Black Man of the Day: Bomani Jones Update: Leaving ESPN!


Rising Star
Platinum Member

Fam, I'm hoping you can help find out what TV show he's going to be on. I don't watch TV like that so I'm not sure to what he's

Going on Morning Joe..he wont be able to get a word in at all..after all these years Mika and Joe STILL overtalk each other...this really didn't start until AFTER they got hope Bro. Eddie is there...


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Fam, I'm hoping you can help find out what TV show he's going to be on. I don't watch TV like that so I'm not sure to what he's

Going on Morning Joe..he wont be able to get a word in at all..after all these years Mika and Joe STILL overtalk each other...this really didn't start until AFTER they got hope Bro. Eddie is there...

I try to keep this updated so hopefully I remember


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

Mario should have been learned his lesson

LeBron put a permanent son stamp on his forehead but no...

He want the man who made the WORLD

literally the WORLD

wear pink cause he SAID so

to make him the next contestant on that summer jam screen.

Fam... imagine.

Mario actually faces off with Cam.

And Killa WINS?

How the f*ck he survive that.

And you thought kiss being the versus champion was huge for his career?

Imagine Cam with a new sports show beats a former NBA champion point guard?



Flawless One
BGOL Investor
Looks like Camron got some new teeth thats too big for his mouth.
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