Dude, do you drink? If so you are consuming one of the most dangerous drugs known to mankind, as opposed to shrooms being one of the safest substances to take. Here is the LD50 of some popular drugs.
What Does LD50 Mean?
LD50 is an acronym which stands for Lethal Dose 50. It is a measure of the amount of a substance that is needed to kill half of a test population of animals. It is used to measure the acute toxicity of substances, and this type of testing is normally performed with rates and mice. The LD50 level is stated as the number of milligrams that is administered for every 100 grams on small animals and per kilogram for larger animals.
Safeopedia Explains LD50
The LD50 level is not to be confused with the LC50, which is the Lethal Concentration 50. This refers to the concentration of a substance in air (or in water) that is required to kill 50% of a test population of animals. These two measurements provide a reliable way to compare chemicals with different toxicities by measuring the same
Think about it, shrooms are safe, they are not addictive, no one has died from taking, and all that crap the goverment said about lsd and other psycodelics were a smear campaigned designed to get rid of lsd and shrooms, two substances they though were key to brain washing people only later to realize that it does the opposit, it de-brainwash individuals allowing them to think for themsleves instead.
This is what the war on drugs was really about, getting rid of the substances that free your mind and replacing it with crack, dope and alchahol drugs that shackle your brain.
So when you say enjoy your drugs, please do not be ignorant by lumping all drugs in one basket!