Are Black Voters Leaving Democrats Behind?


Rising Star
Platinum Member


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
New Data Show Migrants Were More Likely to Be Released by Trump Than Biden

Liberal pro immigration think tank tries to act like Biden is tougher on the border. People love to use percentages to hide the truth, but sometimes it comes out anyway.

"Of course, the absolute numbers of releases have been higher under President Biden, but that reflects much higher arrivals, not any meaningful change in policy."


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Well, let's say 95% of the "immigrants" are good people. We've let in 9 million people. 5% would be 450,000 not so good people. I know this isn't scientific and just speculation, but I think we can see where this could end up.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yup illiterate and ignorant. I’m tired of explaining the southern strategy to you Republikkklans
Nicca wtf are you talking about. Everybody knows about that. But im Looking at what been done in the last 3 years in that tweet


waking people up
BGOL Investor
The "Border Security" bill

Allows 5,000 illegals per day before the border can be shut down. This total doesn't include illegals from Mexico, Canada or minors. So 1.8 million illegals per year allowed entry.

Minors can not be deported.

Illegals get tax payer provided attorneys

Immediate work permits to every illegal released from custody after initial screening.

Any challenge to the law can only be heard by the most liberal court in the U.S. the district court in D.C.

The president can reopen the border any time it's in the "national interest"

$1.4 Billion for organizations that provide shelter, transportation and other services for illegals and $2.3 billion to HHS for "refugee entrant and assistance."

Does not require the president or Secretary of Homeland Security to deport anyone.

Creates pathway to citizenship for 60,000 Afghans brought over after withdrawal

The border wall funding wouldn't start until 2028.

Out of $118 billion, $20 billion goes towards border security.

$60 billion to Ukraine
$14 billion to Israel
$10 billion to Gaza
$2.4 billion for Red Sea conflicts
$4.8 billion for Indo-Pacific purposes

So the "border bill" wouldn't actually solve anything. The additional border agents and judges would just be used to process illegals into the country faster. The house republicans thankfully will not vote for this shitty uni-party bill.
how much to black folks here?


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
What was done to Black Folks in America
Is the same as what happened to Natives at the residential schools in the u.s. and canada

Our names, language, religion, were all stripped from us for generations.
Sometimes I feel like we are on the wrong version of the multiverse and there must be a better world

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What was done to Black Folks in America
Is the same as what happened to Natives at the residential schools in the u.s. and canada

Our names, language, religion, were all stripped from us for generations.
Sometimes I feel like we are on the wrong version of the multiverse and there must be a better world
There are indeed similarities; however... well read this if you like.

  • $32 billion in the American Rescue Plan, the largest direct federal investment in Tribal Nations in history.
  • $13 billion in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to build high-speed internet, roads, bridges, public transit, clean water, and improve sanitation in Tribal communities.
  • $700 million in the Inflation Reduction Act, to invest in Native communities for climate resilience and adaptation programs, drought mitigation, home electrification, and clean energy development.
  • Sending billions of federal contract dollars—and significant percentages of their overall procurement dollars—to Native-owned or controlled businesses through the Buy Indian Act, a law that has been re-invigorated under the Biden-Harris Administration. In FY 2023, the Indian Health Service (IHS) awarded $444 million (30.6%), the Department of Health and Human Services awarded $1.55 billion (3.8%), the Department of the Interior awarded over $1.4 billion (16.9%), and Interior’s Indian Affairs Bureaus awarded $626 million (74.6%) of eligible contract dollars to Native-owned and controlled businesses.
  • Securing the first ever advance appropriations for IHS, which was the only major federal healthcare system that was funded through discretionary appropriations and therefore more likely to be cut every year. These advance appropriations bring much needed stability to IHS and ensure that IHS hospitals can stay open to provide lifesaving care in the event of a lapse in government appropriations.

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
