Are Black Voters Leaving Democrats Behind?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Zuckerberg and Sam benefited being born wealthy. You can't go to those schools unless you can pay the tuition. Sam and Mark understood that Networking and Capital created wealth, not education. They have way more power and wealth than their parents will ever attain. All those PHDs and Sam's parents still had to beg to get money out their son. Go figure.
How did they get access to that network? Education.
None of those guys valued the old education systems. Facebook, FTX, and Napster Universities don't fucking exist l. So explain why anyone should follow your path when none of the people who control the country did none of the nonsense you're talking about.
Yet they worked their ass off to get into two of the hardest schools in the nation(Harvard and MIT)....sounds like they valued it enough. And its not about getting to a point of running the country. You trying to run before you walk. Its about getting to a point where the median black income in Chicago isnt 36k a year, and folks arent begging for government handouts to fix what they should be able to fix themselves.

Education is essential, I'm not denying that but it doesn't create wealth on it's own. None of the new money lives the nuclear family lifestyle. Elon, Mark, Sam, Jeff, and Jay Z gonna all laugh in your face when you give them your lame ass playbook. But keep on dreaming. Maybe one day you will get to tell them how to get real money like you.
Yes it does., which is why folks fight so hard for it. If More black men majored in Engineering black wealth would be created. This is a simple fix.

Walter Panov

Rising Star
How did they get access to that network? Education.

Yet they worked their ass off to get into two of the hardest schools in the nation(Harvard and MIT)....sounds like they valued it enough. And its not about getting to a point of running the country. You trying to run before you walk. Its about getting to a point where the median black income in Chicago isnt 36k a year, and folks arent begging for government handouts to fix what they should be able to fix themselves.

Yes it does., which is why folks fight so hard for it. If More black men majored in Engineering black wealth would be created. This is a simple fix.
You lightskin or white?


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
SNAP benefits don't grow economies. Grocery stores make very low margins. Walmart jobs ain't making the average American middle class.

China is a communist system and even they understand jobs are better than giving shit away to the lowest common denominator. You can't just print money Camille and make all you problems go away.

There actually has to be production of goods or services behind currency's. You just can't print money because some is born and they need money, that's not how real economics work.

China gets money because they turn raw materials into finished products. They didn't get rich off financial aid. African countries who are on the SNAP benefits plans are poor, Western countries have little interest in enriching them. Case and point, France and it's interests in French Africa.

China and Russia are currently giving African countries access to capital and weapons for an exchange of raw materials. They aren't building Universities in ANY of those places because they understand the general education systems are for educating workers and not creating wealth.

Wealth in America created the Universities and not vice versa. There was no Vanderbilt University without the railroad company. Vanderbilts heirs with all the advantages in the world (duh, they had their own world class University) blew through all the money in less than three generations partying like rock stars in NYC.

The point is Trump is a liar. You said he would give us 500 billion. We gonna see that exactly one week after we get the health care plan he said he had ready to go day one of his administration. He made it 4 years without providing the day one promise he said was already ready to go before he got elected. He's a con man who tells people what they want to hear. Yeah he kept his promise on the SCOTUS, but he was just appointing who he was told to appoint. His first step plan wasn't him, it was Kushner and others and I found out today that it was a rip off of Corey Booker's plan. Nothing he promises has a chance unless the GOP is on board to introduce and pass the legislation to get it to his desk. If they don't want to pay 110 billion to feed Americans that includes white folk, you think they are on board for 500 billion for black folk? They same GOP folks around here refuse to lobby for reparations or a black agenda because they already know they won't support it? That GOP? You are lying to yourself if you think that platinum plan is real.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You lightskin or white?
No im black and have a sense of responsibility which seems to be lost in our community these days.

America is easy as fuck if you follow a simple track:

1. Partner with someone who has the same values as you.
2. Get a skill in something useful.
3. Spend less than you make.
4. Raise your kids with discipline

You follow these steps and its damn near impossible for you NOT to build wealth in this country.

Walter Panov

Rising Star
No im black and have a sense of responsibility which seems to be lost in our community these days.

America is easy as fuck if you follow a simple track:

1. Partner with someone who has the same values as you.
2. Get a skill in something useful.
3. Spend less than you make.
4. Raise your kids with discipline

You follow these steps and its damn near impossible for you NOT to build wealth in this country.
Wow just wow. And I'm a black engineer by the way. Only 2 of us out of more than 100 of us who entered the same year as freshmen graduated in 4 years. And both of us ended up going to top engineering schools for graduate school. Cac's still don't care about our degrees and will flat out still not hire you.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Wow just wow. And I'm a black engineer by the way. Only 2 of us out of more than 100 of us who entered the same year as freshmen graduated in 4 years. And both of us ended up going to top engineering schools for graduate school. Cac's still don't care about our degrees and will flat out still not hire you.
Sounds like a "YOU" problem.

I went to Georgia Tech, didnt even bother with grad school(although I am peaking at a few now that the company will pay for it) and I have NEVER had a problem being hired. Hell, I've been preferred because I was raised by people who instilled in me that I will always have to be 2x as better to get ahead and I did it.

Now the field is by no means a pure meritocracy, but folks are in business to make money. They make money by producing, and I produce. Hence, I get chosen. Hell, we bring in people from the third world by the thousands every year who are hated. Guess why? They produce.

Its defeatist to not try just because cacs "STILL WONT HIRE YOU".

Walter Panov

Rising Star
Sounds like a "YOU" problem.

I went to Georgia Tech, didnt even bother with grad school(although I am peaking at a few now that the company will pay for it) and I have NEVER had a problem being hired. Hell, I've been preferred because I was raised by people who instilled in me that I will always have to be 2x as better to get ahead and I did it.

Now the field is by no means a pure meritocracy, but folks are in business to make money. They make money by producing, and I produce. Hence, I get chosen. Hell, we bring in people from the third world by the thousands every year who are hated. Guess why? They produce.

Its defeatist to not try just because cacs "STILL WONT HIRE YOU".
Like I said, you must be white or light skin. White people don't give a shit about what you produce. Skin color comes first. You never had a problem being hired because you're a cac. Period. You think black people don't try? lmao. My degree is better than yours. And having to be 2 times better than CAC's is an understatement. We (black people) have to be more than that.


The Devil killed Heist & giggled about it @ brunch
Wow just wow. And I'm a black engineer by the way. Only 2 of us out of more than 100 of us who entered the same year as freshmen graduated in 4 years. And both of us ended up going to top engineering schools for graduate school. Cac's still don't care about our degrees and will flat out still not hire you.
You can't talk to this man, you can tell he hasn't worked at a big engineering or IT Firm. If you think all them Indians got top level educations then you are kidding yourself. MFers can barely speak English and are the constant sources of all types of fuck ups.

Tell his ass, it's always the MFer with the million dollar college education education that are always pissy. White people like shit that's cheap and plentiful. Bangkok aint poppin for retirement because of the great Universities.

The dirty secret about education is that 1-12 is way more important that college. I've impressed more rich people talking about my elementary school then my college education. My resume gets verified for my places of employment and not education.

Most employers want to know if you can do your job day one and want to see work experience thats pertaining to that. If you fuck up at your job, nobody is gonna give a damn about your college education. That's why degrees only get you entry level jobs. Nobody in their right mind makes a person management straight out of college.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Wow just wow. And I'm a black engineer by the way. Only 2 of us out of more than 100 of us who entered the same year as freshmen graduated in 4 years. And both of us ended up going to top engineering schools for graduate school. Cac's still don't care about our degrees and will flat out still not hire you.
I’m not trying to be a dick here, I promise you I’m not. But why? Why not utilize your skills and talent for yourself and your people? Why subject yourself to the unnecessary pain and pressure?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Like I said, you must be white or light skin.
Absolutely not
White people don't give a shit about what you produce. Skin color comes first.
Demonstrably false. You think the H1B system exists if this was the case? I have worked for places that hated my guts all because of the simple fact is. I produce. Its as simple as that.
You think black people don't try?
A large number dont, and they have been trained to by folks with your defeatist mindset who says things dont matter because "they wont hire you anyway". Its bullshit.
My degree is better than yours.
Then why you didnt get chosen? Oh, because you arent light skin?:lol::lol::lol:. Loser speak
And having to be 2 times better than CAC's is an understatement. We (black people) have to be more than that.
Being 2x better will get you to where you want to be.
You can't talk to this man, you can tell he hasn't worked at a big engineering or IT Firm.
I have always been vocal about the fact I work for Microsoft on here.

I’m not trying to be a dick here, I promise you I’m not. But why? Why not utilize your skills and talent for yourself and your people? Why subject yourself to the unnecessary pain and pressure?
Do you really have to ask why a guy, who complains about not being chosen by white people, after 2 degrees in engineering hasnt utilized his skills and talents for himself and his people? Where in the conversation have you seen he could even do so?

Anybody reading this topic can come to their own conclusions:

Do you want to be someone who follows the rules i listed, produce, and have better for your kids?


Do you want to sit around crying about Democrats helping other folks with your hat in hand whining about not having access to capital, or not being picked by the white man after going to his schools 2 times, or life being too hard? While thinking the very same white people who you claim shit on you will magically do better for you if they are Republican?

The former will make you into a man who will make the community, and world, better.

The latter will have you living in the gutter the rest of your life pocket watching what others are able to give their kids.

Choose wisely.

Walter Panov

Rising Star
I’m not trying to be a dick here, I promise you I’m not. But why? Why not utilize your skills and talent for yourself and your people? Why subject yourself to the unnecessary pain and pressure?
Good points, but in my search I never found one black owned company looking for mechanical engineers. I wish I had.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
Like I said, you must be white or light skin. White people don't give a shit about what you produce. Skin color comes first. You never had a problem being hired because you're a cac. Period. You think black people don't try? lmao. My degree is better than yours. And having to be 2 times better than CAC's is an understatement. We (black people) have to be more than that.
Light skinned? Why are you associating white and light skinned Black together? You realize honkies see light skinned Blacks the same as any other Nigga right?


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Good points, but in my search I never found one black owned company looking for mechanical engineers. I wish I had.
You said you were 2 out of 100 students who graduated. The transition from employee to employer at that stage of your life isn’t really realistic. Which leads me to the question: What were your expectations of joining your profession and what are you doing to prepare the next generation of problem solvers?

Walter Panov

Rising Star
You said you were 2 out of 100 students who graduated. The transition from employee to employer at that stage of your life isn’t really realistic. Which leads me to the question: What were your expectations of joining your profession and what are you doing to prepare the next generation of problem solvers?
You lost me here.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
My degree is better than yours.
And this stuck with me. This is the same type of thinking I have seen from other old niggas who always feel the need to place themselves above others. You werent saying your degree was better than mine, you were saying You were better than me. That arrogance is probably why white folks arent choosing you.

Let me tell you what I learned from my school about engineering. It might not be as prestigious as you think your school is, but it has worked for me and the few other black kids I know who graduated from it. When you create, when you build, when you design you have to WANT it. You dont half ass this Mr. Mechanical engineer because if you dont put your BEING into it then lives could be at risk, and even worse, a substandard product could follow. You gotta have that DOG in you. That DRIVE to always be better. From AutoCAD in the classroom to every line of code I have EVER wrote in my career is with that principle. That DOG in me to be the best, to outperform everybody. To WIN.

Im like that fucking jew in that Israel thread who ate a grenade, got up, and STILL WANTED MORE. Thats what Im on, and thats what you need to be on if you want to win like the other people who got the same pieces of paper as you.

Walter Panov

Rising Star
And this stuck with me. This is the same type of thinking I have seen from other old niggas who always feel the need to place themselves above others. You werent saying your degree was better than mine, you were saying You were better than me. That arrogance is probably why white folks arent choosing you.

Let me tell you what I learned from my school about engineering. It might not be as prestigious as you think your school is, but it has worked for me and the few other black kids I know who graduated from it. When you create, when you build, when you design you have to WANT it. You dont half ass this Mr. Mechanical engineer because if you dont put your BEING into it then lives could be at risk, and even worse, a substandard product could follow. You gotta have that DOG in you. That DRIVE to always be better. From AutoCAD in the classroom to every line of code I have EVER wrote in my career is with that principle. That DOG in me to be the best, to outperform everybody. To WIN.

Im like that fucking jew in that Israel thread who ate a grenade, got up, and STILL WANTED MORE. Thats what Im on, and thats what you need to be on if you want to win like the other people who got the same pieces of paper as you.
You were the one who implied we (black people) don't work hard enough and that's why we're not getting hired. I'm telling you I've worked a hell of a lot harder than you Mr. Pass for White. My degree takes a lot more work and persistence to get than yours.

You don't know why Mark and Sam got into Harvard and MIT. You think they "worked hard" to get there. They didn't. They went to a prep school that makes it easy for students get into Ivy League schools. They are also rich because of their families. You are clueless about how life works. That's because you pass for white and think you earned those jobs that you got. I bet you got hired over better qualified black candidates.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You were the one who implied we (black people) don't work hard enough and that's why we're not getting hired. I'm telling you I've worked a hell of a lot harder than you Mr. Pass for White. My degree takes a lot more work and persistence to get than yours.

You don't know why Mark and Sam got into Harvard and MIT. You think they "worked hard" to get there. They didn't. They went to a prep school that makes it easy for students get into Ivy League schools. You are clueless about how life works. That's because you pass for white and think you earned those jobs that you got. I bet you got hired over better qualified black candidates.
Imagine "working so hard" and still having to beg white people for jobs and NOT get chosen. I'm glad that isnt the reality of me and other black people in my life.

Prep schools makes it easy to get into those schools because, barring legacy, they work the kids harder and they learn the game. If you knew the game , or how life works, you'd be chosen. Instead you choose to cry about not being chosen with 2 degrees to your name.

My man if knowing about how life works means begging and being mediocre, then I DONT WANT TO KNOW.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Chicago changes the rules to keep people out of city council meetings who are protesting the sanctuary city status. No ID needed to vote, but now you need one to attend a meeting along with a 48 hour reservation. Other attendees have to go to the 3rd floor gallery encased in glass where you can't provide any input. Then they hold a meeting on whether to put Chicago's sanctuary status on a referendum in March and guess what? The majority of the people at the meeting want to maintain the sanctuary status and it will not be decided by the people of Chicago.

CHICAGO — City council gathered for a special meeting Thursday to discuss Chicago’s status as a Sanctuary city and decided to repeal the referendum reconsidering Chicago as a Welcoming city.

The alderpeople involved in the initial consideration wanted to give power to voters and allow them to decide if Chicago should remain a Welcoming City.

“It is a shame that you all are scared. What are you sacred of, to let people have a voice? What are you scared of, the truth,” Beale asked.

The majority of people who attended the meeting were in support of not reconsidering Chicago’s Sanctuary city status. Therefore, the Sanctuary city referendum question will not be on the March primary ballot.

Chicago has been a Sanctuary city since 1985 since former mayor Harold Washington issued the executive order that is made sure to protect undocumented immigrants regardless of their immigration status.

Mayor Brandon Johnson faces rising pressure to address migrant crisis following failed Brighton Park site
The attempts for a status reconsideration came after the arrival of more than 25,000 asylum seekers from the southern border, most from central and South America.

Ald. Jessie Fuentes said she is relieved that the sanctuary status was not repealed and that if it did, it would not impact the new arrivals and are here under legal process and have the right to seek asylum.

“This is not a fight of them versus us, but this is a fight for morality, a fight for doing what’s right and a fight for doing what is just,” Pastor JeVon Moore said.

There have been several attempts to get the question of Chicago as a sanctuary city on the ballot, but they have been unsuccessful thus far.

Last week, some council members and religious leaders united to say that calling for the status to be reconsidered is dividing Chicagoans.

Beale said while the discussion can be brought up again, he won’t be doing so, calling it a “moot point.”

Walter Panov

Rising Star
Imagine "working so hard" and still having to beg white people for jobs and NOT get chosen. I'm glad that isnt the reality of me and other black people in my life.

Prep schools makes it easy to get into those schools because, barring legacy, they work the kids harder and they learn the game. If you knew the game , or how life works, you'd be chosen. Instead you choose to cry about not being chosen with 2 degrees to your name.

My man if knowing about how life works means begging and being mediocre, then I DONT WANT TO KNOW.
You sure you graduated from Georgia Tech? You sound dumb as hell. Kids don't work harder in those $65K a year schools. It's a system that focuses on getting them into the best schools in the country. And there's no game to learn for those kids you moron. Their life is laid out by their rich parents from the moment they're born. If Mark wasn't running Facebook he'd be rich working somewhere else because his parents would make sure of it. And yes, I know the reality of your white ass means being less competent than black men but still getting hired. You said that already. And yes, I know you're mediocre. You said that too.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You sure you graduated from Georgia Tech? You sound dumb as hell. Kids don't work harder in those $65K a year schools. It's a system that focuses on getting them into the best schools in the country. And there's no game to learn for those kids you moron. Their life is laid out by their rich parents from the moment they're born. If Mark wasn't running Facebook he'd be rich working somewhere else because his parents would make sure of it. And yes, I know the reality of your white ass means being less competent than black men but still getting hired. You said that already. And yes, I know you're mediocre. You said that too.
Im mediocre, yet I didnt have to get 2 degrees to NOT be chosen.

I may be dumb, but theres one thing I am not. A professional victim, who spends his time whining about not being chosen with the education I earned.

Maybe if you took lessons from me you'd have a life you could be proud of. Not begging for a job with 2 degrees that are better than the people you look down on:). your kids could go to these 65k a year schools and learn what hard work is to get ahead.

And I know everything about those schools. I was making connections with them in Georgia(Lovett and Woodward Academy for one) so that my kids, when I have them, will already be on their radar. Thats the difference between us. I shape the world to my whims.

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
I feel you bro, but what is he doing that you don’t like? Not trying to argue, but I do think there is a segment of the population that Dems have a problem reaching.

I come from the perspective that if you pay taxes, vote for whoever you want to vote for.

I work in healthcare policy and benefited tremendously from the student loan stuff so those are the areas I’ve seen his impact as a president.

I know a few people have said they made a lot of money in the stock market when Trump was in office, but I have an account of single stocks and I’m up almost 40%.

I just like to hear from those who don’t like Biden.
How does this help Black Americans? If the chip factory is built in a rural township, how does this benefit us?

Unless we get loans to start up our own firms you are getting crumbs at best while their donors, family, and cronies get rich of government contracts.

Stop posting this shit that benefits EVERYBODY. Post shit that specifically benefits and concerns us. Nobody here is going to open a plant unless Uncle Sam gives us the money.

These corporate entities ain't coming out of pocket for shit. They just use the government loans to secure more funding and never invest their own money.

Nothing personal but if it ain't immigration reform then there is very little that you can post that is going to benefit the general population that black Americans care about. Otherwise stick to what is best for our own interests. Fuck the kumbuya shit.
Black people disproportionately use electronics bro!
This a big WIN!!



The Devil killed Heist & giggled about it @ brunch
Absolutely not

Demonstrably false. You think the H1B system exists if this was the case? I have worked for places that hated my guts all because of the simple fact is. I produce. Its as simple as that.

A large number dont, and they have been trained to by folks with your defeatist mindset who says things dont matter because "they wont hire you anyway". Its bullshit.

Then why you didnt get chosen? Oh, because you arent light skin?:lol::lol::lol:. Loser speak

Being 2x better will get you to where you want to be.

I have always been vocal about the fact I work for Microsoft on here.

Do you really have to ask why a guy, who complains about not being chosen by white people, after 2 degrees in engineering hasnt utilized his skills and talents for himself and his people? Where in the conversation have you seen he could even do so?

Anybody reading this topic can come to their own conclusions:

Do you want to be someone who follows the rules i listed, produce, and have better for your kids?


Do you want to sit around crying about Democrats helping other folks with your hat in hand whining about not having access to capital, or not being picked by the white man after going to his schools 2 times, or life being too hard? While thinking the very same white people who you claim shit on you will magically do better for you if they are Republican?

The former will make you into a man who will make the community, and world, better.

The latter will have you living in the gutter the rest of your life pocket watching what others are able to give their kids.

Choose wisely.

Wow, you seem like you must be the life of the party. I know this black guy who has had access to millions who doesn't seem to share your opinions. Since you know more than Walter, Me, and this guy.....

.....I guess he's a loser too, according to your standards for saying that, maybe you should inform us all via YouTube how to be more like you.

No one says you don't have to work hard at some point but you seem to be arguing a point more than trying to make sense.

If you are really as good as you say you are then you shouldn't give a damn who's in office or if our "begging asses" get access to capital. It's not begging when SBFs father gotta ask for extras but its begging when we want corporate tax credits, jumbo loans, and equivalency in interest rates.

LOL!! I'm glad you're happy with your accomplishments but you're not the only successful person on this board. But what do I know, I'm just a simple Pope from a small village in the middle of nowhere.


The Devil killed Heist & giggled about it @ brunch
LOL @Soul On Ice. I see you dunn went fuck zero fucks mode. So you just gonna clown these losers for the next whole year?? I told you what was gonna happen with these clowns in power.......



But someone should have told them........



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I guess they are just beggars too. Get your white ass outta here. You fucking need to be banned for fucking stupidity.
Navy Federal is your big gotcha? The credit union you cant even use unless you ,or a family member, was part of the military and signed up for it?

I have never said racism doesnt exist. I have said that the defeatist mindset you anti democrats have is causing folks to not try. This is a fact.


The Devil killed Heist & giggled about it @ brunch
Navy Federal is your big gotcha? The credit union you cant even use unless you ,or a family member, was part of the military and signed up for it?

I have never said racism doesnt exist. I have said that the defeatist mindset you anti democrats have is causing folks to not try. This is a fact.

I guess me, Walter, and Ice Cube just some lazzzzy negrows compared to you. You have absolutely no idea who I am or who I know. But I guarantee your network ain't got shit on mine. Jobs or money have never been my problem.

I guess this lil bank called Well Fargo ain't a good example either, but I guess all them niggas on the the West Coast or lazy too.

I guess the justice department and them lazy black folks on the West Coast are just imagining racism too.

Notice how these articles are a decade apart. I guess the former Mayor Willie Brown is a lazy nigga too.

Truth me bro, you ain't worth more than me.
Prolly ain't even got the deed to your house.
Talking big shit and don't own shit.

As someone who was recruited by the Navy and Air Force you probably ain't got work ethic for either. The point of the article was the debunk your stupid theory of accomplished black people being lazy or cry babies.

Btw, talking to you makes me understand why Xbox and Microsoft make shit products. I doubt anyone would put you in any project of importance.

Btw, I've worked for the competition on one of the most desirable projects. Bragging would make it obvious to the right people who I am. Im used the the same conditions Walter is, 1 or 2 people like me and the rest non like me.

If you represent the typical Microsoft mindset I can see why my company kicks your ass in the same market.

Go away cracka. This discussion ain't for you. You obviously have Asperger's because of your lack of empathy and compassion. Enjoy being retarded. Any intelligent thoughts spoken to you beyond your work scope would be waste of time.
Last edited:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Go away cracka. This discussion ain't for you. You obviously have Asperger's. Enjoy being retarded.
I love how when someone disagrees with you they automatically turn white. I verified myself in the verification thread before you even created this account, but go off.

The reality is I have to be white to you because its the only thing that satisfies you, that makes YOUR world view work. If you have to accept I am black and made it in this society then your failures isnt anybody else fault but YOURS and your ego cant take that hit.

Let me be the father you didnt have and tell it to your straight chief. Your failures isnt because Navy Federal didnt give you a mortgage, and crying about democrats helping folks wont make your life better. Get off your ass, work for it. That is your only choice. Whining about what democrats do for immigrants isnt going to get you anywhere. Voting for the party of Trump isnt going to get you anywhere. A place like Chicago is spilling over with opportunity. 36K is the median for us? Niggas cant do any better than that, but can complain about some immigrants getting lodging? What the democrats arent doing? What Trump can do better? This isnt real life.

Walter Panov

Rising Star
Im mediocre, yet I didnt have to get 2 degrees to NOT be chosen.

I may be dumb, but theres one thing I am not. A professional victim, who spends his time whining about not being chosen with the education I earned.

Maybe if you took lessons from me you'd have a life you could be proud of. Not begging for a job with 2 degrees that are better than the people you look down on:). your kids could go to these 65k a year schools and learn what hard work is to get ahead.

And I know everything about those schools. I was making connections with them in Georgia(Lovett and Woodward Academy for one) so that my kids, when I have them, will already be on their radar. Thats the difference between us. I shape the world to my whims.
This is funny. This white boy is deluded.


The Devil killed Heist & giggled about it @ brunch
I love how when someone disagrees with you they automatically turn white. I verified myself in the verification thread before you even created this account, but go off.

The reality is I have to be white to you because its the only thing that satisfies you, that makes YOUR world view work. If you have to accept I am black and made it in this society then your failures isnt anybody else fault but YOURS and your ego cant take that hit.

Let me be the father you didnt have and tell it to your straight chief. Your failures isnt because Navy Federal didnt give you a mortgage, and crying about democrats helping folks wont make your life better. Get off your ass, work for it. That is your only choice. Whining about what democrats do for immigrants isnt going to get you anywhere. Voting for the party of Trump isnt going to get you anywhere. A place like Chicago is spilling over with opportunity. 36K is the median for us? Niggas cant do any better than that, but can complain about some immigrants getting lodging? What the democrats arent doing? What Trump can do better? This isnt real life.
Chicago. Oh god, no wonder you are pissy. You still mad about me clowning your losing football team. Sorry, I forgot about your hurt lil feelings but my team got bigger fish to fry. It's probably why we sat so many starters and rotation guys

It was funny as hell seeing the Lions sit Bruce Irvin even though he made the game changing play the previous week. Let me know that our coaches don't take you seriously.

Its still free my guy. Glad you won your SB last week, but you will probably be out "your playoffs"
by next game. Enjoy your time in the sun before the shitbirds come flying in and give you a dose of reality.

Imma just be honest with you. You probably couldn't work we're I've worked. Imma leave it at that.

There are zero metrics in which I'm a failure. Ok maybe one, wasting my time with Uncle Ruckus on the Internet.

Chiyo "Alls yalls neeegras is lazzzzzy. Whyte manye can't help yalls cuz ya lazzzzzy. He hire meee cuzzz he knows you lazzzzy and I'm not."

I call you white because you argue like a white toll. No facts or articles and using stereotypes as evidence.

Just because you're in Chicago with a bunch of low IQ MFers doesn't mean the rest of Black America is like you.. I go to Chicago plenty and have had all the access a nigga could want, I've brought plenty of business partners that way and they all have made comments on the lack of intelligence amongst your general black population.

Y'all niggas barely act above Gary, Flint, and Saginaw niggas. Shout out to Draymond for fuckin up a good thing.

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BGOL Investor
Sounds like a "YOU" problem.

I went to Georgia Tech, didnt even bother with grad school(although I am peaking at a few now that the company will pay for it) and I have NEVER had a problem being hired. Hell, I've been preferred because I was raised by people who instilled in me that I will always have to be 2x as better to get ahead and I did it.

Now the field is by no means a pure meritocracy, but folks are in business to make money. They make money by producing, and I produce. Hence, I get chosen. Hell, we bring in people from the third world by the thousands every year who are hated. Guess why? They produce.

Its defeatist to not try just because cacs "STILL WONT HIRE YOU".
He's not saying he "doesn't try". He's saying the reality that whites will still fuck you up, hold you back in many situations when YOU are TRYING. My business does over a million a year in sales on the properties I'm contracted with and I still deal with racists that don't want me there.

You just haven't ran into white person that wants to take everything from you yet. But it'll happen eventually.

Stop insinuating that people "aren't trying" simply because they are speaking on the racist realities they deal with.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He's not saying he "doesn't try". He's saying the reality that whites will still fuck you up, hold you back in many situations when YOU are TRYING. My business does over a million a year in sales on the properties I'm contracted with and I still deal with racists that don't want me there.

You just haven't ran into white person that wants to take everything from you yet. But it'll happen eventually.

Stop insinuating that people "aren't trying" simply because they are speaking on the racist realities they deal with.
Im sorry but the post in this thread that started this recent conversation was about Chicago residents complaining about immigrants getting services there. It was people saying they were going to start voting for republicans to get a better deal and the reality is if your median is 36k, and only 1 in 5 are going to college, then NOBODY is going to give you a better deal. A lot of folks just want to be lazy and have the government save them from their lack of work and their lack of drive to make life better for themselves. That is the foundation for the whole "Democrats didnt wipe my ass enough so im going to vote for fascists" movement.

A median of 36k in a place like Chicago is proof niggas in that city arent trying, and this living life walking around scared some CAC will take everything from you is the same defeatist mindset that have folks living in the gutter. You think I care if they "Want" me there? I am there not because of their benevolence, but because I am damn good at what I do. You have your contracts because you are damn good at what you do. If professional victims were damn good at what they did instead of whining about other people getting help then they would be half way to getting to a point of where their own kids wouldnt have to bitch and moan about a hand out from a government.

BGOL Investor
You think I care if they "Want" me there? I am there not because of their benevolence, but because I am damn good at what I do. You have your contracts because you are damn good at what you do

I'm so good at what I do that a racist GM came in and pulled 2 of my shops and gave it to his white friends. Then he proceeded to block my new contract from the new location that I had already had meetings about (with the prior GM)?

This guy was hard core Italian racist and was legendary in the theme park business as being so. That move cost me a 300k a year loss and forced me to change up a large portion of my business. Set me back for years.

These are just "words" to you. Nothing I'm saying is REAL to you, because it didn't HAPPEN to you.

*and he basically told other higher-ups that "he didn't like doing business with *******"


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm so good at what I do that a racist GM came in and pulled 2 of my shops and gave it to his white friends. Then he proceeded to block my new contract from the new location that I had already had meetings about (with the prior GM)?

This guy was hard core Italian racist and was legendary in the theme park business as being so. That move cost me a 300k a year loss and forced me to change up a large portion of my business. Set me back for years.

These are just "words" to you. Nothing I'm saying is REAL to you, because it didn't HAPPEN to you.

*and he basically told other higher-ups that "he didn't like doing business with *******"
Damn thats terrible. I hope you got the last laugh on him.