Ball family could be angling for big sneaker payday


Rising Star
Platinum Member
you had to stop. you got sonned from fucking constanza
you have 50k posts
how much time did it take you to accumulate them and how much did they cost?
niggas are getting lamer by the day around here :smh:
If i got a million posts how the fuck does that negate the value of time? Again, you sound broke. Sincerely. And the fact that you even reference a constanza is a fucking fail.

i once brought a condo with a clock that said 3:15pm.. i buy properties with hour glasses cause time=money

:lol2::lol2::lol2:..time money/logic always makes me laugh..almost as much as the dudes that say they don't pay for the pussy they pay the chick to if i sent a chick to your door u gonna pay her 200 bucks to walk away from your door..trick logic pure comedy:lol2::lol2:
When you find yourself hitting that emoticon button this many times you're either unable to articulate a point or dont have a point to articulate.


Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
If i got a million posts how the fuck does that negate the value of time? Again, you sound broke. Sincerely. And the fact that you even reference a constanza is a fucking fail.

its doesnt negate anything you fucking lame ass nigga
it proves that time has no value
again how much did time did it take you to accumulate all those posts and how much money did you make from it?
shut yo dumb lame ass up


Rising Star
Platinum Member
its doesnt negate anything you fucking lame ass nigga
it proves that time has no value
again how much did time did it take you to accumulate all those posts and how much money did you make from it?
shut yo dumb lame ass up
Are you this dumb or are you pretending? Those that cant do teach for real.. :smh:


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
If i got a million posts how the fuck does that negate the value of time? Again, you sound broke. Sincerely. And the fact that you even reference a constanza is a fucking fail.

When you find yourself hitting that emoticon button this many times you're either unable to articulate a point or dont have a point to articulate.
so old man moses please explain how pussy isn't free than since u are so wise and articulate

if i go to the store and bump into a random female and we conversate, less than 10-15mins we head back to my crib and i end up fucking her with no payment, no cab ride home, no buying her food, juss wham/bam thank u mam how is that not the way this type of thing happens often in the summer months in ny


Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
Are you this dumb or are you pretending? Those that cant do teach for real.. :smh:

you keep trying to attack me personally because you cant defend your lame ass reasonings

nigga youre a fucking lame
jesus fucking christ im going to fund your pussy gofundme its the only way youre going to be able to smell a vagina



Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
oh this tricking ass nigga is shitty now
this nigga cant fuck without his wallet
im crying!!!!!!!!
His wallet Is his mouthpiece

I know exactly what type of nigga he is

Suits in the club with square toes

Around all 22-25 year olds

Without your wallet you're not a man


Rising Star
Platinum Member
so old man moses please explain how pussy isn't free than since u are so wise and articulate

if i go to the store and bump into a random female and we conversate, less than 10-15mins we head back to my crib and i end up fucking her with no payment, no cab ride home, no buying her food, juss wham/bam thank u mam how is that not the way this type of thing happens often in the summer months in ny
You've still made the investment of time. Which goes directly to my original point of time or money.


Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
so old man moses please explain how pussy isn't free than since u are so wise and articulate

if i go to the store and bump into a random female and we conversate, less than 10-15mins we head back to my crib and i end up fucking her with no payment, no cab ride home, no buying her food, juss wham/bam thank u mam how is that not the way this type of thing happens often in the summer months in ny

that loser has never had that experience in his life so he cant relate
youre wasting your time


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
No. Just a few low earning 9 to 5 slaves who dont know the very basic concept of value of time. I will sincerely buy all of you. Im literally... :smh:
i make a living because of people like bizz thrives cause sadly many dudes have the same dumb ass concepts as you..thanx to people like you i will never have to work a 9-5:money::money::money:


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
Everyones time is limited.. Even yours.. Because you've pretending to be 25 on a porn board for 15 years doesnt mean time has stopped. Just your brain.
Im 28 you stupid fucking old fool

U a lil over 50 right?

My father can be your father

Miss me with that wisdom shit u think u be kicking


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
No. Just a few low earning 9 to 5 slaves who dont know the very basic concept of value of time. I will sincerely buy all of you. Im literally... :smh:
I make my own opportunities to make money.

U Tryna buy us now?


You buy women

We fuck women

See the difference in those statements


personally its in my opinion way to early in his career to speculate his true potential, theres been so many second comings of jordan, kobe,magic or lebron over the years. And alot of championship caliber players with no rings! Of course lavar got his name over all this sneaker switching (making money off his sons potential success is one of the things i dont agree with lavar about him cause lonzo is gonna haft to do all the work!) Im sure hell get a deal but not the deal he wants! honestly his lonzo has not proven himself to be worthy of a billion or 500 million 0r 100 million 0r 5 million dallor deal and thats the god honest truth! Now lets be honest lavar is smart at his craft but hes not smarter than the big 3. at the end of the day they have direct access & the money up front to hold sway to all factories and resources in shoe production the same ones lavar does buisness with and can make his ventures extremely difficult if they chose to. so as much as lavar thinks he got all the sense and all the cards he really doesnt! that being said im gonna see how lonzo does after this next season before i pass judgement of his true talent and abilities!


Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
Move out of asscrack NY and leave that dead end job for starters you broke minded bitch.

maybe you need to move to asscrack ny since we dont place no value on pussy here

your personal attacks dont work son when youre an obvious lame

mr time is so valauble i have 50k posts and spend 8 hrs per day on bgol

nigga!!!!!!!! shut you lame ass up


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
You and I arent in the same bracket tallblack... If you make a living off of me its only because my tax dollars fund social safety net programs.
dude majority of my customers would prob eat a bullet if they woke up with your bank account stop it..i've dealt with masons, elks, people in the govt, people in law cough cough a judge or 2, people that own medical facilities..there was yrs where i only dealt with millionaires and they fucked with me hardbody cause they didn't want to go to clubs cause they was to scared cause of how much they make..understand i deal with career nigs and bizz owners..i juss did an event with nothing but yemen nigs and indian nigs..all owners of corner stores, clubs, rental halls etc..dudes would prob laugh at your yrly income..i've dealt with jews, arabs, cacs, africans, and everything else under the rainbow


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
that nigga iant even smart man
just another trick with women issues
55 with 2 nephews and no love life.

Bgol all day

Eewwll his best friend( and he don't even like the old Mann like that)

Redskins fan

Total fucking loser life u wasted

U need to bite the fucking bullet one day

I woulda fucking been offed myself being past 45 with no kids of my own.

But since u have your time and your lil money u always talkin about I guess that offsets

Money and time is your happiness

Pussy and freedom is mines



Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
What the fuck did I walk in on?

And why do you dudes do that jumping in another dudes battle? I notice a lot of you faggots do that shit up here now, but you post around someone normally, but the time they start beefing you want to get some punches in for some chuckles.

That shits mad weak, and it's always the same ones doing it.

and if you feel some type of way, I really don't give a fuck...but that shit looks pussy

they said selling pussy is the oldest profession in the world, well amajorcup has been around since this bitch was created and apparently was the first customer



Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
dude majority of my customers would prob eat a bullet if they woke up with your bank account stop it..i've dealt with masons, elks, people in the govt, people in law cough cough a judge or 2, people that own medical facilities..there was yrs where i only dealt with millionaires and they fucked with me hardbody cause they didn't want to go to clubs cause they was to scared cause of how much they make..understand i deal with career nigs and bizz owners..i juss did an event with nothing but yemen nigs and indian nigs..all owners of corner stores, clubs, rental halls etc..dudes would prob laugh at your yrly income
you took that shit seriously?
everybody is 10 figure niggas on bgol but pussy has to bought


Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
55 with 2 nephews and no love life.

Bgol all day

Eewwll his best friend( and he don't even like the old Mann like that)

Redskins fan

Total fucking loser life u wasted

U need to bite the fucking bullet one day

I woulda fucking been offed myself being past 45 with no kids of my own.

But since u have your time and your lil money u always talkin about I guess that offsets

Money and time is your happiness

Pussy and freedom is mines

man dont hold back it all


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
so old man moses please explain how pussy isn't free than since u are so wise and articulate

if i go to the store and bump into a random female and we conversate, less than 10-15mins we head back to my crib and i end up fucking her with no payment, no cab ride home, no buying her food, juss wham/bam thank u mam how is that not the way this type of thing happens often in the summer months in ny

pet peeve of mine

Converse muthfucka, converse