Any of yall mess with Mushrooms (Shrooms)?


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
nice they got plugs all over the city,

I just need to find one, but so far these chocolate

bars hit 99 percent of the time.. I think Im going to melt them

and mix with some almond milk and make a chocolate

Where your plug what borough?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ibogaine or Iboga is basically the African version of Ayahuasca the main difference is that Iboga trips can be very difficult and there is a small chance that you can actually die from it. Keep in mind I've never tried it and doubt if I ever will, but it's very good for addiction, mainly heroin and coke.
It is derived from a root and many people say that when they are on it they have long deep conversations with themselves or an African elder who comes to them and chews them out for their wrongdoings. Here are a few videos that should put you up to speed.


Uh mushrooms will be just fine, thank you very much!!!


Mr. Pool
Quite the opposite
Anybody actually tried growing them? How hard is it? I got zero plugs.
it's very difficult, not contaminating your shrooms is difficult, a lot harder than growing bud. With that said I suggest learning about uncle Ben tek

Is this good to fuck on while using?
Drink wine or beer on ?
I wouldn't recommend it if you're inexperienced, fucking can be so weird while tripping. And I've bought alcohol before tripping but never drank it, I do however smoke bud through the entire trip usually.


Mr. Pool
If I can give one piece of advice as someone with a lot of experience, until you're comfortable setting and company are highly important. Be somewhere that you feel safe and unbothered by unwanted interruptions, trip with people who you trust and know won't fuck with you if you cry or freak out. My first ever trip I took an eighth of shrooms and two tabs of acid, cried for hours at one point after i experienced complete ego death, but I was with friends I trusted and they helped calm me down and bring me back. I was never the same after that day.(in a mostly good way lol)


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
For the past 5 days I've been micro-dosing. Bought around 10 grams worth. Going to do it for 30 days and see what happens.

So far I've been productive. Wake up around 4:45AM, eat a small cap and stem and do a morning walk around this lake till about 6AM. By then the first wave hits, I'm knocking out emails, cleaning up the house, fixing breakfast, and getting my day started.

Compared to weed I'll say it's a way better experience. My mind wanders way less.

Now today, I did it around 5:30pm. First wave is starting to creep in, but I'm in more of a relaxing mood and just sitting on the back porch watching the sun go down.

I will say I know longer have a desire for weed. The effects slow me down or have my brain firing off. At one point in my life that was beneficial, but right now the effects from weed slow down my progression and ambition too much. I do believe there is a use case for cannabis but not for everyday use though.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
For the past 5 days I've been micro-dosing. Bought around 10 grams worth. Going to do it for 30 days and see what happens.

So far I've been productive. Wake up around 4:45AM, eat a small cap and stem and do a morning walk around this lake till about 6AM. By then the first wave hits, I'm knocking out emails, cleaning up the house, fixing breakfast, and getting my day started.

Compared to weed I'll say it's a way better experience. My mind wanders way less.

Now today, I did it around 5:30pm. First wave is starting to creep in, but I'm in more of a relaxing mood and just sitting on the back porch watching the sun go down.

I will say I know longer have a desire for weed. The effects slow me down or have my brain firing off. At one point in my life that was beneficial, but right now the effects from weed slow down my progression and ambition too much. I do believe there is a use case for cannabis but not for everyday use though.
How much do you recommend micro-dosing with and do you take it every day?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
How much do you recommend micro-dosing with and do you take it every day?

I eat about a cap the size of a nickel and probably a 1cm- 2cm long stem, everyday. REMEMBER THIS IS JUST AN 30 Day EXPERIMENT . I dont have underlying health issues and I am not taking any other drugs. Nor am I operating heavy machinery or in a job that requires me to use mobile equipment.

I’m more interested in the effects of Psilocybin on my brain with normal daily acticities. Not looking to trip balls out.

Psilocybin is a powerful tool, if you use it respectfully.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
I eat about a cap the size of a nickel and probably a 1cm- 2cm long stem, everyday. REMEMBER THIS IS JUST AN 30 Day EXPERIMENT . I dont have underlying health issues and I am not taking any other drugs. Nor am I operating heavy machinery or in a job that requires me to use mobile equipment.

I’m more interested in the effects of Psilocybin on my brain with normal daily acticities. Not looking to trip balls out.

Psilocybin is a powerful tool, if you use it respectfully.
Going to try in a few months after I start growing, I do microdose Kratom as a coffee replacement and I love the results. but the main difference is that the energy boost is feels more like taking a nice shower to wake you up as opposed to the rush and crash you get with coffee, the only other difference is that kratom only works for me when I go outside and do something, and too me it seems to activate more with the sun out.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Going to try in a few months after I start growing, I do microdose Kratom as a coffee replacement and I love the results. but the main difference is that the energy boost is feels more like taking a nice shower to wake you up as opposed to the rush and crash you get with coffee, the only other difference is that kratom only works for me when I go outside and do something, and too me it seems to activate more with the sun out.

Neal Brennen talked about Kratom on JRE a couple years back. I think he did that and IBOGA to help get rid of anxiety and to get off of opioids.

Damn your growing mushrooms? You have a garden or are you doing it indoor?


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Neal Brennen talked about Kratom on JRE a couple years back. I think he did that and IBOGA to help get rid of anxiety and to get off of opioids.

Damn your growing mushrooms? You have a garden or are you doing it indoor?
Actually, it's not that hard, you can legally purchase grow kits online as well as spore syringes used for germination. Matter of fact let me bless the board with this. BTW where you located famo?


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
Just picked up an eighth of penis envy tonight to microdose through the week. Tripped a couple times before and it was the SHIT!

I'm going this round to ween myself off of alcohol And these nasty ass squares. I know it will work because of my last trips making shit super clear.
Good for you bro

I had some of those last month, I'm in a white albino phase right now


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man listen,

I was like let finish tidying up, shower and soak my feet while I sip some

mushroom tea, then chew the rest....made my tea with some manuka honey

and lemon...that shit had my stomach feeling all cozy, warm and fuzzy...

I THOUGHT that was going to be the effect of this yeti shroom.... man

next thing you know... I was just laughing at the stupidest shit....

then I had to just layback, close my eyes and enjoy the show..

Man did I get some visions...

then after a few head was clear as fuck, then I really

tidyed UP, organized the file cabinet, did some much needed shreddin,

and organized the FUCK out my bedroom...

gotta about three grams left, Im about to blend in a mango banana smoothie...

then go on a nice mushroom run..

Taking shrooms and ayuascha(sp), peyote was part of OUR CULTURE

thats why the demons made it illegal..

It was a rite of passage...

Every bruh I know that partakes in magic shrooms or ayuhasca,

all seemed much more focused and grounded then they were

before they indulged in the Get Right !!

thats what shroomin needs to be called..

Get RIght because it gets a mind RIGHT back

on course!!!

They got the chocolate shroom bars around me...

and the strawberry creme one is delectable !!

so glad its catching on with the bruhs!!!

we getting back to our culture!!

to hell with the cockblockin demons,

making OUR culture Illegal...

so glad their demise is HERE!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Just picked up an eighth of penis envy tonight to microdose through the week. Tripped a couple times before and it was the SHIT!

I'm going this round to ween myself off of alcohol And these nasty ass squares. I know it will work because of my last trips making shit super clear.

what are "nasty ass squares"

and to really get the most of shrooms..

find some alone me time for yourself..

where you can relax laying on your back

in a dim lit or dark room

make a playlist of your favorite relaxing jams...

and TAKE OFF ...

Bruh the first time I did shrooms, I seen some beautiful images,

some colors I couldnt even describe bruh...

then I went UP the rabbit hole...because the direction I went was

the complete opposite of Down...

It was like watching a 5D movie in my head!!

the crazy shit be weeks later, and I be like

Oh shit, thats what that imagery was trying

to tell a knigga...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Anybody actually tried growing them? How hard is it? I got zero plugs.

I have folks that grows them and gives me some, their biggest stresser is weigh out (which i havent done) what you're about to take I only like to see colors go VIVID and be happy. I've take 2-3 either caps or just stems and each experience was different. One time all my paintings and album covers looked like old school 3d stickers another time I couldn't fight closing my eyes and this joint I just looked at on IG was in my living room and it felt real. I microdosed my homie for the nas/wu tang show last year his 1st time and he was yelling like a white boy at a frat party haha, he loved it.
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The Untouchable GDFOLKS

Real Niggas Get Real Pussy
BGOL Investor
Man listen,

I was like let finish tidying up, shower and soak my feet while I sip some

mushroom tea, then chew the rest....made my tea with some manuka honey

and lemon...that shit had my stomach feeling all cozy, warm and fuzzy...

I THOUGHT that was going to be the effect of this yeti shroom.... man

next thing you know... I was just laughing at the stupidest shit....

then I had to just layback, close my eyes and enjoy the show..

Man did I get some visions...

then after a few head was clear as fuck, then I really

tidyed UP, organized the file cabinet, did some much needed shreddin,

and organized the FUCK out my bedroom...

gotta about three grams left, Im about to blend in a mango banana smoothie...

then go on a nice mushroom run..

Taking shrooms and ayuascha(sp), peyote was part of OUR CULTURE

thats why the demons made it illegal..

It was a rite of passage...

Every bruh I know that partakes in magic shrooms or ayuhasca,

all seemed much more focused and grounded then they were

before they indulged in the Get Right !!

thats what shroomin needs to be called..

Get RIght because it gets a mind RIGHT back

on course!!!

They got the chocolate shroom bars around me...

and the strawberry creme one is delectable !!

so glad its catching on with the bruhs!!!

we getting back to our culture!!

to hell with the cockblockin demons,

making OUR culture Illegal...

so glad their demise is HERE!!!
Squares (cigarettes)

Hey Julian!

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bought some “mushroom infused” honey on Etsy from a seller in Sweden. Reviews were good. I’ll let y’all know how this goes. :dunno:


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Never mix booze and psychedelics, because alcohol is one of the worst compounds you'd want to mix and match with because it makes whatever you are taking ten times worse!

that's why I drink with everything...need that supa boost ...brah