Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
All you people thinking Ukraine is winning, here’s an interview from a former weapons inspector in Iraq who understands the area well, and our armed forces.

Her is 100% pro-US and is anti- Putin

He gives a long sobering interview explaining how we’ve been sold propaganda about the war and that Russia is not losing, but is about to pull off one of the biggest military victories since WW2.

Fuck the US war mongers and Biden and the media for getting us into this situation.

Scott Ritter did time in federal prison for sexting a 13 year old and trying to set up a rape session. You stupid bitch . You weirdo right wing agents will post anything from anybody who you agree with even liars and pedo liars . You stupid cunt scum


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor

Russians in Hannover miscalculated :lol: :lol: :lol:
Is that a shitmobile?

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
All you people thinking Ukraine is winning, here’s an interview from a former weapons inspector in Iraq who understands the area well, and our armed forces.

Her is 100% pro-US and is anti- Putin
Scott Ritter is literally a pedo so don't post this idiotic shit here. :smh: :smh::smh:
If I were to look to my left and right and see a pedo and MTG I would reevaluate my position. :smh::lol:
That ho posts the worst shit and fact checks nothing.... I got a 40watt night light in my hallway that's brighter than her.... she's dumb as fuck :hmm:

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Rising Star
Scott Ritter did time in federal prison for sexting a 13 year old and trying to set up a rape session. You stupid bitch . You weirdo right wing agents will post anything from anybody who you agree with even liars and pedo liars . You stupid cunt scum
These mutherfuckers search for key words like..
Obama, Biden, Democrats, aint shit and then post that shit but don't look behind the curtain where the other keywords are...
Black people, kill them, keep them out of my neighborhood, etc...

As you said.. weirdos... :lol:
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
All you people thinking Ukraine is winning, here’s an interview from a former weapons inspector in Iraq who understands the area well, and our armed forces.

Her is 100% pro-US and is anti- Putin

He gives a long sobering interview explaining how we’ve been sold propaganda about the war and that Russia is not losing, but is about to pull off one of the biggest military victories since WW2.

Fuck the US war mongers and Biden and the media for getting us into this situation.

Anyone is thinks Ukraine can beat Russia in a war is smoking something I’d like to see for myself. It’s impossible. Either Russia is not putting a lot of resources into it or they’re looking for an end goal.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Anyone is thinks Ukraine can beat Russia in a war is smoking something I’d like to see for myself. It’s impossible. Either Russia is not putting a lot of resources into it or they’re looking for an end goal.
Or they just believe whatever they are told and lack critical thinking skills


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Anyone is thinks Ukraine can beat Russia in a war is smoking something I’d like to see for myself. It’s impossible. Either Russia is not putting a lot of resources into it or they’re looking for an end goal.
Russia has a basically old shit ass armed force.... with a few good jets and nuclear weapons.... old shit vehicles falling apart on their way to Ukraine Oligarchs been robbing their defense buget for decades..... and 26% of their armed forces are poorly trained conscripts that get paid...



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Oooh look at me. I’m going to share some random thought bubble on BGOL that I copied from Twitter without using my critical thinking skills.

:hithead: :clown

Finland and Sweden joining NATO is part of Putin's "secret" plan for success just like his "plan" for getting all of his officers killed or defaulting on debt obligations:smh::lol:

CNN editors are fools for this shit:

Russia is now planning legal action.

"We will sue, because we undertook all necessary action so that investors would receive their payments," Finance Minister Anton Siluanov told pro-Kremlin Izvestia newspaper on Monday.

"We will show the court proof of our payments, to confirm our efforts to pay in rubles, just as we did in foreign currency. It won't be a simple process," he added.
He did not say who Russia planned to sue.


Remember, nothing screams success like jailing your top intelligence officials for giving you bad "winning" intelligence



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Anyone is thinks Ukraine can beat Russia in a war is smoking something I’d like to see for myself. It’s impossible. Either Russia is not putting a lot of resources into it or they’re looking for an end goal.
I dont think anyone in this thread is thinking that at all. Our expectations were the opposite of what we have been seeing over the past six weeks to be honest. Lol

Matter of fact those of us who weren’t out front in the beginning waiving their Putin pom-poms were astonished how incompetent the Russian forces have been. They went from taking the country in 3 days to now have to bring in reinforcements and re-strategize. These jokers have lost more General officers in a span of three weeks than the US has lost in 7 wars over 80 years. These fuckers are literally communicating their positions on ham radios and getting picked off. I can go on and on about the ill-preparedness and incompetence we’ve all witnessed.

It is amazing to see this “mighty mighty” Russian military get their asses handed to them in such manner by a smaller army. And I dont buy that Russia hasn’t put too many resources in it. They’ve literally allocated 60% of their military people, equipment and infrastructure. They have been recruiting more younger inexperienced soldiers. @zod16 correct me on the numbers if I’m wrong. And you’re right about them “Looking” for an end goal considering they haven’t been that successful at what they’ve been attempting thus far. Lol


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I dont think anyone in this thread is thinking that at all. Our expectations were the opposite of what we have been seeing over the past six weeks to be honest. Lol

Matter of fact those of us who weren’t out front in the beginning waiving their Putin pom-poms were astonished how incompetent the Russian forces have been. They went from taking the country in 3 days to now have to bring in reinforcements and re-strategize. These jokers have lost more General officers in a span of three weeks than the US has lost in 7 wars over 80 years. These fuckers are literally communicating their positions on ham radios and getting picked off. I can go on and on about the ill-preparedness and incompetence we’ve all witnessed.

It is amazing to see this “mighty mighty” Russian military get their asses handed to them in such manner by a smaller army. And I dont buy that Russia hasn’t put too many resources in it. They’ve literally allocated 60% of their military people, equipment and infrastructure. They have been recruiting more younger inexperienced soldiers. @zod16 correct me on the numbers if I’m wrong. And you’re right about them “Looking” for an end goal considering they haven’t been that successful at what they’ve been attempting thus far. Lol

Astonished is the right word. :lol:

Look at this shit: a water bottle for a fuel tank and a canon dslr with the control wheeled glued in place!? :smh:

And this isn't the worst shit we have seen from the russians at all. Remember this :smh::

Vlad pushed all of his chips in with this and is obviously failing but, as you alluded to, those with the putin pom-poms will see this as "winning" somehow. :smh::lol:

The U.S. estimates that Russian President Vladimir Putin has "around 75 percent of his total military committed to the fight in Ukraine," the official said, clarifying later that the 75 percent figure mostly refers to "battalion tactical groups, which is the units that he has primarily relied upon."

"At the height of our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, we were about 29 percent committed," former U.S. Army Europe commander Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges noted Tuesdayat the Center for European Policy Analysis think tank. "And it was difficult to sustain that."

Damn near a month ago they were estimating 10% loss of total military power. You can only imagine what those numbers are now:

To give you an idea of how bad this all is, this guy has been tracking funerals and compiling a list of dead russians since the annexation of Crimea back in 2014. His list is at almost 7,000 russians and he has receipts for everything. :smh:

He highlights the deceased on his twitter page

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Shit like this seems unbelievable until you look at the state of rural russia where a lot of the soldiers are coming from:

More than one-fifth of Russian households do not have access to indoor plumbing, according to official statistics obtained by the RBC news website on Tuesday.

Russia leads the developed world with the worst sanitation record, according to the London-based WaterAid NGO. A 2012 estimate citing official data placed the number of Russians whose households are only equipped with outhouses at 35 million, or roughly a quarter of the population.

Of the 22.6 percent of households without a centralized sewage system, 16.8 percent use a system of pipes connected to pit toilets, RBC cited the State Statistics Service, Rosstat, as saying. The other 5.8 percent lack a sewage system altogether.

In rural Russia, almost two-thirds have no access to indoor toilets, 48.1 percent of whom use outhouses and 18.4 percent do not have a sewage system.

It also explains the looting...



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I thought this was fake because of how relevant/accurate it is 170+ years after it was published. Looked it up on Google Books and it is accurate...



Published 14th October 1854

A YEAR ago we ventured to hint that it might be worthwhile for Europe to go to war with Russia for the sake of information — in order to ascertain that is whether her strength was that of the bully or the giant — whether she was really entitled to dictate and domineer as she habitually did — whether, in a word, she was mighty in virtue of her own inherent force, or only in virtue of the ignorant timidity of her foes and rivals. We pointed out several notable sources of weakness in her institutions; we directed attention to the fact that nearly all her great acquisitions had been secured not by fighting but by bullying and intriguing; that diplomacy and not war had always been her favourite weapon; that she kept up such an enormous army on paper that all secondary States had arrived at the conclusion that resistance to her will was hopeless, but that in general she bad carefully abstained from coming into actual armed collision with any first rate Power. We expressed an opinion, too, that there was no reason whatever to suppose that her armies were as effective now as in 1815, when they were supported by the subsidies of England and trained and disciplined by wars with France; and we ventured to surmise that when they came into actual conflict with competent forces and skilful commanders they would exhibit a degree of feebleness and failure that would cause general amazement. Our suspicions have now been more than realised. […]
This unexpected weakness of Russia in military matters arises from four concurring causes, of which three are inherent in her system, and, if not absolutely incurable, are at least little likely to be cured.

In the first place, the nature of the country and the want of roads. Her resources may be vast but they are scattered and remote. Her forces may be immense, but they are necessarily in great measure distant from the scene of action. […]

Secondly. The Russian armies are often armies on paper only. Not only are their numbers far fewer than are stated in returns and paid for out of the official purse, but they are notoriously ill-provided with everything necessary to the action of a soldier. The colonels of regiments and officers commissariat have a direct interest in having as large a number on the books and as small a number in the field as possible — inasmuch as they pocket the pay and rations of the between these figures. They have an interest also in the men being as inadequately fed and clothed as possible — inasmuch they pocket the difference between the sum allowed and the sum expended on the soldiers’ rations and accoutrements. The Emperor provides (or believes he does) for the food, clothing, lodging, arms and ammunition of 5 or 600,000 men; but every one of these who is or can be made non-existent is worth two or three hundred roubles to some dishonest official or officer; every pair of shoes or great coat intercepted from the wretched soldier is a bottle of champagne for the ensign or the major; every ammunition wagon which is paid for by Government, but not provided, is a handsome addition to the salary of the captain or the contractor. Robbery and peculation of this sort is universal, in every rank, in every district, in every branch. It runs through every department in the Empire; and its operation upon the efficiency of the military service may be easily imagined and cannot be easily exaggerated.

This horrible and fatal system originates in two sources — both, we fear, nearly hopeless, and certainly inherent in Russian autocracy;— the rooted dishonesty of the national character. and the incurable inadequacy of despotic power. Cheating, bribery, peculation pervade the whole tribe of officials, and are, in fact, the key-note and characteristic of the entire administration. There seems to be no conscience, and not much concealment, about it. The officers are ill paid, and of course pay themselves. Regard for truth or integrity has no part in the Russian character. We have heard those who know them well say that there are only three honest men in the Empire:— Woronzow is one, Nesselrode another — and men differ about the name of the third. We have heard Statesmen, who strongly incline towards a Muscovite alliance, say that the Russians are liars above all things: it is their spécialité. Then the power of the Autocrat, absolute as it is and vigorously as it is exercised, is utterly insufficient to meet the evil. What can a despot do who has no instruments that can be trusted? There is no middle class who pay the taxes and insist upon knowing how they are expended. There is no free Press, with its penetrating and omniscient vigilance, to compel honesty and drag offenders to light and retribution. There is only one eye over all: and that eye can of course see only a small corner of this vast Empire. What the Emperor looks at, or can visit, is well done: everything else is neglected or abused. It is the common and inevitable story wherever you have centralisation and barbarism combined.
Thirdly. The common soldiers, brave and hardy as they are, devoted to their Czar, and careless of privation, have no love for their profession, and no interest in the object of the war. If we except the household regiments, who are near the person of the Emperor, the Russian private has no zeal for glory, no taste for fighting, no pleasure in bold and exciting enterprises. He is serf, seized by the conscription, and condemned to hopeless slavery for life. He is torn from his family and his land, drilled by the knout*, neglected by his officers, fed on black bread, where fed at all, always without comforts, often without shoes. How can such troops be expected to make head,— we do not say against French enthusiasm, we do not say against British resolution, we do not say against fanatical and hardy mountaineers, like Shamyl** and his warriors, — but even against courageous well fed Turks, fighting for their country and their faith, and officered by competent commanders? We need not wonder to read that at Oltenitza and Silistria the Russians had to be on to the assault with menaces and blows; that general had to sacrifice their lives in an unprecedented manner in order to encourage the soldiers to make head against the foe; and that the prisoners of war begged as a mercy to be permitted to enlist in the army that had captured them rather than return to misery by being exchanged.

Lastly. There is another source of weakness in the Russian Empire. That vast State is in a great measure composed of spoils which she has torn from surrounding nations. She is a patchwork of filched and unamalgamated materials. Her frontier provinces are filled with injured, discontented, hostile populations, whom, being unable to reconcile to her rule, she has endeavoured to enfeeble and to crush; and many of whom wait, with more or less of patience and desire, the blessed day of emancipation and revenge. … Since the great Roman Empire probably, no State ever enfolded so many bitter enmities within its embrace, or was girt with such a circle of domestic foes.

Now these three last sources of Russian weakness are perennial. They belong to her as a despotism as a centralised administration, as an Empire formed by conquest and unconsolidated and unsecured by conciliation. Until, therefore, her whole system changed; till an honest middle class has been created; till her Government be liberalised and de-centralised; till a free Press be permitted and encouraged to unveil and denounce abuses; and till the rights and feelings of annexed territories be habitually respected, we do not think that Russia need henceforth be considered as formidable for aggression. She has been unmasked; it will be the fault of Europe if it dreads her, or submits to be bullied by her, any longer.


Rising Star
People want Russia to lose so bad, they’ll believe whatever lies are told. That wouldn’t be so bad, if the lies werent being spread in order to make us do things that will actually harm us here in the United States.

Carry on.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
People want Russia to lose so bad, they’ll believe whatever lies are told. That wouldn’t be so bad, if the lies werent being spread in order to make us do things that will actually harm us here in the United States.

Carry on.
You want Russia to win so bad you’ll post pedophile convict liars who pull shit out their faggoty ass. You dumb Trump loving bitch.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
People want Russia to lose so bad, they’ll believe whatever lies are told. That wouldn’t be so bad, if the lies werent being spread in order to make us do things that will actually harm us here in the United States.

Carry on.
Russia only have their selves to blame….now they are going to turn up the heat on Putin internally.


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor

Ukraine Nuclear Agency Mocks Russian Soldiers as ‘New Darwin Award Nominees’ for Stealing Dangerously Radioactive ‘Souvenirs’ from Chernobyl


Energoatom, the Ukrainian government agency that oversees nuclear power plants, issued a scathing statement mocking Russian soldiers as “new Darwin Award nominees” in response to reports that they had stolen dangerously radioactive items from the Chernobyl nuclear plant to keep as “souvenirs.”

Chernobyl was the site of the world’s most catastrophic nuclear disaster in 1986, with much of the surrounding area retaining harmful levels of radiation and ongoing work to secure the site and clean up nuclear debris expected to continue for decades. The photo above, dated April 13, 2021, shows the “New Safe Confinement,” an additional protective dome constructed over the original sarcophagus that was built to enclose the destroyed Reactor No. 4.

The safety and security of the Chernobyl plant was among the top concerns amid the early phases of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin unswayed by the world’s understandable fears that attacks on the facility could result in a radiation leak or even another meltdown. Damage caused by Russian attacks caused the plant to lose power, but after a period operating on generators and backup power supplies, Ukrainian engineers were able to restore power.

After failing to take Ukraine’s capital city Kyiv, Russian troops retreated from the area, including Chernobyl, but not before causing themselves some serious misery. Energoatom officials said that some of the soldiers had unwisely camped out and dug trenches in the Red Forest, so named because the trees turned a startling crimson shade in the immediate aftermath of the 1986 disaster. The Ukrainian government has designated the area too dangerous for workers to enter, even with specialized protective equipment, due to the still-deadly levels of radiation. Camping in that forest, much less stirring up the toxic soil by driving heavy military equipment through and digging trenches, is an aggressively bad idea.

But some Russian soldiers managed to do something even dumber, according to the Energoatom statement, posted on their Telegram account on Saturday.

The statement was accompanied by a graphic for the Darwin Awards, the ignominious prize that honors people who contribute to human evolution by “eliminating themselves in an extraordinarily idiotic manner” from the gene pool, thereby increasing our species’ chances for long-term survival.

The Russian occupiers had “unauthorizedly entered” storage facilities for radioactive materials, said Energoatom’s statement (according to Google Translate), and “stole and damaged” the facilities’ contents, as well as looting and destroying offices and laboratories, which also contained radioactive items.

“Even a small part” of these radioactive materials are deadly “if handled unprofessionally and uncontrollably,” Energoatom noted, but the location and status of the missing materials was unknown.

After the “nuclear terrorism” of the Russian assault on Chernobyl and their soldiers’ unwise activity in the Red Forest, the agency added, these souvenir hunters were the “new Darwin Award nominees” and “will take Darwin’s prizes even from those doomed racists who inhaled the dust of the Red Forest.”

The statement concluded with a warning about the Russians’ possible fate: “After all, carrying such a souvenir with you for two weeks will inevitably lead to radiation burns, radiation sickness and irreversible processes in the body.”

Russians Reportedly Stole Radioactive Items from Chernobyl (