BGOL TRUE confessions


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I only resently told my best friend about this...

When I was 17 I used to hang out with some older kids from my block. They were 19-20. I would hang out and play spades at York college caferteria in Queens. Met this chick that was friends with my friends. She was cute. not a bad looking chick but a little on the hairy side. Anyway, we decide to hang out at my crib one afternoon. I get to smashing after an hour or so of her being at the house. It was kinda wack... not memorable at all. I just bought a nice little chain with a Jesus piece and matching bracelet with my tax money. It was one of those Jamiaca ave specials where you pay twice as much for it than it worth but I am young and dumb.what else was I gonna spend my money on. So chick is like, "let me try it on". I'm like cool. "let me try on the bracelet too". I like not a problem. We get to fucking again. Mom was going to be home soon so I rushed her out the house. I forgot to get my jewels back from her. So I call her house. No Answer... Call back again... she ain't home. I call her repeatedly for about a week. No response.

Later that week I am out in front of my crib with a couple of my boys. A Nice new lex pulls up near the crib. Window rolls down and someone is asking for me. I didn't recognize dude. He is sitting but I could tell this was no small man. at least 250lbs compared to my 150lbs skelatal frame. He says to me "stop calling chick". I was all whatever... I kept calling and harrasing. I figured that me and boys would just jump his ass if it came to it.

Another week goes by and dude comes back. I was walking up my street and he pulls up out of nowhere. Rolls down the window and says get in. I thinking Nigga is you crazy. I am not getting in your car. But out loud I said "why?" voice went up at least 3 octaves due to fright. He say "if I was gonna hurt you, you would have been hurt already" This dude was a grown ass man. Clearly in his late 20's - early 30's. So I get in. I was shook. He drives to corner and pulls over. He turns to me and say "you ain't gettin that chain back. I took it from her and the shit is mine now." I tried to explain that it was a gift from my mom (lie) but he had no simpathy and told me to get out. My friends caught up to me after I got out of the car and told me who I had just come in contact with and why I am on my own if I continue trying to get it back. Apparently this guy was her baby daddy and cousin/business associate of Supreme of Suprme Team fame. Those of you familiar with the NY drug game back in late 80's/90's will reconize the name. They were killing people left and right back then. So I had to suck it up and I took the loss. I stopped calling chick and stopped hanging at york. I just started telling people I lost the chain instead of admitting my simpish behavior.


I only resently told my best friend about this...

When I was 17 I used to hang out with some older kids from my block. They were 19-20. I would hang out and play spades at York college caferteria in Queens. Met this chick that was friends with my friends. She was cute. not a bad looking chick but a little on the hairy side. Anyway, we decide to hang out at my crib one afternoon. I get to smashing after an hour or so of her being at the house. It was kinda wack... not memorable at all. I just bought a nice little chain with a Jesus piece and matching bracelet with my tax money. It was one of those Jamiaca ave specials where you pay twice as much for it than it worth but I am young and dumb.what else was I gonna spend my money on. So chick is like, "let me try it on". I'm like cool. "let me try on the bracelet too". I like not a problem. We get to fucking again. Mom was going to be home soon so I rushed her out the house. I forgot to get my jewels back from her. So I call her house. No Answer... Call back again... she ain't home. I call her repeatedly for about a week. No response.

Later that week I am out in front of my crib with a couple of my boys. A Nice new lex pulls up near the crib. Window rolls down and someone is asking for me. I didn't recognize dude. He is sitting but I could tell this was no small man. at least 250lbs compared to my 150lbs skelatal frame. He says to me "stop calling chick". I was all whatever... I kept calling and harrasing. I figured that me and boys would just jump his ass if it came to it.

Another week goes by and dude comes back. I was walking up my street and he pulls up out of nowhere. Rolls down the window and says get in. I thinking Nigga is you crazy. I am not getting in your car. But out loud I said "why?" voice went up at least 3 octaves due to fright. He say "if I was gonna hurt you, you would have been hurt already" This dude was a grown ass man. Clearly in his late 20's - early 30's. So I get in. I was shook. He drives to corner and pulls over. He turns to me and say "you ain't gettin that chain back. I took it from her and the shit is mine now." I tried to explain that it was a gift from my mom (lie) but he had no simpathy and told me to get out. My friends caught up to me after I got out of the car and told me who I had just come in contact with and why I am on my own if I continue trying to get it back. Apparently this guy was her baby daddy and cousin/business associate of Supreme of Suprme Team fame. Those of you familiar with the NY drug game back in late 80's/90's will reconize the name. They were killing people left and right back then. So I had to suck it up and I took the loss. I stopped calling chick and stopped hanging at york. I just started telling people I lost the chain instead of admitting my simpish behavior.

damn dude,... but y did u buy that shit in the first place? especially if she was wack!?!?!?!?!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
i think i was 18, fucked a girl in her brothers bed when he wasnt home, and after i busted wiped the nut up on his towel :smh:


I only resently told my best friend about this...

When I was 17 I used to hang out with some older kids from my block. They were 19-20. I would hang out and play spades at York college caferteria in Queens. Met this chick that was friends with my friends. She was cute. not a bad looking chick but a little on the hairy side. Anyway, we decide to hang out at my crib one afternoon. I get to smashing after an hour or so of her being at the house. It was kinda wack... not memorable at all. I just bought a nice little chain with a Jesus piece and matching bracelet with my tax money. It was one of those Jamiaca ave specials where you pay twice as much for it than it worth but I am young and dumb.what else was I gonna spend my money on. So chick is like, "let me try it on". I'm like cool. "let me try on the bracelet too". I like not a problem. We get to fucking again. Mom was going to be home soon so I rushed her out the house. I forgot to get my jewels back from her. So I call her house. No Answer... Call back again... she ain't home. I call her repeatedly for about a week. No response.

Later that week I am out in front of my crib with a couple of my boys. A Nice new lex pulls up near the crib. Window rolls down and someone is asking for me. I didn't recognize dude. He is sitting but I could tell this was no small man. at least 250lbs compared to my 150lbs skelatal frame. He says to me "stop calling chick". I was all whatever... I kept calling and harrasing. I figured that me and boys would just jump his ass if it came to it.

Another week goes by and dude comes back. I was walking up my street and he pulls up out of nowhere. Rolls down the window and says get in. I thinking Nigga is you crazy. I am not getting in your car. But out loud I said "why?" voice went up at least 3 octaves due to fright. He say "if I was gonna hurt you, you would have been hurt already" This dude was a grown ass man. Clearly in his late 20's - early 30's. So I get in. I was shook. He drives to corner and pulls over. He turns to me and say "you ain't gettin that chain back. I took it from her and the shit is mine now." I tried to explain that it was a gift from my mom (lie) but he had no simpathy and told me to get out. My friends caught up to me after I got out of the car and told me who I had just come in contact with and why I am on my own if I continue trying to get it back. Apparently this guy was her baby daddy and cousin/business associate of Supreme of Suprme Team fame. Those of you familiar with the NY drug game back in late 80's/90's will reconize the name. They were killing people left and right back then. So I had to suck it up and I took the loss. I stopped calling chick and stopped hanging at york. I just started telling people I lost the chain instead of admitting my simpish behavior.

Damn, it ain't worth dieing over a chain anyway so that was a good look on your path..............but


"stop calling chick"


my bad homie,... but Supreme Team is no joke. You made the right choice (hence you were able to post the story).


Rising Star
a few days ago i opened a stolegrown thread by The Magnificent Butcher.

there my niece was with a mouth full of dick.

Ok, I've narrowed it down. Its gotta be one of these.






I slept with an older white woman about 9 years ago to get a job....I ended up working there for 6 years.


A few years ago, I was working with a local up and coming promoter at a few clubs. I waqs cool with dude but didn't really know him. Anyway, one morning,after working with dude the night before,I get a phone call on my house phone. It's dude's wife. We chat and make plans for her to come over later.

She shows up wth a friend (a 6 ft coolie bitch), saying that she wasn't there to fuck, just to visit. After about 30 minutes, she drags me into the bedroom, leaving big girl asleep on my couch. Neddless to say, we fucked.

A few nights later, I'm working with the dude. He's none the wiser. After about 2 weeks, dude asks me if he can talk to me outside. I can feel the tension coming from him. We go around to the back side of the club. Dude starts crying and asking me, "Why??". I felt a little guilty and only fucked her twice more after that.


I was doing a party in Miami with about 15- 20 women. After the show, the birthday girl follows me into the bathroom. We get to fucking. Suddenly there's banging at the door. We keep fucking. More banging on the door. We fuck frantically. More banging. We stop. She pulls down her dress and rushes out.

I go to leave and see the chick kissing some big thug n***a. I find out later that that was her boyfriend. Her friend had been banging on the door while her other friends ran interference trying keep the boyfriend out front.

2 ONE 3

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A few years ago, I was working with a local up and coming promoter at a few clubs. I waqs cool with dude but didn't really know him. Anyway, one morning,after working with dude the night before,I get a phone call on my house phone. It's dude's wife. We chat and make plans for her to come over later.

She shows up wth a friend (a 6 ft coolie bitch), saying that she wasn't there to fuck, just to visit. After about 30 minutes, she drags me into the bedroom, leaving big girl asleep on my couch. Neddless to say, we fucked.

A few nights later, I'm working with the dude. He's none the wiser. After about 2 weeks, dude asks me if he can talk to me outside. I can feel the tension coming from him. We go around to the back side of the club. Dude starts crying and asking me, "Why??". I felt a little guilty and only fucked her twice more after that.:eek:


I was doing a party in Miami with about 15- 20 women. After the show, the birthday girl follows me into the bathroom. We get to fucking. Suddenly there's banging at the door. We keep fucking. More banging on the door. We fuck frantically. More banging. We stop. She pulls down her dress and rushes out.

I go to leave and see the chick kissing some big thug n***a. I find out later that that was her boyfriend. Her friend had been banging on the door while her other friends ran interference trying keep the boyfriend out front.

Damn playa..those are some wild stories! What did u say to dude when he asked why?

2 ONE 3

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I feels that. Shit if anything he shoulda been more hurt she stepped out on him in the 1st place.

Slackin on your mackin - The quickest way to lose ya hoe:cool::yes:


Rising Star
LMAO! I knew someone was gonna go look to find out which girl it is.

As for my confession, I'll give this one. Short and simple.

Got head (superhead I might add) from a chick that used to fuck with my old HS teacher, who eventually got fired for sexual harassment.

I got her when she was of legal age, while he had her when she was underage.

2 ONE 3

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
In all due respect...

I mean dude already posted his it really necessary to find out which one is his NIECE whom he helped raise?

He's seen the pic already...I just don't know if reposting the "mystery girls" is a good look for fam:smh:

Whenever you do see her playa...BEAT THAT ASS!! I have a niece too so I feel your pain bro


I was sent to Ft Hood as my Permanent post. Shortly after arriving, I hooked up with this cool chick from Tampa. We got to the point where we were together all the time, fucking, working, watching TV, fucking some more.

After a few weeks, some guys come back to the unit from desert training, one being her boyfriend. Right around the same time that he comes back, she pops up pregnant. Now rumors are spreading that it might be my baby. Dudes decides to elope with the chick, I guess to show that she was his. On the way to Dallas, they end up in a car accident, killing him. Her and the baby survive. I ended up singing at the funeral ceremony given by our Company. I never spoke to the chick again.


I was sent to Ft Hood as my Permanent post. Shortly after arriving, I hooked up with this cool chick from Tampa. We got to the point where we were together all the time, fucking, working, watching TV, fucking some more.

After a few weeks, some guys come back to the unit from desert training, one being her boyfriend. Right around the same time that he comes back, she pops up pregnant. Now rumors are spreading that it might be my baby. Dudes decides to elope with the chick, I guess to show that she was his. On the way to Dallas, they end up in a car accident, killing him. Her and the baby survive. I ended up singing at the funeral ceremony given by our Company. I never spoke to the chick again.



BGOL Investor
there my niece was with a mouth full of dick.



...sorry....but i couldnt help it
honestly, that line made me laugh out loud when i read it.
dont know why.
oh well...stay up.

sometimes u just gotta let people go....even family.

i gotta niece also.....but if she turns out to be a hoe later in life...hey, thats her journey.
i dont stress over shit like that...they gotta learn on their own sometimes.

the type of nigga i am...i dont like to repeat the same shit over and over again.
take heed to what im saying.....if they dont, then its their lost.

the older i get...the less tolerance i have for silliness.
i dont stress over shit.....stress kills you.
if your not healthy, how the hell you gonna look after somebody else.
....put yourself first....then tend to other people if you feel the need to.

as far as me confessing .....well i dont know yall niggas like that....stay out my bizness..:lol:
.......and keep people out yours.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm a gentleman, something are private. But what the hell this BGOL. I smashed five my closest friends girl when they were still together.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Actually, I hope you showed it to might shock her into truly understanding how global your shit is once it hits the net....

post it, and if I know her too, I'll pull her to the side and give her a little advice. Really!

Truth! No need in not saying anything to her. She did so let her own it and hopefully she will have learned a lesson.


8 vs 80
OG Investor
i grew up in the hood too,,, and felt the exact same way when i went down south to Bayou Classic (in NOLA) and got robbed,,, they got me for everything except my car and even shot at me but missed

yeah, you can bet your ass that EVERY single year, dem niccas in NOLA gonna act foul as hell at bayou classic.


but that's my hometown, and i'm getting ready to move back there for another job.


aight here's my lil confession, aint no crazy shit, but i can see cats saying i'm being simpish, It's a chick i've been cool with on the net for about 4 years, recenlty, actually last wednesday i flew out to chicago to meet her, she goes to northin Ill university, me and her shared a hotel room for 4 days and when i left i ended up feeling shorty alot more than when i came, a nigga even teared up a lil bit, so yeah, i fuckin cried, call it what u want. But i had a good time with her


aight here's my lil confession, aint no crazy shit, but i can see cats saying i'm being simpish, It's a chick i've been cool with on the net for about 4 years, recenlty, actually last wednesday i flew out to chicago to meet her, she goes to northin Ill university, me and her shared a hotel room for 4 days and when i left i ended up feeling shorty alot more than when i came, a nigga even teared up a lil bit, so yeah, i fuckin cried, call it what u want. But i had a good time with her
