Big as fuck hispanic titties


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You promised your niece Talia that you would pay for her next trip to the beauty parlor so since she was spending the weekend with in the city you figured today or Friday would be a good day (her choice).

You had no idea of how much this was going to cost and what services they provided, so you asked Talia to come with you so that you could tally the potential damages (letting her hold your credit card was not going to happen after how she went on a spending spree with her mother's card).

When you entered the Beauty Shop you were immediately greeted by Josie and she wanted to know how she might be of service to you.

Then she asked would you like to make an appointment for your daughter? You explained that this was a treat for your niece, Talia.

"Oh, she's beautiful and I see that good looks run in the family," said Josie. Then Josie grabs your hand and starts walking you around the shop (Now, to be honest you're confused because Talia is 20, so if you're trying to sell someone on a price upgrade then Talia should be the one she's addressing).

You're not sure what Josie's "angle" is, but you're going to see how this plays out, and Talia's appointment is for tomorrow at 4:00 PM.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You started talking to Naraida because you see her every time you purchase something from "Burger King" (she works there). She's originally from the Dominican Republic and lives with her aunt in the Washington Heights section of Manhattan, however, due to a watermain break in the area. Naraida and her aunt have been displaced for a few weeks and will have to reside in a SRO (Single Room Occupancy) hotel in Lower Manhattan.

She hates it (as does her Aunt) because they are living among a lot of Migrants, the majority happen to be single men and the harassment that she receives is non stop (verbal and physical).

She wants to know if she can live with you for a few weeks?


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This afternoon your niece, Tamara came over with 2 of her girlfriends (Launica and April). You greeted them at the door and you immediately noticed that Launica looked a bit ill.

Tamara explained that Launica had been complaining about having a headache and you suggested that she lay down in the bedroom (you brought her an aspirin and a glass of water).

Perhaps she was hungry so you told Tamara and April to stay put and you ran out to "Pio Pio" to pick up some food. When you got back it became apparent that neither Tamara or April had eaten in a while so the ripped through the bags to get to the food.

You asked Tamara was Launica okay she said "Yeah, but you can check on her."
So, you did and it seems that Launica got real comfortable in your bed.

Launica said I hope you don't mind, but I'm used to sleeping either in the nude or with not much on.

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November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Sometimes your decisions are based on lust as opposed to logic and contrary to popular belief sometimes the former wins out.

Last night you needed to make a quick run across the street to your friendly neighborhood bodega in search of a quart of milk and some apple juice. A small purchase, but you made the mistake of paying for it with a $20 dollar bill and forgot to separate your money and you exposed a wad of bills when you went to the counter (you recently got paid).

As you were paying for your items you found yourself standing next to Brianna, who happens to be Luci's oldest daughter (you grew up with Luci).

You never really "hung out" with Luci, but she's always been cool with you and Luci was known for having one of the baddest bodies in the neighborhood. Apparently, this was just one of the many attributes Brianna inherited from her mother.

So, as your waiting to pay Brianna acknowledges you, but seems to be trying to "barter" with the Nelson who is working the counter that evening because she is short on cash. You're feeling charitable along with the fact that you just want to go home so you give Brianna a $20 so that she can pay for her items.

She thanks you and tells you that if you walk her home she can give you your money back since she has some cash in her dresser. You're trying to tell her that it's not a problem, but she insist that you follow her home.

You had a funny feeling, you know the kind of feeling you get when people want to borrow money from you and tell you that they are going to pay you back when they get their "Income tax return," and never pay you back.

When you get back to Brianna's place, you notice that you are all alone with her in the apartment and the next thing you know she is telling you about how her phone is going to be cut off unless she can give T-Mobile about $75 dollars and was wondering if you could help her out. Brianna then tells you that she may not be able to pay you back until the middle of February, but she will give you a "little something extra" in return for the loan.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The Super bowl is scheduled for Sunday, February 9, 2024 so imagine that you're playing either for the Kansas City Chiefs or the Philadelphia Eagles and your staying at the "Four Seasons Hotel" in New Orleans and you have your own room. You come back to the room after a team meeting the night before the game and someone is trying to pull a "Lawrence Taylor" on you...

NEW YORK -- Lawrence Taylor had a strategy not found in NFL
playbooks: He sent escorts to opponents' hotel rooms the night
before a game.

"You know what they like, and what type of women they like, and
you just call the service," the Hall of Fame linebacker said in an
interview that "60 Minutes" will air Sunday on CBS.

Taylor said the plan was to make sure opposing running backs
were not ready for the game. The former New York Giants star said
the prank was played on him.

"Knock on the door, you open the door, and you got two
beautiful women sitting there, (saying), 'We're for you!' And I'm
like, 'You're in the right place,''' he recalled with a laugh.

What do you do?

What do you do?
