Any of yall mess with Mushrooms (Shrooms)?


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
You need to get some shrooms. They'll help you unclench.


The Catcher In The Rye

Rye-sing Star
Man, I just copped some Machine Elves strain from Washington DC dispensary, and it's supposed to be uber strong, to the point where the kats that sold it to me in the shop gave me all types of warning about taking it easy with it. But I ate all 4 grams and to be honest, it didn't hit me that hard at all. One thing I can say is that it did elevate my blood pressure (I do suffer from high hypertension, but it has been under control with my diet, exercise, blood pressure meds that I take from time to time, and the biggest help, edible marijuana). When I saw my pressure spike after ingestion I immediately calmed down, but monitored every ten mins. I was tempted to eat an edible right away but chilled until I was past the peak (didn't want to take it during the come up, at that point, I didn't know how strong the strain was), but once I passed the point I took the edible, and the timing was perfect because as soon as I started coming down, my pressure dropped dramatically and has been around that same level ever since.
To me, the trip was mild, with very few visuals (nothing like they said it would be) instead it was more like a hundred trips to a therapist, allowing me to internally deal with a lot of suppressed memories from my childhood. Overall it was what I needed, but I can see how novices could freak out, especially once their pressure started to elevate, but the key to psychedelics is to give in, don't fight, and trust the process. Oh and do your research, and when I say research I mean real research, not just watching a few youtube videos.

P.S. the D.C. dispensary was a trip, they were definitely on some top-flight security shit, they scanned my driver's license, gave me a real pat down, and only took orders online where you picked up in the store, and took no cash, but it appeared to be black owned and really upscaled.

I’ve procured the Elves!


The experience was exactly as you described except they gave me no warning or even description— maybe I look like a dude who frequently leaves this earthly realm.

The consumption plan is a smoothie with tea. Adding Purple Rain to the playlist— The first song on it reflects why the 100 therapy sessions description made me run out to get this:


No sitter but hopefully you’ll hear back from me on how it went!



the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
I usually take an eighth, just under 4 grams, and I've been okay.

I've read that THC and alcohol dull the senses and take away from the trip experience, which makes sense to me. I have done it with edibles from the store, though-- Why the emphasis on homemade?
My advice is don't mix alcohol with substances, a matter of fact if I were you I'd stay away from it altogether because you can spend a whole day listening to bad psychedelic trip reports, but none can compare with the crap you hear drunk people do. This big difference is that we normalize drunken behavior, totally ignoring the thousands of lives wasted on it each year.
As far as my preference for homemade edibles, to me, it gives me more control over how much I am ingesting, plus it's way cheaper, all I need is a pinch and my blood pressure is good.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
I’ve procured the Elves!


The experience was exactly as you described except they gave me no warning or even description— maybe I look like a dude who frequently leaves this earthly realm.

The consumption plan is a smoothie with tea. Adding Purple Rain to the playlist— The first song on it reflects why the 100 therapy sessions description made me run out to get this:


No sitter but hopefully you’ll hear back from me on how it went!


Yours looks better than mines.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Spores just didn't spread in the bag and I actually ordered a second bag cause I think I kept the first culture too long in the fridge so I wanted a start fresh. Started to see some mycelium in the second bag. Maybe I got excited and shook it up too so I dunno know, but I ain't trying again anytime soon. Going to Vegas in a couple months I think I'm stock up on some mushroom chocolate bars.
Did you crush the bag as soon as the mycelium started to germinate? Tomorrow I will look for the video on how to properly do it so that it spreads allover evenly.

The Catcher In The Rye

Rye-sing Star
My only other advice, especially if your going over 4 grams, is to try to have a trip sitter, I didn't have one but I did speak to a few people on the phone to let them know I was OK, the next is to monitor your blood pressure, because like I said, mines did spike up. But if this happens to you my advice is to take a shower, relax and take some homemade edibles. For me, this works wonders, way better than medicine. If you need to learn how to make edibles and how much, hit me up.
I usually take an eighth, just under 4 grams, and I've been okay.

I've read that THC and alcohol dull the senses and take away from the trip experience, which makes sense to me. I have done it with edibles from the store, though-- Why the emphasis on homemade?
My advice is don't mix alcohol with substances, a matter of fact if I were you I'd stay away from it altogether because you can spend a whole day listening to bad psychedelic trip reports, but none can compare with the crap you hear drunk people do. This big difference is that we normalize drunken behavior, totally ignoring the thousands of lives wasted on it each year.
As far as my preference for homemade edibles, to me, it gives me more control over how much I am ingesting, plus it's way cheaper, all I need is a pinch and my blood pressure is good.

"Way cheaper" piqued my interest-- I stopped messing with edibles because they cost a lot more than regular weed plus I find the store bought stuff to be very hit or miss, so I'd be interested in learning how to make them myself.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
No-- I actually do have an unopened blood pressure monitor that I bought for a friend but I would never have thought to do that as a part of using shrooms. I've never had blood pressure issues. You recommend doing that?
I am just a little curious after reading that strain (don't know if its all magic mushrooms) can elevate pressure. I tested mine and it did shoot up, bu like I said before I took some edible weed soon after and it dropped dramatically.
It something I plan on doing more reserch on for safety reasons.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
"Way cheaper" piqued my interest-- I stopped messing with edibles because they cost a lot more than regular weed plus I find the store bought stuff to be very hit or miss, so I'd be interested in learning how to make them myself.
Step 1: Preheat the oven to 250 ºF (120 ºC)

Step 2: Get a dish or baking sheet and cover it with aluminum foil or parchment paper.

Step 3: Break up the marijuana into smaller pieces. This should be done manually so as not to over-grind.

Step 4: Cook weed for 20-30 minutes.

Step 5: Halfway through, gently stir the bits with a wooden spoon.

Step 6: Once the time is up, take it from the oven and let it cool. It should look slightly brown or golden in color.

Step 7: After cooling, store it in an airtight container in a cool, dry, and dark place, and use it as you please.

I usually crush the weed, placing it in a loosely crumpled aluminum foil (for the air to circulate) and I actually throw it in my air fryer for 35 mins and it becomes activated. Keep in mind, you cannot smoke activated weed.

The Catcher In The Rye

Rye-sing Star
Step 1: Preheat the oven to 250 ºF (120 ºC)

Step 2: Get a dish or baking sheet and cover it with aluminum foil or parchment paper.

Step 3: Break up the marijuana into smaller pieces. This should be done manually so as not to over-grind.

Step 4: Cook weed for 20-30 minutes.

Step 5: Halfway through, gently stir the bits with a wooden spoon.

Step 6: Once the time is up, take it from the oven and let it cool. It should look slightly brown or golden in color.

Step 7: After cooling, store it in an airtight container in a cool, dry, and dark place, and use it as you please.

I usually crush the weed, placing it in a loosely crumpled aluminum foil (for the air to circulate) and I actually throw it in my air fryer for 35 mins and it becomes activated. Keep in mind, you cannot smoke activated weed.



the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
One other thing, at least for me, I only need a small pinch for basically mellowing out, lowering my pressure, and helping with insomnia. Also, I may take a little more if I am going out, as a substitute for alcohol. Again, to me, the only thing taking more does is make me sleepy the next day, but with a pinch, I feel fresh as a daisy in the morning. So in a way, I get high to be sober and focussed the next day.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
7 grams should have have you tripping

must have been a bad or old batch
I had the same batch from the same place and downed 4 grams of what is supposed to be their 2nd strongest stain (machine elf 2nd only to penis envy which they were all out of) and all I saw was a little morphing of patterns of flowers on my wife's bag. This was after they at the dispensary warned me how powerful it was. :smh:


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Hell no. Can we stop talking about doing drugs (even the natural shit)!
The thing about mushrooms is that it's more of an anti-drug, for one it doesn't work on the dopamine receptors in the brain, but unlike most drugs, it's not there to make you feel better. It is 100% safe and like many other psychedelics, it has been used to help people get off of other substances like coke, dope, drinking, and even cigarettes.
There is even a working theory that magic mushrooms may be responsible for the rapid brain growth in homo-sapiens. It is currently being tested to help combat Alzheimer's, said to grow nerve cells in lab mice, and some, like Steve Jobs and the guy who discovered DNA, refer to 'shrooms as a natural nootropic.
It's a very interesting subject that I've been studying for years, and the reason why most blacks never heard of these types of psychedelics is that once the United States government's plan of making a brainwashing agent, totally backfired by them discovering that psychedelics such as LSD de-brainwashed people instead brainwashing them, this immediately made psychedelics enemy number one and was the only drugs practically invisible in the hood. To replace the '60s psychedelic revolution they gave us more retail-friendly drugs such as coke and good old dope.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hell no. Can we stop talking about doing drugs (even the natural shit)!

what about sugar tho??

Research on rats has found that sugar is more addictive than opioid drugs such as cocaine, and that there can be withdrawal symptoms such as depression and behavioural problems when people try cutting out sugar completely. Should we be treating refined sugar with even more caution?

When was the last time you had a sugar infested soda??


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
