Big as fuck hispanic titties


Vaya Con Dio
BGOL Investor


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You think back to the early to mid 90s, and on this fateful night you were "hanging out" with your friend "Rice." Rice is a very low key, cool brother who doesn't bother anyone, but won't back down from anyone if you try to step to him.

However, on this particular night perhaps "taking a zero" might be in his best interest. You and Rice went to this club downtown and the atmosphere was nice and filled with some good looking women. Rice spotted a female that he took interest in and he approached her and asked her to dance.

Rice appeared to be having fun and was enjoying this young lady's company on the dance floor for a good 5 minutes or more and then within a "blink of an eye," you saw Rice walking off the dance floor and towards you with a look of disgust.

Rice was visibly upset and was ready to fight and considering where you were it probably wasn't in his best interest to select violence over peace. He explained to you that he was dancing with this young lady when this guy started dancing along side of them and eventually moved in on the young lady Rice was with.

Rather than engage in warfare at the time, Rice just left the dance floor and let the "interloper" have the girl. This is not to say that he was not planning a future attack, but fortunately he calmed down, and you were able to relax to because you knew you were probably going to have to intervene if a fight broke out (either helping him or trying to break it up)

Thank goodness, because to this day you are still not sure how you were supposed to hold back a 6'8, 250 lbs., New York Knick named Anthony Mason (R.I.P).


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Unfortunately, your friend Andrew landed back in the hospital, but he appeared to make a speedy recovery. You went to pay him a visit and you noticed that Nurse Morales seemed to give him extra special attention and care so you told him that he should consider "going out" with her when he got better.

So, you decided to put Andrew on the spot the next time Nurse Morales came into his room to monitor his medical equipment. You asked her if she was married or had a "serious boyfriend" because she might have an admirer (you shifted your eyes toward Andrew).

She smiled and said: "I'm flattered, but does this "potential admirer" think he can handle this?

(She closed the door)
