That’s the 10 year olds market. No real console gamer is Fucking with Nintendo and Definitely not PC gamers show the sales of non kiddie games vs Xbox and PS
Top 20 selling games of 2023 there’s only 3 switch games
It was another big year for games.
This is crazy. There was a time, no real console gamer could even claim to be a "real console gamer"
unless they were fucking with Nintendo.
I fucks with every console, because I'm about
games, not the boxes they run on. Nintendo's first party games are family friendly (and generally, their third party games can be just as brutal as any other console) - but those first party games are still some of the best playing, most fun to play, best conceived games created.

Microsoft and Sony have absolutely earned their place in gaming history, and I'd be hard pressed to choose one console if I HAD to. Fortunately, I don't have to choose, and can enjoy them all. And I do.
these companies got us messed up, quoting sales figures, quarterly earnings and balance sheets to each other like we are getting dividend checks.
I'm just in it for the games, and whether they are fun or not and imo, that's all that
should matter. I get that "fun" means different things to different people, but I can't imagine a gaming life where nintendo games weren't part of it.
Old man gonna bow out of the conversation while ya'll making fiscal reports to each other.
Maybe when some of ya'lls hand-eye drops off from age and your K/D dips below 1, you'll respect game design again and take another look at some of those games that seem like kiddy shit right now, lol.
(all love- anyone playing any games is cool with me)
keone said:
i think u mean Magnavox Odyssey that u bought with ur own bread
Fam, I'ma need you to put some respek on K.C Munchkin's name, mayne.