Big as fuck white titties


Rising Star

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You were walking around "Staples" looking for Resume Paper and Envelopes when you spotted Audrey. You couldn't tell if she was Hispanic or Italian, but either way she was very attractive.

You stole a few looks, but didn’t bother approaching her because you assumed she was "high maintenance." Nevertheless, she seemed to be shopping in the same areas that you were and she approached you by saying:

"Are you following me?" (She laughed because she knew you were in that section before she got there.That was her way of "breaking the ice.")

You talked for a little while and she wanted to know if "Staples" had a Notary available?
She asked one of the clerks and they told her that they didn't provide that service.
Then Audrey asked you did you know where she could find one?
You knew that Chase, Citibank and TD Bank have one, but only TD was still open.

You told her had an idea, you can go to TD Bank and check first (She didn’t know where it was and asked you to accompany her). You did, but no luck.

So, your backup plan was the UPS store which was about 7 blocks uptown.
Audrey looked anxious, but took comfort in the fact that at least it was close to her apartment.

Luck was on her side and not only did they notarize the documents, but the were able to fax them also. Audrey was estatic and gave you a big hug and kiss on the cheek while in the store.

She lived a few blocks from the UPS store and offered to treat you to dinner, but asked if you could walk her home first so she could drop off her bags.

She said "Don't worry, I'm not going to tie you up in my apartment and make you my sex slave."

Although, you didn't get a full tour of Audrey's place that evening she did treat you to dinner.

A few weeks later she suggested that you go out and have some Italian food. You did, but the food was not the only Italian thing on the menu that evening.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You're an incoming Freshman at a Division-1 school with a very well known Football and Basketball team, and you decided to attend Summer school (ideally, you want to graduate early).

This is your first time away from home (you're an Out of State student), and you're slowly getting used to your new found freedom.

This weekend one of the Fraternities sponsored a party at one of the dining halls near your dormitory. The turnout is good and it seems some of the women are competing for the attention of guys on the football and basketball team. In addition, the guys who are in Fraternities.

You really don't know anyone there, but then a familiar face suddenly appears. It's Paige from your Math 110 class and she seems a bit inebriated, ok she's had a few drinks.

She's happy to see you and a bit "handsy," but you don't mind. There's just one problem she really needs to use the bathroom. So, you tell her that your dorm is right across from the dining hall and she asks if she could go there to use your bathroom.

You both walk to your dorm and you can see she's a bit tipsy, but able to walk on her own. However, when you get upstairs she begins to strip.

What do you do?

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Sometimes you feel of you didn't have bad luck you've have no luck at all.

Nadia is orginally from Russia, and moved into you building about a year ago. She's very friendly and always seems to have nice things to say.

Sometimes, you catch her staring at you as if you're a "glass of water for a man who has been stranded on the Sahara desert for a week."

You assumed that you were looking ashy (CVS doesn't have that sale on lotion until next week, damn it).

Nadia explains to you that they don't see too many Black people there in person, and that she likes your complexion. Most of the people she would come in contact with tend to be pale.

She continues to explain that she has never been with a Black man and was always curious. She suggest that you and her get together.

Are you going to participate in her Social experiment?

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your friend Franco lives a very "Charmed Life" especially when it comes to women. He called you last night to tell you about this female he met at some bar/restaurant on the Upper West side and ending up going back to her place.

You didn't call "BS," but before you could ask another question he told you he spent the night at her place, and in the morning she got up singing and made him pancakes.

You laughed up until he sent you a video of her dancing around the kitchen.
