Blacks and mayonnaise

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I eat it with my Fish if I eat out. People look at me strange when I ask for it. But they also look at me weird when I say I don't like hot sauce so :dunno:
i mix the hot sauce and tarter sauce together........nigga that shit is fire.

Yeah my gods, tarter sauce for all fried, non-hood-good fish. I have to try tarter and hot sauce together once in a while.

Hood fried fish don't need any sauce if it' coocked right, but if it does, I go with ketchup, mustard and hot sauce.
It's just a different taste. Baked fish only gets lemon and some butter.


Back up Modrator
My friend who's fillipino and I were discussing mayonnaise. I was under the impression that all blacks were not that big into mayo I live grew up in Fl he lives in NY now. He informed me that it might be a regional thing because blacks in NY like mayo. Is this a regional thing?
man I grew up in queens. How can you have a hero without mayo? Fugazi
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Love mayo.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
I'm from NYC living now in Vegas now.

I use mayo at home on certain items like sandwiches. Not into using outside of home cuz they usually put too much of it shit. I like it very minimum just for the flavor, not gobs and gobs of it.

I kind of got into using mayo on French fries. I got into that when station in Germany in the ARMY back in the day.

Germans love mayo with their French fries.

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Born and raised in NYC, and always have Mayo on my Turkey and Bologna sandwiches. I have to ask this question, my parents are from the South and for as long as I can remember my mother and aunts used Mayo when they make Potato salad, don't most people?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Born and raised in NYC, and always have Mayo on my Turkey and Bologna sandwiches. I have to ask this question, my parents are from the South and for as long as I can remember my mother and aunts used Mayo when they make Potato salad, don't most people?

Ill Paragraph

Lord of the Perfect Black
BGOL Investor

Shit is disgusting.

Even when I was a kid I used to ask my mother to spread it thin on my sandwiches so that I wouldn't gag. When I became a teenager, I substituted mustard and kept it moving.

By the way, some sushi places use mayo for some of their rolls.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
i fucks with mayo in moderation. hate miracle whip. miracle whip taste like genetically modified mayo. i'm like the Hawaiians, Samoans, Filipinos who love mayo. when i was little, mayo would set off a fried Bologna sandwich. i put mayo on all my sandwiches. avocado sandwich ain't the same without mayo.


The Big Brain
BGOL Investor
Extra extra mayo, oil and vinegar, lots of oregano and extra onions on a Tastee sub.

Seven pages on mayo. That's cool.

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Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
I don't like......

Yellow Custard

I don't like none of that shit.The only thing I can tolerate is barbecue sauce and that's not saying much..