You promised your niece Talia that you would pay for her next trip to the beauty parlor so since she was spending the weekend with in the city you figured today or Friday would be a good day (her choice).
You had no idea of how much this was going to cost and what services they provided, so you asked Talia to come with you so that you could tally the potential damages (letting her hold your credit card was not going to happen after how she went on a spending spree with her mother's card).
When you entered the Beauty Shop you were immediately greeted by Josie and she wanted to know how she might be of service to you.
Then she asked would you like to make an appointment for your daughter? You explained that this was a treat for your niece, Talia.
"Oh, she's beautiful and I see that good looks run in the family," said Josie. Then Josie grabs your hand and starts walking you around the shop (Now, to be honest you're confused because Talia is 20, so if you're trying to sell someone on a price upgrade then Talia should be the one she's addressing).
You're not sure what Josie's "angle" is, but you're going to see how this plays out, and Talia's appointment is for tomorrow at 4:00 PM.