Big as fuck white titties

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your little cousin is a heavily recruited basketball player, who will be a senior in the fall (Class of 2024) and, has been afforded the opportunity to visit a few campuses during the summer sessions.

He went to visit the University of Michigan Ann Arbor) and noticed that a few girls were flirting with him. He even told you that one exchanged numbers with him and has been texting him.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your friend Rashard, who is on loan to Tyler Perry Studios has an assignment in Athens, Greece. Unfortunately, due to the writers strike filming will be delayed, but he still got to see some of the city.

Rashard and a few members of the crew decided to go on this "Adult Treasure Hunt." Rashard was doing well until he came to the "100 Steps of Death."

Upon arriving at the steps you will encounter Merilyn, she is the "Guardian of the Realm." Your assignment is simple, you must experience Merilyn's earthly delights for the next hour. However, after completing the first task you must walk to the top the steps in under 5 minutes.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your basketball team was playing in an interoffice final against the Purchasing department. Besides bragging rights there was also a cash award that came out to around $300 per player for the winning team.

This might be cold, but you invited "Rhi," to watch. Well, actually more like distract the other team.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You and the fellas at work were commenting on how attracted you thought the new girl in the IT department was. You didn't say anything lewd, but one of your female coworkers overhead your conversation and took exception to you the allegedly "objectification" of another woman (basically, she was pissed off about all the attention the new girl was getting, and this female who accused you didn't like that you never looked at her twice).

Ms. Brooks, HR director, has a separate meeting with you both and basically tells you that to her the charge is BS. However, she has to address it and cuts a secret deal with you.

You're suspended for a week without pay (Ms. Brooks told you to take a week off using you vacation time and she'll make sure you get paid).

However, Ms. Brooks needs you to take care of a few things for her first.

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November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Since you're off until Monday evening and there isn't really anything you want to watch on television, you decide to wash & dry a few clothes (the building has a laundry room downstairs).

When you arrive at the laundry room you're greeted by a young lady you've never seen before. She's nice, but appears to be overly friendly and might have had a few drinks.

After about 10 minutes she leaves, but forgets her wallet and some clothing in a basket. You wait for close to an hour, but she doesn't come back to retrieve her things. So around 11 PM, you decide to return her things (She lives in 16B, and. while you're taking a risk you're hoping she understands you are just trying to do her a favor).

Surprisingly, she opens the door (still tipsy) thanks you and invites you in. You hand her the wallet and explain that she left it and some clothes in this basket.

She says if these are my clothes then let me try them on.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You joined "Crunch" at the beginning of the year because you wanted to increase your flexibility and tone up.

So your in this class warming up and the instructor tells the 3rd row to turn around and pair up with the person in the 4th row behind you (The good, there are about 30 people in the class and you are one of 4 men. The bad, see the good).

When you turn you realize you'll be stretching with Lorean (seated position and you pull away bringing her towards you, and then she does the same).

She smells like a sweet Strawberry Shortcake and that's just the start of your problems because her fragrance gets more intense as she pulls you towards her (You're thinking, why does it seem she is pulling you a bit harder and holding you down closer to her crotch a bit longer.Plus, she is smiling while you're doing this exercise).


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Growing up Alexander was one of the nicest guys you could meet, and very smart, NYU Undergrade and Harvard MBA.

He's dated a few "sisters," but because he appears to be very "straight laced" some women keep their distance from him.
Because of his job in Finance he gets to travel a lot and attend various business meetings and conferences.

Enter "Rainbow." Normally, not the type of women Alexander grew up around but she seems to like him. After meeting her he asked us what we think of her, and we all said she seemed nice. One dude said she seemed like she would call you while you were on you way home to tell you to bring some a half gallon of milk and that she was in the kitchen cooking "vittles."

We all laughed until he showed us this video.
