BATWOMAN Discussion Thread.. Javicia Leslie is new Batwoman (Update: Luke Fox is BatWing 6/8/2021) Bring on MORE Assorted White TEARS!!


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
*Batman missing from the Universe the entire whole series up until the last episode of the final season? Check

Ya'll know good and well Batman won't show up..and if he does theyll probably show him in silhouette,or do like they did Superman on Supergirl(before Tyler Hoechlin was cast) and show him from a distance :rolleyes::lol:
Unless they bring in multiple Batman villains from the beginning, I give this show 1 1/2 seasons before cancellation.

Neither Joker or HQ wont be among them if they do this cause of DC"we're saving them for the movies" thing :rolleyes: ..remember what happened with Arrow and the Suicide Squad


Rising Star
I stopped watching legends during 1st season but seen her during crossover, also remember her fine ass in House of Lies. CW's lineup of black actresses is the best tho, shit their white actresses are fine too, if I was casting director for CW i'm sure I would've already went down during this #metoo era


Don't forget DC's Legends of Tomorrow Amaya Jiwe / Vixen / Charlie, not sure why the killed her off as Vixen and brought her back as Charlie.

BGOL Investor
Yeah man, but they just suck though. They are repetitive and goofy. Felicity ruined Arrow for me years ago.

One more thing...

Many of these shows on cw you guys still watch and hate

Are more family or all inclusive.

So i grade them all on a curve

They can't be titans or doom patrol

But having "mixed" casts aint ever gonna change.

Not since LOST.

so there will ALWAYS be a black person asian person gay person on a show somewhere FOREVER.

You saw even in Endgame they laying the foundation for a gay hero.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man don't get me started on Black lighting, that shit went downhill fast
That shit was only riding the good vibes created by Luke Cage but ended up failing miserably.
As with ALL the CW DCEU shows, they become more about LGBTQ representation, feminist pandering and (straight) male ineptitude.
Black Lightning is just more of the same... :hmm:

BGOL Investor
You hating on Black Lightning?

Whats your beef with that?

1. The costume is terrible
2. They picked the wrong cat to play him
3. No one recognizes this dude with "just some shades on"?
4. Blackity, blackity, black scenarios that just seem forced more than a natural occurence - for instance the whole city is pretty much a "ghetto stereotype" except where BL, the cop and his family live.

*wifey in the show fine as fuck. She looks a lot like my first wife.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
1. The costume is terrible
2. They picked the wrong cat to play him
3. No one recognizes this dude with "just some shades on"?
4. Blackity, blackity, black scenarios that just seem forced more than a natural occurence - for instance the whole city is pretty much a "ghetto stereotype" except where BL, the cop and his family live.

*wifey in the show fine as fuck. She looks a lot like my first wife.

Yeah it took awhile for me to get over the costume. But I've seen worse. And its essentially armor so...

But your not wrong.

You aint watch the show at ALL if you don't know the answer to that.

I don't agree with the extra black stuff.

But that is a much LARGER discussion about what makes a show "black" or not.
I'm gonna have to come back


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
That shit was only riding the good vibes created by Luke Cage but ended up failing miserably.
As with ALL the CW DCEU shows, they become more about LGBTQ representation, feminist pandering and (straight) male ineptitude.
Black Lightning is just more of the same... :hmm:

I said,something similar in the Agents of Shield thread last week....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Damn they really having superhero overkill with this shit. I can tolerate them if they like a strong 5-10 episodes.......did anyone really need another CW superhero show?

Iron Man

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
1. The costume is terrible
2. They picked the wrong cat to play him
3. No one recognizes this dude with "just some shades on"?
4. Blackity, blackity, black scenarios that just seem forced more than a natural occurence - for instance the whole city is pretty much a "ghetto stereotype" except where BL, the cop and his family live.

*wifey in the show fine as fuck. She looks a lot like my first wife.

With the resource Gambi has the customer is okay it will do.

He's not the leading man type due to the roles he played in the past TV series.


Disagree, Freeland is a small black community with surrounding single family homes, all scenarios supposed to be black. I'm pretty sure white people don't sit around watching TV shows with 99.9% white scenarios and say the show is too white.
We don't see bums or panhandlers in the streets or the sidewalks overrun with garbage or hoes walking the streets every episode and that's a plus.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Looks interesting.

I got to many shows to watch right now, so I will binge watch at season end on Netflix with the other CW shows.

BGOL Investor
Disagree, Freeland is a small black community with surrounding single family homes, all scenarios supposed to be black. I'm pretty sure white people don't sit around watching TV shows with 99.9% white scenarios and say the show is too white.
We don't see bums or panhandlers in the streets or the sidewalks overrun with garbage or hoes walking the streets every episode and that's a plus.

When I say blackity-black I'm saying some things seem forced stereotypical. Some of the writers on the show are white and a few (not every) scenario seem not how black folks live but how white folks "perceive we live". I see a lot of that in comics when white writers try to write black people.
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
When a 110lb. chick without super strength tosses a man without using her body weight, I'm out.
Not watching this.
Plus, I'm fed up with gay and feminist agenda social conditioning.
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
"I need you to fix his suit"
"The suit is literal perfection"
"It will be when it fits a woman"
Not just her, but "a woman". In other words, its not good enough until a woman has the "power" as if it just comes from wearing the suit.

"I'm not about to let a man take credit for a woman's work"
Bitch is using the batcave, has assumed Batman's identity, wearing the batsuit, running around pretending to be Batman ("They think I'm him") and has the nerve to say some shit like that.
The only reason they have fear when they see the caped wings is because they think its HIM, not just any man but Batman. Batman built the rep; woman comes along and assumes the identity without earning it.
Cringe ass cringe. If it were possible to put a show on ignore....


Rising Star
If they wanted to cast a lesbian actress in the role I think Jessica Clark from true blood would've been better than Ruby Rose


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
@fonzerrillii @ViCiouS

this aint good she has a a history of injury

Batwoman star Ruby Rose reveals she had emergency surgery after performing stunts

By Maureen Lee Lenker
September 29, 2019 at 02:10 PM EDT

  • TV Show
Superheroes may be mostly indestructible, but the actors who play them are not.

On Friday, actress Ruby Rose, who is poised to star as the titular character on The CW’s new Batwoman series, revealed that she underwent emergency surgery because she was risking becoming paralyzed after sustaining injuries while performing stunts.

Rose posted on her Instagram on Friday, sharing a time-lapsed graphic video of the surgical procedure from start to finish. “To everyone asking about my new Pez dispenser scar on my neck… A couple of months ago I was told I needed an emergency surgery or I was risking becoming paralyzed…,” she wrote. “I had herniated two discs doing stunts, and they were close to severing my spinal chord. I was in chronic pain and yet couldn’t feel my arms.”

The CW star went on to thank her doctors and explain why she chose to have the procedure captured on video. “Thank you Dr Bray for everything you did and for allowing me to keep working and doing what I love,” she wrote. “I am forever in your debt. And to anyone asking why I let them video it.. Did you not watch that Grey’s Anatomy episode where they left a towel in a patient?? Also I wanted to see what happens when we go under.”

This isn’t the first time Rose has gone under the knife due to back issues. Back in 2018, she was candid about appearing in a wheelchair and with a cane after undergoing surgery for ongoing spine issues.

Batwoman is still slated to premiere Oct. 6 at 8 p.m. on The CW.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Batwoman producer promises Kate Kane will have girlfriends and go on dates

August 04, 2019 at 07:32 PM EDT

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  • TV Show
Batwoman is breaking new ground as TV’s first out lesbian superhero lead with Kate Kane (Ruby Rose). And the new Arrowverse series is going to highlight that fact by leaning in to romance in the first season.

While speaking with a small group of reporters at the 2019 Television Critics Association summer press tour Sunday, Batwoman executive producer Caroline Dries told EW that despite Kate being in a complicated on-again-off-again relationship with closeted Sophie (Meagan Tandy), she’s going to date around and have a full romantic life.

“Yes, that is to me what’s important about this character is that she’s like Oliver Queen,” Dries says. “[He] dates left and right at the beginning of that show before he and Felicity [Emily Bett Rickards] settled down. We didn’t want to neuter Kate. She’s in this complicated relationship with Sophie because it’s an intellectual past relationship but to me what makes part of her character is that she has girlfriends. She goes on dates.”

While Dries isn’t able to give any additional details on who these girlfriends and romantic interests will be, she did reveal that they’re all going to play an important part in Kate’s journey toward becoming a superhero. “They will add to Kate’s blossoming as Batwoman as she’s realizing it’s hard to juggle personal and superhero,” she says.

While Batwoman is the latest addition to the Arrowverse, this isn’t Dries’ first time in an extended TV universe. She was an integral part of creating The Vampire Diaries universe and she’s carrying some important lessons over to Batwoman from her time on that previous CW series.

“The biggest thing that I learned is that Kevin [Williamson] and Julie [Plec] have such high standards for the writing so when somebody pitches a cheesy beat, I feel it in my bones of, ‘That is garbage TV that you’re pitching right now,'” Dries says with a smile. “So because they had such a high standard, I recalibrated what my taste was so I hope that I can put that into this show. But that’s the biggest thing logistically speaking and then creatively the love triangles, just creating strong emotional moments. The act might be this huge epic action thing but nobody cares if it’s not rooted in a really cool, emotional beat.”

Dries previously told EW that she was particularly excited to explore Kate’s romantic side on Batwoman. “One of the things I love writing regardless of genre is the romantic elements of the show,” Dries said. “For Kate, a big part of her identity is her personal life, obviously, and what she’s doing when she’s not Batwoman. One of the things she’s going to figure out pretty early on is, ‘Oh, I now see why there was no Mrs. Wayne.’ It’s because it was very hard to be the hero of Gotham and have a love life. So her personal life will have its due time on screen, and she’s trying to grapple with ‘How do I be Kate and also be Batwoman?’”

Batwoman premieres Sunday, Oct. 6 at 8 p.m. on The CW.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Batwoman boss teases 'pretty serious Batman villain' in season 1

Showrunner Caroline Dries explains her 'back to basics' approach to Kate Kane and 'Batwoman'

By Chancellor Agard
July 18, 2019 at 12:00 PM EDT

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  • TV Show
Batwoman has been in production for only a few weeks, but Ruby Rose is already loving it. “It has a completely different feel than any other job that I’ve done before,” says the Orange Is the New Black alum, who appears on the cover of the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly. “I wake up and I feel a lot of gratitude and excitement for what’s going to come in the day ahead.”

Rose’s red-haired vigilante grappling-hooked into the Arrowverse in last December’s “Elseworlds,” but the actress’ new series is set before that topsy-turvy crossover. Premiering Oct. 6, Batwoman begins with Bruce Wayne’s cousin Kate Kane (Rose) returning home to a beleaguered Gotham after years of training, and picking up the Bat-mantle in Bruce’s absence. “She’s everything that I wish I could be, that I had the guts to be,” showrunner Caroline Dries says of her heroine, who is the first out LGBTQ superhero to headline a television show. “She’s a really courageous, no bulls— badass who knows herself very well and is not afraid of sharing that with the world.”

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In season 1, Kate’s war on crime will pit her against her nemesis, the psychotic Alice (Rachel Skarsten), as well as a rogues’ gallery of Batman foes. “In episode 3, we have a pretty serious Batman villain show up thinking, ‘I’m going to f—ing kill Batman,’ ” teases Dries, who is taking a cue from Arrow and making sure Batwoman remains as grounded and gritty as possible (at least until the annual crossover). “Batwoman is the only caped crusader in town. We’ll have bad guys show up wearing their own versions of disguises, but in terms of costumed good guys or bad guys, it’s just Kate in hers.” She continues, “It’s very tempting to jump to what the other shows are doing now because that’s the world we’re living in. But I keep going back to what was Arrow season 1? [We’re aiming for a] back to basics of a girl kind of discovering the awesomeness of this Batsuit, all of this Bat tech that she has access to, and just keeping it simple.”


Looking further ahead at the season, Dries is particularly excited to explore Kate’s romantic side. Yes, there’s her old flame Sophie (Meagan Tandy), whose kidnapping lures Kate back to Gotham, but Dries teases that we’ll see Kate date around, too. “I love all the Bat-gadgets that we do in the fight scenes and the action is right up my alley, but the thing I love about the show or all of these new character dynamics that are unfolding, and one of the things I love writing regardless of genre, is the romantic elements of the show,” says Dries. “For Kate, a big part of her identity is her personal life, obviously, and what she’s doing when she’s not Batwoman. One of the things she’s going to figure out pretty early on is, ‘Oh, I now see why there was no Mrs. Wayne.’ It’s because it was very hard to be the hero of Gotham and have a love life. So her personal life will have its due time on screen, and she’s trying to grapple with how do I be Kate and also be Batwoman.”

For Rose, playing the caped crusader has been an opportunity to stretch out of her comfort zone and explore a character with a lot of emotional baggage from not only her mother and sister dying tragically when she was younger, but also from being expelled from the military academy for being gay. “I feel like up until now I haven’t really been given the opportunity to play a character that has these dynamics of such severe trauma and such heartbreak and betrayal and loss. SShe’s heavy. She has a really heavy heart for a lot of very valid reasons,” says Rose. “I actually said to Caroline — It only hit me during the pilot — ‘I am so thankful that you are the first person to believe in me as more than an action star, or even in the mean girl rock star [in] Pitch Perfect.’ No one up until now has really been like, ‘Yeah, you know what, you can play a real person with all these things going on and dealing with more than just being kickass.'”

But, for the record, kicking butt as Batwoman is indeed really cool. Says Rose, “When I put that suit on, everything kind of changes and you feel a shift in your energy.”


Batwoman premieres Sunday, Oct. 6 at 8 p.m. on The CW.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Not going to lie... I have zero interest in this.

Hell I still have to finish Season 5 of Supergirl and season 2 of black lighting.