Are Black Voters Leaving Democrats Behind?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Let's be conservative and use 500 "migrants." Hotels in Boston where they are housed get $64 per day, per person, just for food. Not counting what the state pays for them to live there. That's $32,000 per day to feed 500 "migrants". Now the state of Massachusetts paid a pasta company $10 million to provide food for 6 months. TEN MILLION FOR SIX MONTHS. No way this bullshit can be defended.



We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor

Biden 2024...


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
I keep forgetting I'm talking to people who dont understand the basics. Yes, states have varying minimum wages, but congress can change the FEDERAL minimum wage.

Several times in the past I have listed items that I want or received that dems passed or are willing to pass. You just don't see it as valid because the priorities higher on my list are not Black specific. The list of things I want dems are for and the GOP is against. Yall can sit here and protest vote and sit out and because you're expecting the rest of us to vote and minimize the harm or you're in a safe blue state where you don't have to worry about a bunch of fuckery unless it's passed at the federal level. You're being protected by the rest of us.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I tell some yall one thing, most democrats in Chi and NYC
are fuckin tired of the bullshit democrat leadership
with these illegal immigrants crisis and lack of funding to
support natural born citizens.

And before some of yall say well if the repugs vote
for the dems immigration bill. I read that prospective bill
No way the repugs were gonna sign off that shyt in a election year.
Biden admin. reaction time was late, they could have gotten a deal
in 2020 or 2021. Now rupug governors called dems on that b.s
for sanctuary status.

Many peeps are in the 'fukked the dems mode' at this point.


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor

Name another group that advocates for benefits to "trickle down" to them. Migrant policy "SPECIFICALLY benefits them. LBGTQ policy SPECIFICALLY benefits them. White a larger percentage of Black folks have Student loan debt, most student loan debt is held by whites and they will get the majority of the forgiveness. REPARATIONS specifically for Black folks is what we should be demanding rather than money "trickling down" to underemployed college graduates.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Name another group that advocates for benefits to "trickle down" to them. Migrant policy "SPECIFICALLY benefits them. LBGTQ policy SPECIFICALLY benefits them. White a larger percentage of Black folks have Student loan debt, most student loan debt is held by whites and they will get the majority of the forgiveness. REPARATIONS specifically for Black folks is what we should be demanding rather than money "trickling down" to underemployed college graduates.

I understood that to mean if it's policy that is good for Black people, that it trickles down to everyone. I think you missed the point of Black people being helped more, though.


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
I understood that to mean if it's policy that is good for Black people, that it trickles down to everyone. I think you missed the point of Black people being helped more, though.
My point is that the policies in the discussions aren't directed to us specifically. Student loan forgiveness will benefit MORE White people than Black people. I would like to see policy directed SPECIFICALLY to Black folks just like other groups have received (LBGTQ, Jewish, Migrants, Asians etc etc etc).


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
My point is that the policies in the discussions aren't directed to us specifically. Student loan forgiveness will benefit MORE White people than Black people. I would like to see policy directed SPECIFICALLY to Black folks just like other groups have received (LBGTQ, Jewish, Migrants, Asians etc etc etc).

So what a student loan forgiveness program only for Black people and a separate one for everyone else? An insulin price reduction for Black ppl only and a separate one for white people?


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
Can you please list the tangibles that Biden has accomplished for the progress of Black people during his term? Just a list, no commentary.


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
So what a student loan forgiveness program only for Black people and a separate one for everyone else? An insulin price reduction for Black ppl only and a separate one for white people?

No. Obviously, that would be overly complicated. I am talking Reparations.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
No. Obviously, that would be overly complicated. I am talking Reparations.

Reparations would be nice but 1) I'm not a single issue voter 2) with the current judiciary they would most likely not withstand a court challenge. 3) you need MORE dems to pass them. Since yall have ruled out lobbying the GOP the discussion is moot until dems control the house and 60+ seats in the senate.


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
“Reparations would be nice but …”1)



Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member

How does funding for Ukraine get passed?

Don Coreleone

Rising Star
Let's be conservative and use 500 "migrants." Hotels in Boston where they are housed get $64 per day, per person, just for food. Not counting what the state pays for them to live there. That's $32,000 per day to feed 500 "migrants". Now the state of Massachusetts paid a pasta company $10 million to provide food for 6 months. TEN MILLION FOR SIX MONTHS. No way this bullshit can be defended.

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