Big as fuck white titties

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You're an incoming Freshman at a Division-1 school with a very well known Football and Basketball team, and you decided to attend Summer school (ideally, you want to graduate early).

This is your first time away from home (you're an Out of State student), and you're slowly getting used to your new found freedom.

This weekend one of the Fraternities sponsored a party at one of the dining halls near your dormitory. The turnout is good and it seems some of the women are competing for the attention of guys on the football and basketball team. In addition, the guys who are in Fraternities.

You really don't know anyone there, but then a familiar face suddenly appears. It's Paige from your Math 110 class and she seems a bit inebriated, ok she's had a few drinks.

She's happy to see you and a bit "handsy," but you don't mind. There's just one problem she really needs to use the bathroom. So, you tell her that your dorm is right across from the dining hall and she asks if she could go there to use your bathroom.

You both walk to your dorm and you can see she's a bit tipsy, but able to walk on her own. However, when you get upstairs she begins to strip.

What do you do?

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Sometimes you feel of you didn't have bad luck you've have no luck at all.

Nadia is orginally from Russia, and moved into you building about a year ago. She's very friendly and always seems to have nice things to say.

Sometimes, you catch her staring at you as if you're a "glass of water for a man who has been stranded on the Sahara desert for a week."

You assumed that you were looking ashy (CVS doesn't have that sale on lotion until next week, damn it).

Nadia explains to you that they don't see too many Black people there in person, and that she likes your complexion. Most of the people she would come in contact with tend to be pale.

She continues to explain that she has never been with a Black man and was always curious. She suggest that you and her get together.

Are you going to participate in her Social experiment?


Rising Star

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your friend Franco lives a very "Charmed Life" especially when it comes to women. He called you last night to tell you about this female he met at some bar/restaurant on the Upper West side and ending up going back to her place.

You didn't call "BS," but before you could ask another question he told you he spent the night at her place, and in the morning she got up singing and made him pancakes.

You laughed up until he sent you a video of her dancing around the kitchen.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Unfortunately, your friend Jaylen had to be admitted to the hospital because his blood sugar levels were too high (he was able to walk there and admit himself, but after checking his vitals he was assigned a bed).

He didn't realize it at the time, but he would be a resident there for the next 6 weeks, but he developed a good relationship with the staff so that eased his mind.

The medical staff was able to get his blood sugar levels down, but his stay was extended due to an ulcer that had reopened under his foot (this situation required further treatment).

Enter Nurse Bukawski, she explained how they would clean out the wound and that would take time. Then they wanted the wound to heal properly before he was able to start walking again.

Jaylen listened attentively (no he didn't, and to be totally honest he told you that he didn't hear a word she said because he was under the spell of her titties)

By the third week, Jaylen was making good progress, but he couldn't stop thinking about Nurse Bukawski, and to exacerbate the situation he would have visions of Nurse Bukawski in his dreams.

In his dream she would take him into this special room for therapy, but she would more than just his foot.

Going into his 5th week he got a big surprise when Nurse Bukawski walked into his room and told him that she would be his "Night Nurse" for the week (she was covering for someone).

Later that morning Jaylen hear a strange whisper, which he assumed was the television. However, he looked up and realized it was Nurse Bukawski, and she told him to listen carefully.

If anyone ask you had an accident and she had to clean you up in the shower and change your bedding.

Then she took him in the bathroom and he found out his foot and other things were a lot stronger than he imagined.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Many moons ago you used to work part-time delivering medication for a Pharmacy located on the Upper East side of Manhattan (which was a high rent district so the tips were decent). You looked forward to going upstairs to the apartments in some of those buildings on Fifth Avenue and Park Avenue because the residents there were usually from "Old money" (that didn't guarantee that the tips would be good, but you kept hope alive).

One day around the Christmas holiday season, you were making your final delivery around 7:00 PM to Mrs. Walters, who resided in a high rise apartment on 72nd Street near Third Avenue. Mrs. Walters was probably very attractive when she was younger and to be honest she still had some sex appeal. It became apparent that her husband didn't feel the same way, you would soon discover.

Since it was Friday, you figured you would drop off her package and then catch the train home, and see what your friends might have planned. You had no idea that you would be playing Mrs. Walters therapist (considering you were still in High school) ; nevertheless, you sat there and listened attentively as she complained about her husband (Mr. Walters spent a lot of time away from home on "business," she felt "business" was a code word for him fooling around with other women).

As you sat there, you recall she offered you a drink, but you declined and took a soda instead while she had a Martini (yeah, just like James Bond in the movies). Then a second and a third Martini, and you noticed that her behavior became more aggressive, but in a good way.

She gave you a massage and rubbed your neck, shoulders and upper back, all the while you could feel her tits rubbing on your back also.
Well, let's just say that when you got home you were extremely tired and didn't have the strength or energy to call your friends to see what they were doing tonight.

However, you will have some story to tell them about what you did tonight.
