There's just so much rejection a guy can take, and you've been flirting and asking Catylin out for the better part of 3 years.
You've accepted the fact that you'll just be friends, nevertheless, you need a favor from her. Last Thursday your cable tv went out during the NBA finals, and you really wanted to see the game (you had money on it).
You know that Catylin has 2 tv sets (living room and bedroom) so you asked her if you could watch the game in her living room. She agreed to let you watch in her living room.
You come over and you Thank her for allowing you to watch the game at her place (she only lives across the street from you). So you're deep into the game and she's getting ready for bed. You see her walking around the kitchen in her evening wear, but you're not paying attention to her. Eventually, she calls you into the bedroom because she thought she saw a large bug. You look, but nothing and when you turn around towards her...
You see her and politely walk out the room and tell her if the bug comes out to call you (only 4 minutes left in the game).
So you thought, Catylin with no warning comes in the living room turns the tv off, and tells you she has to go to bed now while kicking you out her apartment.