Anyone On Here Play The Guitar/Bass?

black again

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
@black again



Also, the Ultra Stratocaster should be coming this week as well. Truck got delayed.


I'm trading in my American Professional II and putting the difference down on the Gibson. Sweetwater said long as they can sell it brand new they will give me full credit for it. So that makes the Gibson $1800 or so after taxes. That's not bad at all. I'm paying full price for the Strat but fuck it, it ain't shit. I want what the fuck I want. I work too much to justify what I cannot have. Also, I'm gonna take your advice and get a Telecaster. But not just any Telecaster. The Ultra Luxe one of course.


Staying with the Ultra Luxe series for two reasons. 1, I've learned with my massive hands tall narrow frets are not good for me. I need medium jumbo frets. Gibson has those as well. I'm taking a song writing class through with H.E.R. She says during a class she loves making 7th chords for her songs. She (by the way the pretty as a muthafucka too and is a musical genius......just hearing her talk about how she goes about song writing makes sense and blows you away) talked about making chord progressions 1st and played Fmaj7 from the 8th fret, 5th string. Sounded phenomenal. She was on an Acustic. She then switched to a Cmaj7 on the 6th string of the 8th fret. Too difficult with my huge hands so I just slid the barre chord down to the 3rd fret of the 5th string. I noticed it was easy doing the barre chord there, but had a little difficulty with doing it at the 8th fret. In doing research, the Professional II comes with narrow tall frets. I'm built like an offensive lineman. Nothing narrow is good for me. Also, I learned the difference between a C shaped neck and a D shaped neck. A D shape is more flat. Less taxing on your thumb when making barre chords. C is more rounded, which is what the Professional series has. I went to Guitar Center and played an Ultra Luxe. Difference was HUGE!!! More room to fret up the neck and less taxing on my thumb. I'm learning what feels right iny hands. I played a Gibson too for the 1st time!!! :eek2: :eek2: :eek2: :eek2: It's like nuttin in a pretty big tittie bitch you always wanted to fuck. Mention to your son about some of the things I talked about. Tell me what he says.

I was looking at this:

Saw several online demos of it. BB King is one of my top 3 favorite guitar players (Also Eric Gale and Johnny Guitar Watson). This is a beautiful looking and sounding instrument.

But no damn way if I'm not making a COMFORTABLE living as a professional guitarist am I spending 7K on a

I'm mostly self taught. But in my early 20s I studied with a historically significant blues guitarist who was a contemporary of BB King. Shortly after that, I was a music major. It was while I was at uni that I took a year of formal guitar lessons. I brought my cheap, candy-apple red, no-name electric in with me and was almost apologetic about it. My teacher said something that stuck with me till today. He asked me who my fave guitarist was. I told him, BB.

He said, "If BB King played YOUR $150 guitar, he would still sound like himself." "It's not about WHAT guitar you have, it's about your skill on the instrument." That guitar I linked to above is sweet. But I know it's not gonna sound appreciably different than what I already have that was much cheaper. I have done occasional gigs with my guitar, but mostly I use my instruments to songwrite, record and produce my stuff.

Most skilled semi-prof and professional guitarists whom I know buy their instruments on the used market- often on eBay or Reverb, sometimes Sweetwater or Guitar Center. Advantages? Two main ones:
1. Oftentimes, the person selling the guitar might have upgraded it with better hardware and other modifications. It'll be in excellent shape and you can get a guitar with say, $200 or $300 worth of mods for what you'd have paid elsewhere for the same stock instrument.
2. You can often bargain the seller down from their listed price.

I have one used guitar right now that I bought like new. But I think I'm probably going to be going the used or eBay/Sweetwater route in the future. I've been seeing fantastic prices recently.

@jack walsh13...Mannnnnnnnnn, you give a hater ammo like a mofo :roflmao3: :lol: :roflmao2: ...

LOVE your choice of guitars!!

You gon like that Tele. I thought I'd be a Strat player, for sure, but after playing my Special Edition Deluxe for a few years, I'm sold on I want just a standard Tele, with a more classic set up.

I still have trouble figuring out that 5-way Strat pup switch...damn near too much going on for me.

I'm totally ignorant on the different neck shapes. I hear guys talk about a C, V, D shape, and TBH, I don't know which any of mine are, but the Tele fits like a glove... whichever shape it is, I want more like it.

I'll ask my son about that, when I see him...but it's gonna be awhile. That nicca just started a European tour and is gon be tied up for a minute. Talked to him last week and he was like...see ya in October.

That music class sounds DOPE AF!!

Learning from H.E.R. is gonna increase your knowledge like this point, it's just a matter of making the right connects to gig with different people.

@respiration...TOTALLY agree with ya...give me a $7k axe and it would be like putting me in a Hellcat. I could drive it, but I couldn't get everything out of it.

I'm an admitted cheapskate, and I get a thrill from finding crazy deals on stuff...I think I found a deal on a tube amp..gimme a few weeks and I'll see.

The thing Walsh is gonna find out is once he is a pro, he ain't gonna have to pay for NOTHING, as far as gear.

My son gets new guitars ALL THE TIME..many are built to his specs and are one-offs..not off the rack models.

Funny thing is he had a habit of smashing em, til his sponsor told him to chill. They were like...these aren't replaceable..:roflmao2:

I guarantee H.E.R. hasn't bought a guitar in years...Fender prolly pays her to go to their factory and pick out whatever she wants.

That's how I got my nicest axe. My son told his rep he needed one for me, and they sent him a brand new joint, for me...worth about $2500 and VERY rare.

That's the only thing I have to compare to Walsh's fuckin arsenal.:roflmao2:


BGOL Patreon Investor
@jack walsh13...Mannnnnnnnnn, you give a hater ammo like a mofo :roflmao3: :lol: :roflmao2: ...

LOVE your choice of guitars!!

You gon like that Tele. I thought I'd be a Strat player, for sure, but after playing my Special Edition Deluxe for a few years, I'm sold on I want just a standard Tele, with a more classic set up.

I still have trouble figuring out that 5-way Strat pup switch...damn near too much going on for me.

I'm totally ignorant on the different neck shapes. I hear guys talk about a C, V, D shape, and TBH, I don't know which any of mine are, but the Tele fits like a glove... whichever shape it is, I want more like it.

I'll ask my son about that, when I see him...but it's gonna be awhile. That nicca just started a European tour and is gon be tied up for a minute. Talked to him last week and he was like...see ya in October.

That music class sounds DOPE AF!!

Learning from H.E.R. is gonna increase your knowledge like this point, it's just a matter of making the right connects to gig with different people.

@respiration...TOTALLY agree with ya...give me a $7k axe and it would be like putting me in a Hellcat. I could drive it, but I couldn't get everything out of it.

I'm an admitted cheapskate, and I get a thrill from finding crazy deals on stuff...I think I found a deal on a tube amp..gimme a few weeks and I'll see.

The thing Walsh is gonna find out is once he is a pro, he ain't gonna have to pay for NOTHING, as far as gear.

My son gets new guitars ALL THE TIME..many are built to his specs and are one-offs..not off the rack models.

Funny thing is he had a habit of smashing em, til his sponsor told him to chill. They were like...these aren't replaceable..:roflmao2:

I guarantee H.E.R. hasn't bought a guitar in years...Fender prolly pays her to go to their factory and pick out whatever she wants.

That's how I got my nicest axe. My son told his rep he needed one for me, and they sent him a brand new joint, for me...worth about $2500 and VERY rare.

That's the only thing I have to compare to Walsh's fuckin arsenal.:roflmao2:
Niiiice!! ..about your son!

...And also I neglected to mention that that is dope that Walsh is getting songwriting lessons from H.E.R. @jack walsh13 :cheers:to you, my man!

Yeah man, it's like right now the only thing I really want guitar-wise is not extravagant, it's a Gretsch G2622 Streamliner. LOVE the tone and the reviews are nice on it too. Other than that, I've developed a lesser interest in Gary Clark Jr's main axe (Epiphone Elitist Casino). Love the sound he gets out of that thing.

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor




BGOL Patreon Investor


Pretty nice start. I'd add in a delay, a noise gate and possibly an EQ. Compressor is very useful as well. A delay can serve a similar function to reverb. In fact, more often than not I prefer delay.

Might consider a flanger or chorus. It's all up to you and the sound you want to go for and type of music you're playing. You might find this article helpful:

Right now, I use virtual pedal boards.

L-R is a Moller T-Rex (overdrive), Fender Tape Echo, a chorus and a sustainer. Ending off with a compressor and noise gate.
Another setup I have adds in a phaser. I use a guitar tuner that clips onto the guitar neck.

Personally, I like a light chorus and varying degrees of delay for clean lead and also for rhythm playing.

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
Pretty nice start. I'd add in a delay, a noise gate and possibly an EQ. Compressor is very useful as well. A delay can serve a similar function to reverb. In fact, more often than not I prefer delay.

Might consider a flanger or chorus. It's all up to you and the sound you want to go for and type of music you're playing. You might find this article helpful:

Right now, I use virtual pedal boards.

L-R is a Moller T-Rex (overdrive), Fender Tape Echo, a chorus and a sustainer. Ending off with a compressor and noise gate.
Another setup I have adds in a phaser. I use a guitar tuner that clips onto the guitar neck.

Personally, I like a light chorus and varying degrees of delay for clean lead and also for rhythm playing.
Thanks for this. Currently I'm trying out the Fender tune app with the digital Mustang GTX100 Amp. Gettin a feel for all the sounds, settings and pedals before I buy the Fender Blues IV amp and get into the pedals heavy. I want a diverse sound capable of pretty much anything I can think off. Heavy on Funk though. Most pedals are interchangeable with the bass too correct? I love my bass too so I would need stuff I could use for both.

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BGOL Patreon Investor
Thanks for this. Currently I'm trying out the Gender tune app with the digital Mustang GTX100 Amp. Gettin a feel for all the sounds, settings and pedals before I buy the Fender Blues IV amp and get into the pedals heavy. I want a diverse sound capable of pretty much anything I can think off. Heavy on Funk though. Most pedals are interchangeable with the bass too correct? I love my bass too so I would need stuff I could use for both.

Cool. Nice lady too in the picture. I think @woodchuck or @DWBass would be more qualified than me to answer the bass questions. So, I hope they weigh in. But by and large when I play bass guitar on my own tracks, I prefer a clean tone. I can foresee a rare occasion when I might break out the Dunlop or use an envelope filter in the future. But I see the primary function of bass guitar as providing the anchor and stability of the song along with the drums.

Yeah man keep tweaking that equipment! Find the sound you like!

But in a word, yes. You could apply most of the same pedals to bass that you would use on guitar.

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
Cool. Nice lady too in the picture. I think @woodchuck or @DWBass would be more qualified than me to answer the bass questions. So, I hope they weigh in. But by and large when I play bass guitar on my own tracks, I prefer a clean tone. I can foresee a rare occasion when I might break out the Dunlop or use an envelope filter in the future. But I see the primary function of bass guitar as providing the anchor and stability of the song along with the drums.

Yeah man keep tweaking that equipment! Find the sound you like!

But in a word, yes. You could apply most of the same pedals to bass that you would use on guitar.
Was playing around with the presets on the Mustang amp and found a real funky setting on the bass while improvising all over the fretboard. Gonna put together a drum pattern and figure out a guitar part to go with it. I love exploring different sounds. Gives me great ideas for songs. Sounds like the baseline for the Lox song Story.

Preset is called Funky Monkey on the Mustang. Here's what's used for the sound.....


I used the Sadowsky J bass for it


black again

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Pretty nice start. I'd add in a delay, a noise gate and possibly an EQ. Compressor is very useful as well. A delay can serve a similar function to reverb. In fact, more often than not I prefer delay.

Might consider a flanger or chorus. It's all up to you and the sound you want to go for and type of music you're playing. You might find this article helpful:

Right now, I use virtual pedal boards.

L-R is a Moller T-Rex (overdrive), Fender Tape Echo, a chorus and a sustainer. Ending off with a compressor and noise gate.
Another setup I have adds in a phaser. I use a guitar tuner that clips onto the guitar neck.

Personally, I like a light chorus and varying degrees of delay for clean lead and also for rhythm playing.

That vid is homework...

There's a buncha pedals I have no idea what they do.

Good looking out, bruh.

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
That vid is homework...

There's a buncha pedals I have no idea what they do.

Good looking out, bruh.
That was excellent. I love pedals and different sound effects. For me, it brings out different creative rhythm approaches to songs. I have to keep in mind sometimes less is better. Sometimes you don't need a bunch of fancy fills or riffs in a song for it to be good and effective. Sometimes keeping it simple is the call of the day. So it's nice to explore different effect pedals. Gives me song lyrics as well.


black again

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That was excellent. I love pedals and different sound effects. For me, it brings out different creative rhythm approaches to songs. I have to keep in mind sometimes less is better. Sometimes you don't need a bunch of fancy fills or riffs in a song for it to be good and effective. Sometimes keeping it simple is the call of the day. So it's nice to explore different effect pedals. Gives me song lyrics as well.


Man, I concur...

I'm still learning what they all do and how they fit in with my style of playing....can they give me a sound I need, etc....but often, less is more.

I'm also a gadget freak and like most things guitar related.

@respiration...what's the deal with the tuners that attach to the headstock? I see some players with them, but what is the benefit?


BGOL Patreon Investor
Man, I concur...

I'm still learning what they all do and how they fit in with my style of playing....can they give me a sound I need, etc....but often, less is more.

I'm also a gadget freak and like most things guitar related.

@respiration...what's the deal with the tuners that attach to the headstock? I see some players with them, but what is the benefit?
Inexpensive, convenient, portable, accurate. Just be sure to have a spare battery or two, just in case.
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jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
Inexpensive, convenient, portable, accurate. Just be sure to have a spare battery or two, just in case.
You gotta get the right ones though. Some are more accurate than others. But they're relatively inexpensive though so you just have to experiment.



BGOL Patreon Investor
That's basically a Gibson ES335 too.

Only at first glance because of the similar body shape and some of the aesthetics.

I see definitely see why one would say that.

The pickups on either operate differently and the guitars sound differently from each other.

Gibson ES-335 is a semi-hollow body with humbuckers.

Epiphone Casino is a full hollow body with P-90s (single coil pickups).
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jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
Only at first glance because of the similar body shape and some of the aesthetics.

I see definitely see why one would say that.

The pickups on either operate differently and the guitars sound differently from each other.

Gibson ES-335 is a semi-hollow body with humbuckers.

Epiphone Casino is a full hollow body with P-90s (single coil pickups).


black again

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Only at first glance because of the similar body shape and some of the aesthetics.

I see definitely see why one would say that.

The pickups on either operate differently and the guitars sound differently from each other.

Gibson ES-335 is a semi-hollow body with humbuckers.

Epiphone Casino is a full hollow body with P-90s (single coil pickups).

My SX LP Special has P90s. I hear guys rave about em...what's so special about them?

I know there's a difference between my humbuckers, double humbuckers, and p90s... couldn't tell you what that difference is, tho.


BGOL Patreon Investor
My SX LP Special has P90s. I hear guys rave about em...what's so special about them?

I know there's a difference between my humbuckers, double humbuckers, and p90s... couldn't tell you what that difference is, tho.
More twangy and bite-y, a crisp high paired with strong mids. On semi-hollows and hollows, it’s a beautiful vintage sound.