Are Black Voters Leaving Democrats Behind?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Trump told us the border wall our taxes paid for was impossible to get by.

What happened, Slay?

Why don't you post the laws or policies Biden changed on the border policy.

Because it's basically the Trump border policy that's failed.
1). He stopped construction of the border wall.

2). He got rid of remain in Mexico policy.

3). Release people with no court date or way to track them.

He’s basically let in population wise the entire state of Washington or Arizona since he’s been in office.

  • Since Joe Biden took office:
  • In September there were 269,735 illegal immigrants encountered at the Southern Border.
    • This was an OVER 300% increase from September 2020.
    • September was the 31st straight month, where monthly illegal immigrant encounters have been higher than even the highest month seen under President Trump.
  • 169 people whose names appear on the terrorist watchlist were stopped trying to cross the Southern Border, in FY23, an all time record.
    • This total is more than the encounters in all FY17, FY18, FY19, FY20, FY21, and FY22 combined.
    • There have been more than 267 individuals whose names appear on the terrorist watchlist who were stopped trying to cross the Southern Border since Joe Biden became president.
    • In October, federal officials warned that members of Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and Hezbollah could be crossing through the Southern Border.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
1). He stopped construction of the border wall.

2). He got rid of remain in Mexico policy.

3). Release people with no court date or way to track them.

He’s basically let in population wise the entire state of Washington or Arizona since he’s been in office.

  • Since Joe Biden took office:
  • In September there were 269,735 illegal immigrants encountered at the Southern Border.
    • This was an OVER 300% increase from September 2020.
    • September was the 31st straight month, where monthly illegal immigrant encounters have been higher than even the highest month seen under President Trump.
  • 169 people whose names appear on the terrorist watchlist were stopped trying to cross the Southern Border, in FY23, an all time record.
    • This total is more than the encounters in all FY17, FY18, FY19, FY20, FY21, and FY22 combined.
    • There have been more than 267 individuals whose names appear on the terrorist watchlist who were stopped trying to cross the Southern Border since Joe Biden became president.
    • In October, federal officials warned that members of Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and Hezbollah could be crossing through the Southern Border.

1. You showed video proof the border wall didn't work.

Neither 2 nor 3 apply at all to illegal immigrants. Only to asylum seekers.

And Biden can't control what people if people in other countries try to enter the country. He can control what happens when they are encountered. And his policy towards illegal immigrants (not asylum seekers) is exactly the same as Trump's.


Encounters of individuals with FBI terror database matches are much more common along the border separating the U.S. and Canada, despite the much lower levels of unauthorized migration there.

For example, Customs and Border Protection recorded more than 430 watchlist hits along the northern border in fiscal year 2023, the vast majority of them at official ports of entry.

But then you and your Republican friends don't care if people cross the Northern border because you assume they're white.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
1). He stopped construction of the border wall.

2). He got rid of remain in Mexico policy.

3). Release people with no court date or way to track them.

He’s basically let in population wise the entire state of Washington or Arizona since he’s been in office.

  • Since Joe Biden took office:
  • In September there were 269,735 illegal immigrants encountered at the Southern Border.
    • This was an OVER 300% increase from September 2020.
    • September was the 31st straight month, where monthly illegal immigrant encounters have been higher than even the highest month seen under President Trump.
  • 169 people whose names appear on the terrorist watchlist were stopped trying to cross the Southern Border, in FY23, an all time record.
    • This total is more than the encounters in all FY17, FY18, FY19, FY20, FY21, and FY22 combined.
    • There have been more than 267 individuals whose names appear on the terrorist watchlist who were stopped trying to cross the Southern Border since Joe Biden became president.
    • In October, federal officials warned that members of Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and Hezbollah could be crossing through the Southern Border.
Trump ended the monitoring program we had in place. 99% of the immigrants complied and showed up for court, even if they were going to be deported.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Trump ended the monitoring program we had in place. 99% of the immigrants complied and showed up for court, even if they were going to be deported.

We've let in more people than the entire state of Arizona in 3 years. Over 7 million people since Biden has been in office. Hundreds have been caught who are on the known terror watch list. 1.7 million got-aways in that number. Many being dumped into Black neighborhoods and Trump is your response. It's a safety issue if nothing else, shouldn't be a partisan issue at all. We should be able to admit when dumb shit is happening even if our favored party is doing it.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
We've let in more people than the entire state of Arizona in 3 years. Over 7 million people since Biden has been in office. Hundreds have been caught who are on the known terror watch list. 1.7 million got-aways in that number. Many being dumped into Black neighborhoods and Trump is your response. It's a safety issue if nothing else, shouldn't be a partisan issue at all. We should be able to admit when dumb shit is happening even if our favored party is doing it.

If they were caught that means they didn't get in. How many were caught during Trumps administration or are you assuming he was such a strong man they were too scared to try?


Surviving Kamala Emhoff
BGOL Investor
Get em bro !

Like Outkast say,

Now ain't the TIME. WE can't let the Republicans back into the office!
It's a wrap for Black people this time. We'll see the REAL Trump this time.!



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If they were caught that means they didn't get in. How many were caught during Trumps administration or are you assuming he was such a strong man they were too scared to try?
False. They are being caught and released into the country. Why are you obsessed with Trump?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
1. You showed video proof the border wall didn't work.

Neither 2 nor 3 apply at all to illegal immigrants. Only to asylum seekers.

And Biden can't control what people if people in other countries try to enter the country. He can control what happens when they are encountered. And his policy towards illegal immigrants (not asylum seekers) is exactly the same as Trump's.


Encounters of individuals with FBI terror database matches are much more common along the border separating the U.S. and Canada, despite the much lower levels of unauthorized migration there.

For example, Customs and Border Protection recorded more than 430 watchlist hits along the northern border in fiscal year 2023, the vast majority of them at official ports of entry.

But then you and your Republican friends don't care if people cross the Northern border because you assume they're white.
You asked about laws and policy changes and I gave you three. Of course an unfinished wall isn't going to work, no shit. You can play the "asylum" game if you like but we all know they are just gaming the system. Yet the change in the remain in Mexico policy kept millions out of the country who are now flooding in coming to a Black neighborhood near you. Who cares whether it's the northern or southern border terrorists are crossing. You're so obsessed with defending democrats you can't even acknowledge when they are fucking you over.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Just say you don't care about the issue and move on.
You don't know how many were stopped under Trump, but you want to make the ones stopped under Biden an issue. You also don't seem to know the ones on the terror watch lists are arrested, so you are either uninformed or intentionally trying to misinform. Before I continue, do you consider the numbers under Biden indicative of the border working or failing?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You don't know how many were stopped under Trump, but you want to make the ones stopped under Biden an issue. You also don't seem to know the ones on the terror watch lists are arrested, so you are either uninformed or intentionally trying to misinform. Before I continue, do you consider the numbers under Biden indicative of the border working or failing?
Trump, Trump, Trump.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
I'm still listening to this but Cenk is arguing y'alls position for not voting for Biden or replacing Biden. Roland is cleaning his clock. Also makes the same point I made about not conceding POWER.



Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Someone sent me his breakfast club interview also. I haven't watched it yet, but I doubt he got the same kind of pushback.



Rising Star
Platinum Member
I been told yall about that fucking moron. Yet you keep wasting your time , he thinks constantly calling people dumb makes him smart. LOL clear sign of an uneducated clown. A while back this guy never posted like this, he obviously lost his job and is a bum now and needs someone to blame for his shitty pork n beans eating broke ass loser ass life

No no no you’re just a coon and not intelligent enough for an answer oh wait let me throw in something about Massa and gayness, white dick , my LGBTQ obsession something something plantation something something demonrat blah blah not intelligent enough to blah blah blah I have no answers just unrealistic child like expectations because I’m a broke bum ass loser that thinks life isnt fair and that if I complain enough something will change.

:roflmao: :lol: :giggle: :roflmao2:


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I have been a Democrat...thick and thin. But Biden is the first one who is testing my limits. I wish their was another viable candidate.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
Lmbaooo now the cac is tweeting fellow right wing racists

Ben Bergquam - Real America’s Voice (RAV-TV) News


Host of “Law & Border “ on RAV News. Founder of Frontline America. Christian Conservative Husband & Father. Shop our Sponsors https


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Lmbaooo now the cac is tweeting fellow right wing racists

Ben Bergquam - Real America’s Voice (RAV-TV) News


Host of “Law & Border “ on RAV News. Founder of Frontline America. Christian Conservative Husband & Father. Shop our Sponsors https
And the chinese communist doesn't actually care that Black people are being screwed in Chicago by democrats. I guess video footage is now "right wing." I wouldn't expect anything else from a ccp agent however. Where is the cnn/msnbc reporting?