Anything MIKE JOHNSON....


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
shiiit, my laptop is full of porn. i guess i'm a sinner then....this dude is really serious about his stance on religion.



Look into my eyes you are getting sleepy!!!
BGOL Investor
Republicans should be kicking themselves in the ass, but a MAGA follower does just like a MAGA leader....what are they going to do to me type shit....
I keep telling you guys this guy got a lot of shit in his closet. McCarthy was an asshole, but he didn’t have this much shit in his closet.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I keep telling you guys this guy got a lot of shit in his closet. McCarthy was an asshole, but he didn’t have this much shit in his closet.


This dude is a little "too Christian," if you know what I mean.

Comedians always say they don't trust a "clean" comic that never curses, staunch Bible thumper volunteers to bring snacks for youth sports......


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I think even conservatives should be and will be worried about the new Speaker of the House. His tenure will be religion based policies and will fuck with regular Americans in the process. So many past comments by him are resurfacing and they are not good. This thread is dedicated to anything MIKE JOHNSON.

Open to all. I'm starting with this lady's warning of who he really is and why we should vote.

this is what this jesus freak believes



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

And this further corroborates my belief that he "touched" that boy......

One of the ways victims lash out is by defying authorities and law.......

Fuck this sick self hating mfkr


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
And this further corroborates my belief that he "touched" that boy......

One of the ways victims lash out is by defying authorities and law.......

Fuck this sick self hating mfkr
my question is: where's the boy? or man at this point? They love to portray themselves as saviors of black people one way or another. If this was such a success story, then we should know more about it....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
my question is: where's the boy? or man at this point? They love to portray themselves as saviors of black people one way or another. If this was such a success story, then we should know more about it....

Man read this shit

And this

Basically dude has been in jail off and on since 2003
He's 40 now with 4 kids and the daily mail interviewed him 5/6 days ago. He had this to say about the Johnson's

"James credited the Johnsons, who are evangelical Christians, with keeping him out of prison in his DailyMail.Com interview, saying: "If the Johnsons hadn't taken me in as a teenager, my life would look very different today. I would probably be in prison or I might not have made it at all.""

(Mind you the Johnson's still have an active order of protection on him starting from 2017 AND he has been in and out of prison repeatedly!)

The very next paragraph

"The remarks were reportedly made shortly after James appeared Wednesday in a Los Angeles court, where he was facing charges of operating an illegal marijuana business and possessing brass knuckles."

He's still got legal issues, but I imagine the Johnson advised him it would be in his best interest to tow the family li(n)e and mimick the narrative Mike put out there even though it has been proven a lie


Look into my eyes you are getting sleepy!!!
BGOL Investor
Man read this shit

And this

Basically dude has been in jail off and on since 2003
He's 40 now with 4 kids and the daily mail interviewed him 5/6 days ago. He had this to say about the Johnson's

"James credited the Johnsons, who are evangelical Christians, with keeping him out of prison in his DailyMail.Com interview, saying: "If the Johnsons hadn't taken me in as a teenager, my life would look very different today. I would probably be in prison or I might not have made it at all.""

(Mind you the Johnson's still have an active order of protection on him starting from 2017 AND he has been in and out of prison repeatedly!)

The very next paragraph

"The remarks were reportedly made shortly after James appeared Wednesday in a Los Angeles court, where he was facing charges of operating an illegal marijuana business and possessing brass knuckles."

He's still got legal issues, but I imagine the Johnson advised him it would be in his best interest to tow the family li(n)e and mimick the narrative Mike put out there even though it has been proven a lie


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Politico reported that his office told its own reporter that Johnson does indeed have a bank account. His account does not pay interest, though, which makes it exempt from House disclosure rules.
Holding your family’s entire savings in a non-interest-bearing account is a strange choice for a high-income household, particularly during a period of high inflation. But more important, this arrangement still leaves voters in the dark about Johnson’s financial well-being. Whatever Johnson’s motivation for managing his money this way, the effect is to obscure what his resources actually look like and whether he’s under the kind of financial strain that other parts of his disclosures might suggest.

This just tells me that Mike Johnson isn't a God-like person in any way. How do you have an account that doesn't need to be reported because it doesn't yield any interest? Easiest way to do shady business, and he a Lawyer at that.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
They did not have evidence, and some people started to find evidence on them about illegal shit they did. The Republican party are in a very rough place right now. As a Democrat I am happy.
There should be a caucus out there that wants to uproot MTG and end her Congress run...She's a thorn on the side of GOP. She wants what she wants and doesn't care who's burned in the process. Mike Johnson will soon find out that he has no friends in the Republican party. But all this is tied to Trump. No escaping this reality for the GOP.


Rising Star
I appreciate the attacks, my main point was I hope we can stop some of these damn wars. I am not voting for Trump. It's not in my DNA. It is just that we are a war mongering nation that looks to war to solve problems, instead of negotiation. That was my message.

I repeat I am not voting for Trump. Jeez
Keeping it real I might not vote for Biden either
I just don't see where these politicians are following the will of the people.
It looks to me that they follow the instructions of their corporate spsponsors.
These numb nut morons on here try to make us out to be Repugs and MAGA when we say this so watch your '6' big homie. Unfortunately, the threshold for breathing is far removed from the threshold for cogent and nuanced thought.


Rising Star
There should be a caucus out there that wants to uproot MTG and end her Congress run...She's a thorn on the side of GOP. She wants what she wants and doesn't care who's burned in the process. Mike Johnson will soon find out that he has no friends in the Republican party. But all this is tied to Trump. No escaping this reality for the GOP.
Nah this is all tied to Newt. Using Evangelicals who had their own blossoming political machinations as a springboard, they carved all the stepping stones in the past 3 decades that have led us to the precipice of ecological, economic and socio-political Armageddon. To be fair there are plenty more who had hands in this pre dating Gingrich but his head should be mounted.... uh I mean placed near the top of the list of names.
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
If trump is about stopping all of these wars I'm voting for Trump.
No war with China
Stop the Ukraine Proxy war, we all know the US is behind this shit.
Israel needs to stop being an Apartheid state and remember what their initial objective was. A safe space for Jews.

Holy shit - I did not expect to wake up and read that BGOL has been funding MAGA on the low :angry::eek::angry::eek::thumbsdown::scared:


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
No, no no no in this situation the Dems don’t need to say a word because Republicans are doing all the work destroying their selves.
Besides, MTG will be the new Gaetz. She's already made it clear that Mike is not supporting her intensions. Nothing she pushed for so far has worked. Only a matter of time before they find a reason to can him. She will lead the charge.