BGOL TRUE confessions

The Magnificent Butcher

BGOL Investor
22 years ago my 24 year old sister had a baby girl.

i was a teenager, my sister worked LONG hours, and it fell on me to babysit, feed, wash, clean, cloth, and generally keep my niece alive.

as my niece grew our entire family pitched in to make sure she was guided well, mentored, tutored, and had all the chances to succeed in life.

she began fucking up about 6 years ago, but we all banded together to help her to rise.

a few days ago i opened a stolegrown thread by The Magnificent Butcher.

there my niece was with a mouth full of dick.


LOL...i KNEW one day i would see it, i was just wondering when.

yeah i'm a little fucked up over it, (she just left here btw) but she's still my niece.

hopefully i've scared her enough to keep her from doing any porn.

anyone else care to confess?

>>>here's<<< some porn if you need it.

If you want me to delete the picture, let me know.

Osca Lee

to be honest the shit still fucks with me. Im never going back to read the letter...The reality was this "I was calling a dead person and didnt even know it. As I have gotten older and time has allowed me accept what happen I am now able to play back our last conversation I am able to pick out certain words and phrases she was throwing at me telling me she needed me. She was a great student, trying to impress her parents and all of that. After the funeral (I didnt go to it)I layed low for about 5 weeks and then contacted her mom and dad and they flew me to their home. To my surprise she had told her mom she fell in love with me at first sight. I told them what went down the last 3 days of her life. I went in her room and looked around and sat on her was hard to for me to connect with reality and she was really gone.

The following season I dedicated it to her, every game after I would get taped up and spats I would draw a cross on my right shoe with her initials on the top with R.I.P. at the bottom.

I still have contact with her parents, I call and check on them often and they do the same for me.


Potential Star
Osca Lee don't be scared read the letter.. It might help to realize another troubled person in the future.. Just be glad see didn't kill you. there might be a reason your alive other than yourself

one of my friends left a girls apt.. hours later the police questioned him... Turned out one of her ex boyfriends watched him leave... got into the apt complex and killed her:(:( he was lucky it could have been him


Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
Osca read the letter

uve delt with it for years because u didnt have closure and u didnt attend the funeral

the letter will open your eyes bruh and give u that closure that u need

dont be scared and man up

she wanted you to read it..give her that final wish

paper ages bruh

u're going to fuck around and its going to unreadable

peace and blessings


Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
and BDB just because your niece sucked some cat off doesnt mean shes a bad seed and/or a hoe

she probably loved & trusted that dude

hes just a dirty niggah who was probably hurt due to her leaving him or 100 other circumstances

I bet she wont allow a camera in her bedroom again and she learned a valuable lesson


I want my daddy's records!
Platinum Member
csi skills



Day 1
I had real deep convo with a female I met while I was in undergrad, she was almost complete with her Ph.D, nice cool chick, body of a goddess.....beautiful face and skin was perfect....

Day 2
She invited me over her apt, she cooked dinner we chilled more checked out some movies... talked. Late into the night I wake up and go back to my dorm....Feeling all good..Hell I got me a dyme peice

Day 3
She calls me to meet her on campus, we meet up and the convo is weird.....She is talking about things that I could not connect the dots too at the moment...T tell her I have to get to class and I will call her and we will talk more..we hugged and kissed and I bounce

1 pm I call her, left a message...1:30pm call again....1:45pm call again and told her I had practice and I will see her after practice... During football practice the campus Police and the City Police comes out to the field and asks for me...I got over and they ask me what is my cell number and did I call a certain female at these times...I told them yes-and the first thing I thought she did was tell them I was stalking her....To my surprise they told me she committed suicide at 1pm and she had written me a letter right before she pulled the trigger and they wanted me to read it.....

It fucked me up for a long time, I never will read the letter...

I mean no disrespect to the dead when I say this, but if she only knew you for five days, then you had nothing to do with her suicide and there was nothing you could have done to prevent it.

I have no sympathy for people who commit suicide. It is the most selfish, narcissist act a person can do. Selfish broad!!

You are better off without her. Read the letter with that understanding and put it behind you.


Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member

I mean no disrespect to the dead when I say this, but if she only knew you for five days, then you had nothing to do with her suicide and there was nothing you could have done to prevent it.

I have no sympathy for people who commit suicide. It is the most selfish, narcissist act a person can do. Selfish broad!!

You are better off without her. Read the letter with that understanding and put it behind you.

no disrespect bruh

but youre ignorant to mental illness

learn more about mental health before u judge


gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
One day I was at the hustle house, its a friday. This nice chocolate girl I was messing with wanted to kick it. She came through bout 6pm, fuck I was still sleep.

I stumbled down stairs to say whats up and that I am still sleeping thursday off, I'll hit you up bout 10.

I never did.

The next day she was dead, got into a car crash on the way home from her friends, she wasnt driving. I still have never forgot the look on her face as she walked away from the house. I could have just let her in til I woke up, which I did sometimes.


Ok here is a fucked up one. In high school, at a basketball camp, I pissed in the other teams water. We played pranks on each other from different dorms, and some teams became enemies.

Whats bad is it ended up being used by another team also, since the games were back to back.



New Orleans Legend
BGOL Patreon Investor
wow.....1st confession

i was 18 and a senior in high school in new orleans...i was piping this dime that went to fucking her lights out and im not gon lie i had developed strong feelins for tha 1 nite im runnin tha streets in and she call me and said she was pregnant....i aint say shit i told her ima call her right back....i can only imagine she felt like shit,cause she was self consious and she thought i was cheating.....well she was on tha track and volleyball team..and i dont know what happened,but shawty was lifting weights and miscarried.....i left and went to college without telling her goodbye....katrina devastated new orleans i called to check up on her and tha fam..and they made it out fine... havent spoke to her since......its was like shit happened so fast..but i still got feelings for shawty to this day..its like i cant shake it for nuthin:smh:

confession 2coming soon


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Day 1
I had real deep convo with a female I met while I was in undergrad, she was almost complete with her Ph.D, nice cool chick, body of a goddess.....beautiful face and skin was perfect....

Day 2
She invited me over her apt, she cooked dinner we chilled more checked out some movies... talked. Late into the night I wake up and go back to my dorm....Feeling all good..Hell I got me a dyme peice

Day 3
She calls me to meet her on campus, we meet up and the convo is weird.....She is talking about things that I could not connect the dots too at the moment...T tell her I have to get to class and I will call her and we will talk more..we hugged and kissed and I bounce

1 pm I call her, left a message...1:30pm call again....1:45pm call again and told her I had practice and I will see her after practice... During football practice the campus Police and the City Police comes out to the field and asks for me...I got over and they ask me what is my cell number and did I call a certain female at these times...I told them yes-and the first thing I thought she did was tell them I was stalking her....To my surprise they told me she committed suicide at 1pm and she had written me a letter right before she pulled the trigger and they wanted me to read it.....

It fucked me up for a long time, I never will read the letter...

Sorry you had to go through that. I'd have to read the letter though. Simply because it would answer the most basic question, WHY?


As for me, well....

1 time I was DJ'ing this party and the bitch stiffed me. So I went in the bathroom and scratched my nuts with all the toothbrushes. I made sure to pick the pubes out before I replaced em though.

awwww shit i laughed out loud while reading this...thats the most fucked up was to get somebody. she deserved it tho. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Day 1
I had real deep convo with a female I met while I was in undergrad, she was almost complete with her Ph.D, nice cool chick, body of a goddess.....beautiful face and skin was perfect....

Day 2
She invited me over her apt, she cooked dinner we chilled more checked out some movies... talked. Late into the night I wake up and go back to my dorm....Feeling all good..Hell I got me a dyme peice

Day 3
She calls me to meet her on campus, we meet up and the convo is weird.....She is talking about things that I could not connect the dots too at the moment...T tell her I have to get to class and I will call her and we will talk more..we hugged and kissed and I bounce

1 pm I call her, left a message...1:30pm call again....1:45pm call again and told her I had practice and I will see her after practice... During football practice the campus Police and the City Police comes out to the field and asks for me...I got over and they ask me what is my cell number and did I call a certain female at these times...I told them yes-and the first thing I thought she did was tell them I was stalking her....To my surprise they told me she committed suicide at 1pm and she had written me a letter right before she pulled the trigger and they wanted me to read it.....

It fucked me up for a long time, I never will read the letter...

to be honest the shit still fucks with me. Im never going back to read the letter...The reality was this "I was calling a dead person and didnt even know it. As I have gotten older and time has allowed me accept what happen I am now able to play back our last conversation I am able to pick out certain words and phrases she was throwing at me telling me she needed me. She was a great student, trying to impress her parents and all of that. After the funeral (I didnt go to it)I layed low for about 5 weeks and then contacted her mom and dad and they flew me to their home. To my surprise she had told her mom she fell in love with me at first sight. I told them what went down the last 3 days of her life. I went in her room and looked around and sat on her was hard to for me to connect with reality and she was really gone.

The following season I dedicated it to her, every game after I would get taped up and spats I would draw a cross on my right shoe with her initials on the top with R.I.P. at the bottom.

I still have contact with her parents, I call and check on them often and they do the same for me.

Osca Lee don't be scared read the letter.. It might help to realize another troubled person in the future.. Just be glad see didn't kill you. there might be a reason your alive other than yourself

one of my friends left a girls apt.. hours later the police questioned him... Turned out one of her ex boyfriends watched him leave... got into the apt complex and killed her:(:( he was lucky it could have been him

Holy Moly, this is some super sad stuff
I'm with the others who encourage you to read the letter (or send it to one of us to post it lol). It will undoubtedly leave some closure and provide a better explanation for everything because the shit don't add up IMO. (newfound love but suicide ) If anything I think you OWE the sealed letter to her parents if you want no parts of it


Rising Star
I was sent to Ft Hood as my Permanent post. Shortly after arriving, I hooked up with this cool chick from Tampa. We got to the point where we were together all the time, fucking, working, watching TV, fucking some more.

After a few weeks, some guys come back to the unit from desert training, one being her boyfriend. Right around the same time that he comes back, she pops up pregnant. Now rumors are spreading that it might be my baby. Dudes decides to elope with the chick, I guess to show that she was his. On the way to Dallas, they end up in a car accident, killing him. Her and the baby survive. I ended up singing at the funeral ceremony given by our Company. I never spoke to the chick again.

So were you the father of the baby??? :confused::confused:


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
and BDB just because your niece sucked some cat off doesnt mean shes a bad seed and/or a hoe

she probably loved & trusted that dude

aw no man, make no mistake, my niece fucks for sport.

i don't love her any less, i don't judge her.

but the girl was THE jump off from the time she was 13 until...well...she's STILL the jump off.

her mother won't kiss her on the lips because, and these are HER words: "I don't know where her mouth has been."

apparently that was on point.


A few years ago, I was working with a local up and coming promoter at a few clubs. I waqs cool with dude but didn't really know him. Anyway, one morning,after working with dude the night before,I get a phone call on my house phone. It's dude's wife. We chat and make plans for her to come over later.

She shows up wth a friend (a 6 ft coolie bitch), saying that she wasn't there to fuck, just to visit. After about 30 minutes, she drags me into the bedroom, leaving big girl asleep on my couch. Neddless to say, we fucked.

A few nights later, I'm working with the dude. He's none the wiser. After about 2 weeks, dude asks me if he can talk to me outside. I can feel the tension coming from him. We go around to the back side of the club. Dude starts crying and asking me, "Why??". I felt a little guilty and only fucked her twice more after that.

only TWICE?


I once fucked this chick while she was on her period. Was the nastiest shit ever, I would not recommend that to anyone.


Aye yo BigDaddyBuk if the CSI ninjas were to post the real pic would you ante up and tell them!?!?!????


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
Aye yo BigDaddyBuk if the CSI ninjas were to post the real pic would you ante up and tell them!?!?!????

y'know, i never thought about it, 'cause i know out of all the pics that were posted in those homegrown joints nobody would find it.

but now that you ask, i wouldn't comment at all if i saw it in here.

but trust, it isn't in here.



Potential Star
I don't blame you for not reading that letter..but you really did a good thing afterwards remembering her...even though it was brief. Life is full of strange crossroads.

to be honest the shit still fucks with me. Im never going back to read the letter...The reality was this "I was calling a dead person and didnt even know it. As I have gotten older and time has allowed me accept what happen I am now able to play back our last conversation I am able to pick out certain words and phrases she was throwing at me telling me she needed me. She was a great student, trying to impress her parents and all of that. After the funeral (I didnt go to it)I layed low for about 5 weeks and then contacted her mom and dad and they flew me to their home. To my surprise she had told her mom she fell in love with me at first sight. I told them what went down the last 3 days of her life. I went in her room and looked around and sat on her was hard to for me to connect with reality and she was really gone.

The following season I dedicated it to her, every game after I would get taped up and spats I would draw a cross on my right shoe with her initials on the top with R.I.P. at the bottom.

I still have contact with her parents, I call and check on them often and they do the same for me.


y'know, i never thought about it, 'cause i know out of all the pics that were posted in those homegrown joints nobody would find it.

but now that you ask, i wouldn't comment at all if i saw it in here.

but trust, it isn't in here.



i feel u dude,... can't even hate on that 1


Potential Star
Some sad stories up in here so I'll confess 2 being a simp in high school

1) Mad shorties was on my dick in high school but i was soft ass fuck, moved away from where my big cousins and brothers was so i was a loner wit no male guidance or father figure. Bad PR chick, DD titties, beautiful ass face calls me over. After the mandatory time wasting, she changes 2 wife beaters and boxers and puts her head in my lap. We jus smoked a blunt, I'm rubbin my fingers thru her hair and all i'm thinkin is. Damn my mom said be home by 1 and its 12:50. I jump up, and leave. The funniest shit is we was over her aunts house. Her aunt was cool as fuck i guess expecting me to pound shorty out and as i'm walkin out the door i hear her aunt say, "What happened?!" Never got 2 hit it.

2) Another PR chick calls me at 2:30 in the morning and i'm on my way home from fuckin. I go over there and she has on wife beater and boxers (pr chicks favorite i guess) I start playin wit the pussy and again i jus get up and leave cause... cause.... I dont even kno. Maybe i didnt have rubbers or maybe cause my dick was dirty... never fucked that chick either

I know yall niggaz gonna let me have it but fuck it! I must've fucked up fuckin at least 10 dime ass broads in high school. The odd thing about it is that most of them DONT look good anymore. U know how ricans age badly and dont look good usually after that shorty drop


I fucked up a lot of ass in high school too--bad PR chicks, Dominican chicks, Cuban, Island girls, freaky sistas, all kind of shit.

Fuck it man, I wasnt ready then. But between then and now I picked up a thang or two... ;)


Potential Star
Couple years ago two of my homies would go out of state to hustle. They would spend a couple of weeks or a couple of months and come back ballin'. We all would hit up the clubs, hang out bag chicks and do some crazy shit.

One night I got a call from one of my homie's mom telling me that her son is dead. Murdered! I'm like WTF??? She gave me the cop's version on how it went down. My other homie called and told me what had happened.

I went to the wake and funeral with my head all fucked up; like I have to do this shit all over again.

Couple weeks later I got a call from one of my homies that I went to school with, he's like "I know your man is dead and I know who did it." WTF?? WHO?? He said one of his friends was out there at the time and he know the dude that killed him. He's like my dogg so and so was there you know him! And I'm like you sure?? He's like yeah, 100%. I'm like yooo tell me who this nigga is so I could bring the heat to him right now.

He told me that he didn't know the dude personally but he knows how he looks and where he lives. I got a description of the nigga and his address and the shit blew my mind.

The dude that killed my homie is my sister's baby father. They have two children together.

I never told my sister and up until this day I still talk to dude but the whole sitution make me uncomfortable. I never told him that I know.