Black Spades mobile game on iPhone and Android


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
2.0 update isn't cropped right on iOS on the X. Can't see my big spades to make my bid or play em. Bottom left chopped off. Before the update, it wasn't full screen but I could see/play my whole hand.



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BGOL Investor
2.0 update isn't cropped right on iOS on the X. Can't see my big spades to make my bid or play em. Bottom left chopped off. Before the update, it wasn't full screen but I could see/play my whole hand.


Correct, I need a new version for the iPhoneX. That is in the works.


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BGOL Investor
What about poker and black jack son?:hmm:
Those are very saturated I feel. Those are games I would do at a later time just to round out the catalog. Or if I come up with some interesting twist on Black Jack. I may not even touch poker.