their money out when the felt like it?

He sorta did but after three years they asked for clarity and transparency which Jay never provided. So people asked to cash out. Mf was throwing smoke pellets on the floor and slithering away in the smoke like a ninja ! He’s been caught in lie after lie. If you invest in something you have reports and analysis of what your money is doing and access to certain documents explaining it which is why I say he should have put the money in Tesla and tripled it but all he did was spend it. The $1.76 dividend isn’t bad if it was given on time quarterly, monthly or yearly but it wasn’t besides that the fund has only lost money because of his incompetence. Huge liar, no credibility and no integrity. I wouldn’t give him a dollar. :smh:

Correction: dividend was $1.76 for at least 3 years which is unacceptable.
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The Plutonian

The Anti Bullshitter
BGOL Investor
I agree with everything this dude said except that Jay is a genius. It's not so much that Jay is smart, he just knows how to hustle people that are stupid. Jay wouldn't have lasted 10 minutes in a room full of intelligent people that understand investing.


The Plutonian

The Anti Bullshitter
BGOL Investor
can we get a step by step bullet points as what went wrong?

4-6 years ago Jay cooks up a scheme using Tulsa Wallstreet as a hook to lure in black poor people. Rides quasi success of his failed investing school.

Puts out fake media with Jeezy on his investing school. Comes across as successful businessman yet is living in his girls basement.

Creates a real estate investment TREF that skirts the boundaries of Ponzi scheme, it’s actually a donation fund which absolves Jay of any legal responsibilities.

Raises about 4 million directly through “contributions” and “investors” from various states and decides to target Jonesboro/Riverdale Ga. Hooks more poor people who don’t know anything about investing.

Last year to present has been exsposed by real investors, people he swindled, ex wife and the real litmus test: he’s done absolutely nothing with all the money except spend it. Man is like a turd floating in the water waiting to be flushed.

BLUF (bottomline up front) I see a prison cell in his future or him taking a dirt nap. Or he will end up on American Greed. Guys grimey and a lot of people actually pulled for him like Umar. The worst grifter or con man is someone who targets already poor people. He didn’t float his bs to white people because they wouldn’t have fallen for it. That makes me despise him more.
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