Big as fuck hispanic titties

Moving Target

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This afternoon you were just in the house watching the Indiana Fever vs. Chicago Sky when Mrs. Diaz knocked on your door.

Her kitchen sink was clogged and unfortunately, the plunger she had broke. In addition, her teenage nephew Hector was unavailable (he comes to visit her sometimes and helps her out).

So, you grab your plunger, a clothes hanger, vinegar and some baking soda. It took a good 20 minutes to unclog it, and then you still wanted to use the vinegar and baking soda followed by some boiling hot water.

Now, keep in mind it's about 92 degrees outside, and it's hot in Mrs. Diaz kitchen (in spite of the air conditioner in the living room), so she's got on a "Wife beater," and those titties are on display.

What made things really bad was she kept touching your arms saying how strong you are as you used the plunger. Things got worse when some water from the sink got her t shirt wet (her nipples were huge).

Mrs. Diaz got excited when she saw the water slowly draining and you guess the hug latest a bit longer than it should have.

She did too.

MS DIAZ is getting some additional pipe work with the swiftness...... #plumbingspecialistatyourservice you know she will be grateful, and will always be a future customer :hellyea: :fucking::fucking::fucking::zipit:

hog fat

Rising Star
Platinum Member


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You grew up with Hector and his younger sister Marissa (you're a few years older than both). You used to play Basketball with Hector and he was always a good guy.

Marissa was the cute little sister, who you were protective of because like most pretty young girls in your neighborhood they seem to attract "knuckleheads."

Well, the other day you feel a soft pair of hands cover your eyes followed by a whisper of "guess who?"

You struggle to reckonize the voice (you haven't seen Marissa in years), and finally she tells you, it's Marissa! She's accompanied by 2 very attractive young ladies who she introduces you to.

One is Letoya and the other is Ana. Then she tells you that Ana is her 19 year old daughter.

Thank goodness you didn't say anything stupid.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Although, you worked in the same building as Meghan your contact with her was limited because she was employed by a different agency (and worked different hours).

The time you did spend with her in the morning was great and you convinced yourself she might be "The One."

She was very well spoken and carried herself so ladylike, and in spite of her working out 3 times a week she dressed very conservatively.

You were working up your nerve to ask her out, until you ran into your friend Davis one morning (he worked with Meghan). Because you were cool with him, he wanted you to know that Meghan is not who you think she is.

The "Church lady" look is an act, matter of a fact, she having an affair with her boss, who happens to be married with children.

You see one thing, her boss sees this.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I had a Spanish chick who had this type of boob job, I think it gave them more cleavage (you know Spanish chick love showing off their cleavage), but the down side is that they were hard and often look square.
I use to mess with this chick who had a boob job and her shit was long overdue to be replaced. One day we were at the store and I was like, push ur left breast down. That MF look like its almost on ur shoulder. But they didn't look anywhere as good as this example. :cool:


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your friend Gerald wanted you to meet his coworker Evelyn because he felt you and her would get along (Gerald explained that she keep asking him to "hook her up" with somebody decent and he thought of you). With your permission, Gerald gave her your number and she called you last Tuesday evening. You talked for about an hour and agreed that you would go out that coming Friday night.

Evelyn really wanted to see "Bad Boys: Ride or Die" so you met her downtown in the Times Square in front of the movie theater then you lucked up and managed to get a table for two at "Carmine's." She seemed to be enjoying herself and actually asked you if it was okay if she order a drink (that was a surprise because some women you go out with don't seem to take your budget into consideration).

So, she had a "Sardinian Lemon Drop Martini," which ended up turning into 2 before dessert arrived. She wasn't drunk, but you could see that she was a bit "light headed" so you caught a cab back to her place in the Bronx.

Overall the date was fun, and yeah it would be nice if you could spend the night, but you're not expecting that. However, before you leave out Evelyn wants you to see the job they did remodeling her bathroom (Of course you thought this was interesting because this is the first time you've been to Evelyn's house).

Maybe it was the alcohol talking, but she was really excited about this shower massage and then wanted to demonstrate how it works while giving you an erotic show.

As you're watching her you are thinking maybe she is going to let you spend the night? Unfortunately, she said it would be too soon and that
"All good things come in time, call me when you get home."
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