Blacks and mayonnaise


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm black. I hate miracle whip, but I love Hellmann's mayonnaise. I just like the taste

Most of the people using the stereotype are younger cats..

I grew up when they used paste in school out of a big gallon jug...

Don't know where it started by I think at one time we all tasked it and it was sweet....Some mofokrs never finished a arts and craft project cause they always ate their paste


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Most of the people using the stereotype are younger cats..

I grew up when they used paste in school out of a big gallon jug...

Don't know where it started by I think at one time we all tasked it and it was sweet....Some mofokrs never finished a arts and craft project cause they always ate their paste
That's nasty as fuck, but we're all guilty it of at least tasting it... If only because we were dumb ass kids


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Can't eat a sandwich without mayo.


One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator
I never had Hellman’s mayo until a couple of months ago. Shit was ok. All the Africans used the shit on everything and my white South African Technician ate that shit like yougut. :puke:

Anyway going to try that Duke’s shit next

Adam Knows

YouTube: Adam Knows
Platinum Member
Born and raised in NYC, and always have Mayo on my Turkey and Bologna sandwiches. I have to ask this question, my parents are from the South and for as long as I can remember my mother and aunts used Mayo when they make Potato salad, don't most people?

no. miracle whip


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
On a hero all the time. Potato salad. Egg salad. Tuna etc. ain’t like u gotta use a whole jar to a sammich


International Member
My friend who's fillipino and I were discussing mayonnaise. I was under the impression that all blacks were not that big into mayo I live grew up in Fl he lives in NY now. He informed me that it might be a regional thing because blacks in NY like mayo. Is this a regional thing?
Just America bruh How you gonna eat a fishsangwich with no damn Tartar sauce!!???P.s If it aint Helmans it aint Mannaise.


RIP art MEL.


AP 2nd Team All-American
BGOL Investor
I don't care what nobody says the word Mayonnaise is he funniest sounding word ever,
i chuckle or laugh when somebody says that word/name around me. :giggle:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Personally I like the shit. Can't imagine tuna salad, egg salad, potato salad, deviled eggs, or cole slaw without it. I think too many of us say we don't like it just because white people do. :rolleyes:


Rising Star
Platinum Member
We use Miracle Whip (regular, Light, or Free) primarily, but I'm no adverse to using mayonnaise (preferably. Hellmann's). You want to use just enough to make a sandwich moist, but you don't want to overdo it on a sandwich. I would use it with my mustard for things like potato salad, and I would use it alone for cole slaw.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
someone's not making it right then.

you cut the sweet with mustard, salt, pepper. i go a step farther and mince up a kosher pickle in mine.


I don't use yellow mustard in mine, I use dijon. My mom used yellow, but I never learned to make hers before she passed.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I eat mayo once a damn blue moon, I get the occasional taste for Jersey Mike's, but would never keep it in my fridge. Too much fat.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man mayo is the chicken of condiments you can create it at least 10,000 ways
Some of my favs are with pure horse raddish for roast beef sandwiches or meats...perk up the mayo with some lime and wasabi for a real nice kick... mayo has endless opportunities

Bet you mofos that hating on Mayo are the main mofos that put ketchup on hot dogs


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
yeah I use mayo like any other condiment....sparingly to add some taste. ...Egg salad, tuna salad, veggie burgers etc.
I don't know about putting extra mayo on shit or eating it straight, that's nasty