Black Man of the Day: Bomani Jones Update: Leaving ESPN!


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Super talented brother, that keeps getting paid, then cancelled. Is there a sustainable space for the new era of intelligent, pro black media talent in America?

I think he would have been a joe budden level success but he wants that corporate backing along with the voice which is very very tough.


He could have been the foundation of Lebatard new network early, Jemelle and Michael both tried to steer him to the independent route. He didn't want to do that.

But he will be okay.

It's a difficult conversation because in a weird way ESPN needs him as much as he feels he needs them.

I don't understand why ESPN didn't go full Stephen A Smith with him. To me it's a safer better 'cheaper' investment.

I mean I KNOW but still that level of intelligence with the southern roots and diverse audience sells.


BGOL vet down since the “56k stay out!” days
BGOL Gold Member
He talked about it on Evening Jones, mic was low as shit though

I liked the show, especially the man on the street part.

I didn't even know Bob Costas show which he used to appear on got the boot in December.
damn, that was a good show too. :smh:


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I hope he goes to meadowlark

I don't listen to ESPN or pretty much watch anything that's not a sports broadcast


He should have BEEN went there.

He had a passionate online following BEFORE that was even a thing.

Espn already had a pat macafee level potential with Bo. His podcast numbers were great his live podcast was a sellout. His show helped blow up Foxworth. His presence on any OTHER show legitimized it. I hope they know what they doing.

I ONLY watch PTI and 30 for 30 and sporting events.

That's it. (Shout out around the horn cause that's the homie)

I can't watch first take or any of those other type shows on any network

This is really a sad state of affairs.

I'm still not sure why his hbo show didn't work but I think making the existing podcast more of a visual will benefit him greatly.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Money they don't value talent
that's all

I ain't smart enough to understand this stuff and the few people in the industry I know can't explain it to me


But the firing people with guaranteed contracts with YEARS left?

Ok they have non compete clauses but still

They hiring big names to replace other big names? Who are more expensive?

Based on views?

They have no one but themselves to blame for completely dragging their feet on making the app functional, having a serious youtube and social media presence, etc...

They could have a dozen Pat McAfees by now.

That was not the talents fault.

Becoming the Screaming A smith network was THEIR DECISION.

They fumbled Michael Smith Jemele even Pablo etc etc etc

They sold their souls during Kaep, George Floyd, BLM, #me too catering to the worst incel right wing conservative viewers instead if their ACTUAL BASE.

Let me stop I'm getting fired up
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