Black Adam movie gets a release date of July 29, 2022. (Dwayne Johnson, The Rock )


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I wonder which movie would do better black Adam or black panther 2?



Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member

I was hoping this would do well but The Rock never feels like he is the character. It's always The Rock speaking lines. No depth. Like he is just playing along because he has nothing better to do. His movies are enjoyable for what they are tho. Hopefully since he wanted this so badly he put more into the role. Or maybe being an action movie it won't matter. This tweet makes me hopeful it won't be a flop tho.


Truth Teller
This why I can't talk to you no more

Where the hell have I ever said or implied that?
Calm down. You "threw your head back and laughed" when it was asked which film would do best in the box office. I simply asked I hope you are not insinuating that it won't do well. That's a legit question in which your response could have been.

"Naw, I'm not saying it won't do well, I just believe BP well do better."

It's impossible to get an accurate interpretation from a gif. Some of you cats get turned up to 10 over very minor things.