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Black Cam Girls -> BlackCamZ.Com
Platinum Member

Support and Resistance Explained in less than 5 minutes: A Beginner-Friendly Tutorial | Technical Analysis for Stocks

This video explains how to identify where support and resistance is on a stock chart. Where a beginner trader would set up buy and sell orders, and the difference between big money and retail traders.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Support and Resistance Explained in less than 5 minutes: A Beginner-Friendly Tutorial | Technical Analysis for Stocks

This video explains how to identify where support and resistance is on a stock chart. Where a beginner trader would set up buy and sell orders, and the difference between big money and retail traders.

Man thanks for this. It was helpful to understand when to buy a stock. Didn't know the difference between support and resistance.

Question - what is this software called where you are able to see technical analysis?


Black Cam Girls -> BlackCamZ.Com
Platinum Member
Man thanks for this. It was helpful to understand when to buy a stock. Didn't know the difference between support and resistance.

Question - what is this software called where you are able to see technical analysis?
Most brokers provide stock charting software. My favorite to use is ThinkOrSwim -

Sign up to download - You don't need to deposit money or anything to get access to it.


Black Cam Girls -> BlackCamZ.Com
Platinum Member
Does anyone have a goal of owning 100 shares of a specific stock? Pros and cons?
Pros - You can do covered calls on your shares. On stocks that have weekly options, its like a dividend payment every week.

Cons - If you bought too high and the price drops a lot, you'll be bag holding.

*If you loading up on a stock long term, make sure its a quality company.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
Charlie Munger died.



Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Flawless One
BGOL Investor
Warren Buffet



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
that explains why he was trending. was busy at work so couldn't investigate. good ole BGOL came through..

Damn RIP Goat

R.I.P....always wanted to cop that 'Poor Charlies Almanak' the wit and wisdom of charlie munger" but it was hard to find, just noticed that there's a new edition being reissued in December that some good timing


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Just read an article about how hybrids have been selling like crazy, EV market has slowed. My EV stocks are trash right now? Prices are so low, so should I buy more why they are this low?