
Platinum Member
What he thought would happen…

i read articles that statements that Dvornikov would do this



Platinum Member
Don’t know when this clip is from but they gathered a decent stash of weapons



Platinum Member
If you look at these maps… I don’t think we had a map break like this in a while….(the 2nd map)

1st map is the land Russia controls at the moment
2nd map display many of the industrial money makers in southern/eastern Ukraine



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Russia shifted its BTGs from other parts of Ukraine to parts closer to territories controlled since 2014.


The BTGs suffered bad losses but the true extent is starting to come out now.

This explains in part why the East is going so poorly despite Russia flooding it with assets. Russian BTGs should have 600-800 soldiers, 10 tanks, and 40 infantry fighting vehicles (along with assorted artillery, air defense, and logistics/support vehicles). Instead, we have some insights from a Russian volunteer on just how depleted the BTGs are now and other issues...

I'l also add that due to constant lies we couldn't believe our command anymore. Twice before the attacks we were told that everything was going to be alright, that the enemy artillery was suppressed, that ahead of us other units of ours are already advancing and we just needed to reach them... But each time this turned out to be a lie and ended up with senseless losses for us. We kept wondering why are being sent into these insane assaults?! We thought, perhaps it was to locate the enemy artillery while it was shelling us? Or for the Ukrainians to use up their shell stocks on us? Then we wondered if it was to distract the attention of the Ukrainian army? I don't know. Many had a feeling that we were just deliberately being destroyed. Looking ahead, I’ll say that based on the fact that different units tried to take Dolgen'koye, I think that our command simply had the task of taking Dolgen'koye and simply sent in everyone they could. It got to a point where in early May they started sending only 7 people to attack!! As I understood, other units went to assault Dolgen'koye one or two times before stopping. I think on 1st of May OMON and other special forces (possibly SOBR) went there also.

On 10 April, myself and 4 more people ended up in the first company of the 752th regiment located on the defence in shrubbery at altitude 200 to the south of Kamenka village. Commanding the company was Sr. Lieutenant Guzaev. A real officer and a very good person… Kind and humane… In the company (if it can be called a company) there were 8 people together with company’s starshina who never went into assaults. After we joined, the company consisted of 13 people.

Many company commanders in the two battalions of the 752th regiment told their fighters that we are being sent to a sure death, since the Ukrainians are well prepared. So they said - decide for yourself if you want to go or not. Four fifths of us (if not more) refused to go. So did I.

All of the translations are worth a read


Platinum Member
Man sometime them tweets might get folks fucked up…..

then later that night came back with that pressure…
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Platinum Member
Heard this type of language at the beginning of the invasion

“the gonna run out of missiles after two weeks”

These fuckers are still launches missiles at a 3:1 range(words of an Ukrainian fighters).



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Heard this type of language at the beginning of the invasion

“the gonna run out of missiles after two weeks”

These fuckers are still launches missiles at a 3:1 range(words of an Ukrainian fighters).

They have exhausted their precision guided weapons. Notice the planes/helicopters engaging at low levels as opposed to from a safe distance with the use of precision guided ordinance. Also, look in the east where they are supposedly "liberating" the russian speaking inhabitants. There is no military theory that suggests using grads on territory you want to "liberate". :smh:

Think back to the invasion of Iraq in 2003. Iraq, even after 1991, had a larger military than Ukraine. It took 6 days to capture Baghdad... :smh::lol:
The ratio of force/weapons fired etc. should be way higher than that for an invading force which is why they are in the predicament they are in. :lol: This is also the main reason there are all types of leaks from FSB, "separatists" etc bitching about the lack of forces. They never had enough forces to start with not to mention after the high loss rate (in 3 months more than the entirety of the 10 year "operation" in Afghanistan). This shit is 80+ days in and what do they have to show especially considering not only the insane military loses but the political/economic isolation as well.

I keep saying it but this shit was lost in the first week when they didn't take Kyiv etc. West/NATO expected a quick victory and offered very little in aid/support as they expected to have to deal with Russia politically/financially after the additional annexation. Fast forward to damn near 3 months later and the situation is completely different. It is actually hilarious to see the jedi level revisionism that is going on with the english speaking "pro russian" social media at the moment. This is what the "west" thought on 2/24:

Exclusive: U.S. Expects Kyiv to Fall in Days as Ukraine Source Warns of Encirclement

Three U.S. officials have told Newsweek they expect Ukraine's capital Kyiv to fall to incoming Russian forces within days, and the country's resistance to be effectively neutralized soon thereafter.

The officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said that Moscow's focus, as revealed in Russian President Vladimir Putin's references to a "special military operation" to "demilitarize" the neighboring country, would be to encircle Ukrainian forces and force them to surrender or be destroyed. They expect Kyiv to be taken within 96 hours, and then the leadership of Ukraine to follow in about a week's time.

"After the air and artillery end and the ground war really starts, I think Kyiv falls in just a few days," the former senior U.S. intelligence officer told Newsweek on the condition of anonymity as well.

"The military may last slightly longer," the former intelligence officer added, "but this isn't going to last long."

Nobody expected Russia to be this much of a paper tiger so the "West" is taking advantage of the opportunity to destroy them at a discount. :lol:Russia can thank incompetence, grift, corruption and actual stupidity for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory in epic fashion. We will be studying this forever just like Vietnam, Afghanistan etc. :smh:


Platinum Member
They have exhausted their precision guided weapons. Notice the planes/helicopters engaging at low levels as opposed to from a safe distance with the use of precision guided ordinance. Also, look in the east where they are supposedly "liberating" the russian speaking inhabitants. There is no military theory that suggests using grads on territory you want to "liberate". :smh:

Think back to the invasion of Iraq in 2003. Iraq, even after 1991, had a larger military than Ukraine. It took 6 days to capture Baghdad... :smh::lol:
The ratio of force/weapons fired etc. should be way higher than that for an invading force which is why they are in the predicament they are in. :lol: This is also the main reason there are all types of leaks from FSB, "separatists" etc bitching about the lack of forces. They never had enough forces to start with not to mention after the high loss rate (in 3 months more than the entirety of the 10 year "operation" in Afghanistan). This shit is 80+ days in and what do they have to show especially considering not only the insane military loses but the political/economic isolation as well.

I keep saying it but this shit was lost in the first week when they didn't take Kyiv etc. West/NATO expected a quick victory and offered very little in aid/support as they expected to have to deal with Russia politically/financially after the additional annexation. Fast forward to damn near 3 months later and the situation is completely different. It is actually hilarious to see the jedi level revisionism that is going on with the english speaking "pro russian" social media at the moment. This is what the "west" thought on 2/24:

Exclusive: U.S. Expects Kyiv to Fall in Days as Ukraine Source Warns of Encirclement

Three U.S. officials have told Newsweek they expect Ukraine's capital Kyiv to fall to incoming Russian forces within days, and the country's resistance to be effectively neutralized soon thereafter.

The officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said that Moscow's focus, as revealed in Russian President Vladimir Putin's references to a "special military operation" to "demilitarize" the neighboring country, would be to encircle Ukrainian forces and force them to surrender or be destroyed. They expect Kyiv to be taken within 96 hours, and then the leadership of Ukraine to follow in about a week's time.

"After the air and artillery end and the ground war really starts, I think Kyiv falls in just a few days," the former senior U.S. intelligence officer told Newsweek on the condition of anonymity as well.

"The military may last slightly longer," the former intelligence officer added, "but this isn't going to last long."

Nobody expected Russia to be this much of a paper tiger so the "West" is taking advantage of the opportunity to destroy them at a discount. :lol:Russia can thank incompetence, grift, corruption and actual stupidity for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory in epic fashion. We will be studying this forever just like Vietnam, Afghanistan etc. :smh:

Russia’s stock could be low, very possible but bro don’t it makes sense to use high precision weapons in areas like Odesa, like the area Densa where they hit the training
Quarters(even thought the first one didn’t hit :lol:
It makes sense to use dumb bombs in areas where civilians ain’t present.
Areas in Mariupol around Azovstal, outskirts of Donbas, Popasna and so on…
Now the US is normally right with everything they said, so if Russia is running low, they running low.

US intel been telling us Moscow plans of attack along with their goals.
I know one thing Kyiv don’t look like Mariupol, was that because Kyiv air defenses system is superior,
did Russia not have missiles to send there,
was it not planned to destroy the capital of the country
Did Russia using Kyiv to occupy Ukraine focus, while troops got in place in the Southern region(like what President Zelensky or the MOD said Azov fighter did)

I think Odesa overall faith is still unclear…
Russia couldn’t capture via sea(which is an unthinkable task)but now if decides to, it’s possible fighters can approach via land…


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Russia’s stock could be low, very possible but bro don’t it makes sense to use high precision weapons in areas like Odesa, like the area Densa where they hit the training
Quarters(even thought the first one didn’t hit :lol:
It makes sense to use dumb bombs in areas where civilians ain’t present.
Areas in Mariupol around Azovstal, outskirts of Donbas, Popasna and so on…
Now the US is normally right with everything they said, so if Russia is running low, they running low.

US intel been telling us Moscow plans of attack along with their goals.
I know one thing Kyiv don’t look like Mariupol, was that because Kyiv air defenses system is superior,
did Russia not have missiles to send there,
was it not planned to destroy the capital of the country
Did Russia using Kyiv to occupy Ukraine focus, while troops got in place in the Southern region(like what President Zelensky or the MOD said Azov fighter did)

I think Odesa overall faith is still unclear…
Russia couldn’t capture via sea(which is an unthinkable task)but now if decides to, it’s possible fighters can approach via land…

This was supposed to go like Czechoslovakia in 1968: overwhelming force and quick capitulation. Nobody sends in Il-76s loaded with VDV towards Kyiv as a diversionary tactic.

As Russia launched its invasion, the U.S. gave Ukrainian forces detailed intelligence about exactly when and where Russian missiles and bombs were intended to strike, prompting Ukraine to move air defenses and aircraft out of harm’s way, current and former U.S. officials told NBC News.

That near real-time intelligence-sharing also paved the way for Ukraine to shoot down a Russian transport plane carrying hundreds of troops in the early days of the war, the officials say, helping repel a Russian assault on a key airport near Kyiv.

As for precision munitions, the majority of munitions used by coalition forces in 2003 were guided/precision weapons and we still killed a ton of civilians. It is 2022, damn near 20 years later, and the russians are using grads to fire unguided rockets at cities and towns. This isn't an accident just like the rape/looting etc. isn't random. :smh:

Significant civilian casualties occurred in the air war in Iraq despite the use of a high percentage of precision weapons. Of the 29,199 bombs dropped during the war by the United States and United Kingdom, nearly two-thirds (19,040) were precision-guided munitions.21 In the Persian Gulf conflict in 1991, 8 percent of all bombs dropped were PGMs; in Yugoslavia in 1999 approximately one-third were PGMs; in Afghanistan in 2002 approximately 65 percent were PGMs.22

It isn't just that they are low on guided munitions, it is also that the guided munitions they do have are terrible.

"We do assess that they [Russia] are running through their precision-guided missiles at a pretty fast clip," said Pentagon Press Secretary John F. Kirby last Tuesday. "We know that in Mariupol for instance, their use of munitions has migrated from almost all precision-guided to a significant number of what we would call dumb bombs, non-precision-guided munitions."

"Due to the fact that the enemy used almost the entire set of cruise missiles of the 'Kalibr' and 'Iskander' tactical missile systems during the first twenty days of the operation, he continues to launch missile and bomb strikes on infrastructure and housing neighborhoods of large cities using indiscriminate weapons," the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine claimed in a statement in mid-March.

Exclusive: U.S. assesses up to 60% failure rate for some Russian missiles, officials say

We are approaching 90 days of conflict and look where the "battle" is :smh::lol:

This is from February 28th where you can see how russia deployed their assets in the original version of the invasion plan

Never seen some dumb shit like this from a major military power.