Black Man of the Day: Bomani Jones Update: Leaving ESPN!


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I thought he was going to say Nah, because honestly, towards the end, Bo started getting annoyed with people asking him



but some of the questions WERE really bad

never mine though :lol:

But yeah if you gonna be mad (which I really think was MOSTLY an act?) then just don't do it.

But let me tell you and I would tell HIM

THAT single "free" show?

built a loyal as f*ck following that would support him ANYWHERE and support EVERYTHING he does

I KNOW he knows that.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I'm a day one Bo fan...

But I don't like when he does this sh*t

Antagonize fans yeah ok cool

But he constantly talks about mental health and how is never on Twitter anymore etc etc

But look at his time line?

And what I really hate?

ALL these dudes ESPECIALLY the black talking heads?

Never promote the positive fans who support them.

Then they b*tch and moan about toxicity