I know you Team Fender, like me, man. There's a Tele AND a Strat acoustic electric.
I haven't played either, but I will as I get closer to pulling the trigger...
I still need a tube amp first. That's what I think will make the biggest difference in the tone I want...saw a Twin Reverb, supposedly a vintage one, for $850. They typically go for about twice that.
I'm telling you, I can hear in my head the tone I'm chasing...it's that warm, bubbly jazz sound. Modeling amps are fine, but I want the real thing.
Any luck with a good pedal/processor?
Your need for one may not be as great as mine... I play alotta rock and I need all those weird effects, and r&b, jazz, and blues is played a lil cleaner, but I'm a gadget freak anyway, so I gotta have em.
I'm telling ya, those Digitechs aren't terrible for the price...under $100. I think the RP300 has everything you need to get started.
Later you can go buckwild and get a real pro kinda group of pedals. This would kinda give you a start on finding what you like.
Bruhhhhh, I knew you'd get off on that!
If you had that Gibby and put your amp on the Twin or Deluxe Reverb setting...magic!
How good are you at adjusting your tone controls on your amp? Fyi, there's TONS of classic amp settings online on sites like Pinterest and a few others.
People will show you exactly how damn near ANY classic amp can be dialed in for best tone...some of those controls I had NO idea what tf they did....like wtf does the "Presence" dial do?
How was the Bohannon?
We both started around the same time, and you practice prolly as hard, if not harder than I do. So, I KNOW you can sound some of those songs out by ear. It's great exercise for your playing...give it a shot sometimes.
I mean, we're at that point where we can play most basic stuff, with a lil practice. Sheeeid, I can play damn near all my favorite songs..at least the riffs.