Big as fuck hispanic titties

Database Error

You're right dawg
OG Investor





November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your cousin hooks you up on a "Blind date" with his friend Dalia. You're debating on what type of restaurant to take her to and end up in a fairly nice place (not too expensive).

She offers to go "Dutch," and you decline her offer. She offers to pay the tip, once again you decline her offer.

Overall, the date goes well and she wants to see you again perhaps next weekend. She calla you on Thursday and wants to know if you want to "hang out" on Sunday.

You're reluctant because you usually watch football on Sunday, but she begs you and finally agree to meet with her on Sunday.

She comes to pick you up and tells you that you're going shopping but end up saying that she has to meet a coworker at the Football stadium to give him some notes for work.

She tells you that he is going to meet her at a specific gate, but you soon find out that she lied to you and got you and her tickets to the game you were going to watch.

Oh, these are your seats.
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November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your neighbor, Robert told you a strange story last night, and you've come to realize that "fate" can sometimes deal you an interesting hand. Sunday morning around 01:30 AM, you heard a door slam around the corner from your apartment preceded by 2 females getting into a verbal confrontation.

Yolanda (3B), and Suzy (3A) were going at it because Yolanda has a bad tendency of slamming her apartment door when she gets upset with her "live in boyfriend" (long story). According to Robert about 15 minutes after the argument Suzy called him and asked him to come over to her apartment (you assumed she wanted Robert as a witness in the event things escalated).

Robert explained that he was just "chilling" with Suzy for a bit, but then Suzy started getting a bit flirty and things just happened.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Sometimes you run downstairs and check the mailbox in the evening around 6:00 PM, and while you were standing in the lobby you ran into Ms. Yaquelin Cuevas. You weren't exactly sure of Yaquelin's martial status and didn't know if she had a boyfriend or not, but you were about to find out somethings that you were unaware of.

Although, you and Yaquelin live in the same building you've never really had a conversation with her that went pass a few minutes, but today things were different. She's pleasant for the most part, but was upset that the trash incinerator had been locked up on each floor because management had been making repairs (this would meant that you would have to let your garbage sit in the house until the morning unless you wanted to go out at night to the trash bins).

You told her that you understood (since you were having the same problem) and told her that if she wanted you would help her take the garbage out to the trash bins (of course you wanted to grab some large "Hefty trash bags" from your place first). Upon hearing that you were willing to assist her, her face lite up like a child on Christmas morning.

When you got to Yaquelin's apartment you saw that she had about 4 bags which easily fit into 1 large bag, and you told Yaquelin that you could actually manage by yourself and she said "okay," and asked you to stop by her house when you were finished she wanted to give you a "little something" for your help.

When you got back to Yaquelin's apartment you notice that the lights were off in the kitchen, but you could see a dim light coming from some candles that were now on the table. She said she wanted to prepare a "home cooked meal" for you and thought it would be nice to eat dinner by candle light (she explained that she has been eating alone for months and just sharing a meal with someone was nice).

You excused yourself to wash your hands and she continue preparing things in the kitchen, however upon returning to the kitchen you notice that Yaquelin was no longer there and you were confused. About a minute later Yaquelin summoned you to her bedroom and...


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Although, you refrained from "flirting" with women in the office for fear of allegations of sexual harassment, that never seemed to prevent women from being able to say what they wanted when they wanted. Sure, you could also report a woman for improper comments directed toward you (example: A woman once told you that her boyfriend was "hung" like a black man).

But, most guys will usually brush off certain comments made by women and to be honest it's quite refreshing to know that they have active libidos. Of course, your perception of Natalia Maldonado was different, and she came across as a woman that would go to church 8 days a week if possible, and because of this you limited your conversations with her.

Well, one day last week, Thursday to be exact you were working the evening tour with Natalia and you ended up alone with her in the "Break room" around 9:00 PM. Even though you had brought you lunch Natalia asked you to walk with her to McDonald's and you ended up buying a "Filet-O-Fish" sandwich and some "French Fries."

If memory serves you correct, sweet innocent Natalia was watching you eat the fish sandwich and out of nowhere asked you if you really enjoy eating? She said "hmmmm" as she licked her lips and tilted her head down slightly (hoping you would get the hint). If that wasn't enough Natalia made it clear what was on her mind.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Brenda Pabon never hesitated to use her sexuality to get what she wanted out of men.

So, when she asked you what you were having for dinner this evening you could see where this conversation might be going.

Brenda would anticipate that you in turn would ask her the same, then she would mention that she had a taste for "Chick-Fil-A," and then try to coax you into taking a trip there.

Nice try Brenda, nice try.

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November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You've learned to never speak in "Absolutes" because everyone must be regarded as an individual. You recall speaking to one woman who was very limited in "what she would allow to be done to her, and what she would do."

As opposed to a woman who let it be known that she would allow you access to "all three holes."


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's going on 8:30 PM and you're faced with a dilemma because you want to see the Pittsburgh vs. Baltimore football game, but you don't have "Peacock."

Jenny Colon, who lives a 3 doors down from you does (you remember a conversation you had with her about this show she liked called "Teacups" on Peacock when you told her about "FROM").

You're pretty sure Jenny has 2 television sets since her man moved out last summer (she explained how after they would argue he would go to the bedroom and watch television to avoid her. Meanwhile, she would do the same but stay in the living room).

You give her a call first and explain your situation and offer to treat her to dinner if she let's you watch the game in her apartment. She agreed and you told her that you would treat her to anything she wanted from the local pizza shop (she wanted to try their Lasagna).

So you quickly run to the pizza shop and come back and Jenny lets you watch the game in her bedroom. She playfully warns you not to go in her dresser draws and be sniffing her panties.

You told her that the thought of doing something like that never crossed your mind (she looked disappointed because whether women want you or not they like the idea that you want them).

The thought of you not being interested in her didn't sit to well with her and she let you know.
