Big as fuck hispanic titties

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster







November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You've been told repeatedly not to get involved with women that live in your building.

Because if you "break up" with them on "bad terms" seeing them can be really awkward, and you're constantly worried that they can make trouble for you.

That brings us to the case of Maribel Hernandez. You've known Maribel for about 12 years now, and once upon a time she used to have a "traffic stopping body."

Nowadays, not so much, she's put on a few extra pounds, but she's still got some nice titties. A few weeks ago some kids were playing in the building with waterms guns and unfortunately Maribel slipped on a wet spot and twisted her ankle (she on the IR for 2 to 4 weeks).

She can still move around, but she could use a little help, so you were going to the store this afternoon and asked her did she need anything?

She did and gave you a list of a few items. You pick up the items and bring them back to her place and she wanted you to come inside to help her put a few things away (you could see she was in pain and hobbled).

At first, she was trying, but about 2 minutes later she had to limp over to the sofa in the living room to sit down and rest her leg. So you're putting things away and you had to ask her where certain items went and you look over and...

And to think all you did was ask Maribel, "Where would you like me to put the meat?"

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You have a female friend who constantly refers to you as her "Big Brother," basically regulating you to the "Friend Zone."

So when she called you up last Wednesday evening to ask you to come over because she needed you to measure her windows (she wants to purchase new shades and curtains).

You started in the Living room, Kitchen and then the bedrooms. However, her cousin Angel (who you met before and has been staying with her) is staying in the bedroom you're about to enter.

Your friend is still in the kitchen when you tap on the door to see if Angel is up and she says, "Come in."

Would you try something?